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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Done my supy flights last week on Wednesday and Thursday to Nairobi (Kenya) and Amman (Jordan) respectively.

Before doing the first supy flight, I was filled with nervousness and fear that I won't get my job done in time correctly. Plus the feeling of butterflies in my stomach on my first supy, it isn't too goos a feeling. However, it went on well, with wonderful crews and passengers to and from Nairobi. As the flight is a turnaround flight, and the flying hours is long (5 hours per journey), I can learn a lot of things on board, and also build relationship with the passengers.

On the return trip from Nairobi, there were a few chinese passenger in the First Class cabin and the first class crew were not able to converse with them properly, hence I was paged frequently for help in the First Class cabin. It was an experience that I won't forget, talking to the First Class passengers. They are all so nice, too.

After service and having our meals in the galley, I make my way out to the cabin to get people to do some survey for us as well as do some PR with the passengers. I talked to this 2 chinese man from Guang Zhou (China) and they don't seem to stop after talking. After that I served a Scotish man who worked in Singapore for 10 years in Jurong, and now living in Indonesia with his wife. He is travelling along and I think he feels bored sitting on his seats for hours.

As for Amman flight, it was a full load flight for both journey, and due to an hour of delay, passengers were not really very happy when they travel, service bells all over the place and 5 steps service to be done in 2 hours. I hardly get the chance to rest my feet. Luckily crews were nice too, and they were really helpful.

Today was my first operational flight and I was rather nervous today as I have no idea what I should do. And today I have a door to myself, meaning I am responsible for the door's safety check, as well as my area of responsibilities for safety and security. So I should say I am very proud of my performance today as I did everything on my own. Arming & disarming the door, securing my cabin, security check of my cabin area, meal services and clearance, all done by myself without someone double-ending with me. I hope I will get a hook out of everything and get used to the routine very soon. As it was a rather short flight, we need to rush our service, especially during the return sector, that we nearly run for our meal cart and do the meal service. We didn't even have time to do tea & coffee by hand due to the short cruising time. But luckily all the passengers were understanding and they know our time constrains. I simply love the passengers on board, no as scary as what the trainers say during training.

Crews on board were nice, especially the purser from Thailand. Seeing her definitely makes you feel happy all day long with her helpful front and her bubbly character. I like this kinda purser, and the company should have more of such kind.

More flights coming up and till time, I will update again.


love goes around | 12:10 AM

Monday, May 02, 2011

It's the last day of training today after 6 weeks of intensive drilling in of all the safety, medical, security and service needs on board.

Through this 6 weeks, people in our class are FORCED to work with each other (we are not given a choice as you can see), as well as FORCED to love each other during this 6 weeks time. While we are just going to get used to loving each other and get a hook on our friendship with each other, they want us seperated, by FORCE again.

Well, I can say that it's great to graduate from the college and get into real business now, but at the same time I feel kinda nervous, knowing that I will be the most junior person on board the aircraft, and may not know what is happening on the aircraft. I have get used to having my fellow colleagues around me during training to help me along when I don't remember anything, but come to think of it now, I am all alone and have to rely on myself. I really hope I can handle the stress and people on board.

The 6 weeks training were intensive as mention earlier, but I felt that it was fruitful and essential to prepare us to fly professionally. Like what the trainers always mention, if 1700 batches in front of us can do it, we can do it as well. I believe I can do it as well as I have faith in myself. However, knowing that I am a slow learner, I need to be 200% more hardworking than anyone else in order to make sure I remember and do things correctly. I hope the Purser and SFSes won't get too hard on me, seeing that I am new.

Let's do some recap on the training I've gone through since I have not blog about it at all.

Week 1 - Induction Week
This week is for us to understand the different departments in the college as well as HQ. It is also a nutshell for us to understand what we will be doing for the next few weeks (although they don't tell, but when yoy go through the rest of the weeks, you will realise what you learn during the 1st week is really useful)

Week 2 & 3 - Safety & Emergency Procedures (SEP)
We had 2 weeks of intensive training on the aircraft safety, location of all the emergency equipments, as well as how to operate the aircraft doors of different types of aircrafts. Did a lot of practical and mock ups on the safety and emergency in the state of the art stimulator in the college, which I am really impressed in, with all the decompression, turbulence, fire in the cabin (which you can actually feel the heat), etc. It's simply amazing. With the wonderful trainers we have, it's simply enjoyable as well.

Week 4 - General Medical Training (GMT)
This week we will be practicing on each other, in regards to medical issues on board the aircraft. We learn about all the signs and symptoms of the illness that will happen on board and how to handle it. And I am proud to say that I am a CPR certified personnel who know how to do CPR already (which I always wanted to learn when I am in Singapore). With the skills that the trainer has given to us, I believe we will be able to cope with most of the medical issues on board the aircraft.

Week 5 - Security, Image & Uniform and Nujoum
I should say this is the most relaxed week for me as we general need not do much things through the week. During Seccurity, we learn how to do the Aircraft Restarint Techniques, and have a wonderful session in class restraining each other and learning how to restrain distruptive passengers. I always love to go for all this restrain classes as I like things to be done physically.

Image & Uniform day was a wonderful and fun day too as we all get to wear our cabin crew uniform for the first time. Everyone seems so professional once they are in their uniform. We learn in general how to put on makeup ourselves and how to put on nail polish ourselves. But I love the fact that there is no assessments for this, at all.

Nujoum was a day full of surprises, at least for me. I enjoyed the challenge that we have to challenge our limit i.e. rock climbing, net climbing, the pole, ladder, etc. It was a fun and relaxing day. I enjoyed the day a lot too. I especially like the last part of the Nujoum, which I feel so touched after they provide us with the surprise with thr stars around, because we are all stars of the company.

Week 6 & 7 - Service Training
This is the last phase of our training in the college before we go ahead to commence in our supy flight and then move on to the operating flight which is about a week after we graduate from the college. It was a lot of information to absorb and learn during this 1.5 weeks of training and I am rather proud that we can achieve the result of operating the whole cabin and galley by ourselves after the first few days. I am really impressed with ourselves. From day one which we know nuts about aircraft service, and feeling stressed in all the service routines, until now that we are quite familiarise and ready to operate any galley, I can say that we are doing a real good job, so are the strict trainers that we have.

Now that we have finished everything for the training, I felt rather sentimental about leaving all my wonderful friends and colleagues and going on to real business on flight, but it's part and parcel of the training. But I believe that the training really helped us a lot in regards to our service and safety on board the aircraft, and that our customers will feel safe and comfortable boarding the flight with us.

As I said, I am feeling nervous for my Supy flight as I still don't know where I will be going and it will be my first official flight (although it's observatory). But I will do my best and learn as much things as possible on these flights so that I can apply them on my first operating flight to Theran.

My room mate analysed my roster routes and mention that all the routes that I've got are rather difficult routes to manage due to the demand and the time on air. But she believes that I will be very experts in operating the flight after a month since all my flights are difficult to handle and if I can handle them, i will be pro after that. (hopefully...)

After going through so many weeks of training, and pleasant surprises that the company has given us throughout the training phase, I can loudly say that I am proud to work with a company which is full of surprises, listen to their employee's feedback, and continuously improving. Hope it will continue to grow and provide more surprises for the passengers as well as employees, as it really makes someone's day.


love goes around | 11:41 PM

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is the simple basic recipe that is the base for many of the decorated
cupcakes. Additional ingredients can be added to boost up the flavours for the

Try the recipe and enjoy the baking experience. I'll upload ingredients for
flavoured cupcakes soon, so stay tuned.

  1. Preheat oven to 190 degree celcius.

  2. Beat the eggs together with vanilla essence

  3. Beat together the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy.

  4. Add in beaten eggs, flour and milk one by one to the bowl and continue to beat until mixture is smooth.

  5. Divide thw mixture between the paper cases to slightly above the centre of the paper cases so that it will not overflow during baking.

  6. Bring the fill paper cases into the preheated oven and bake it in the centre of the oven until the cakes have risen and are just firm to the touch in the centre.

  7. This will normally take around 12 to 15 minutes to bake for standard size cupcakes and around 10 to 12 minutes for mini cupcakes.

  8. After baking, remove the cupcakes from the oven and transfer them to the wire rack to cool.

love goes around | 6:16 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Have not been feeling well lately since Saturday. I have been having slight sore throat, or rather dry throat since then till now, and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. Lucky thing is I didn't lose my voice this time.

I'm also facing difficulties in waking up in the morning despite sleep early the night before. Was wondering what is happening to me man. Why am I feeling so tired recently? Think my body is giving me signal telling me 'hey, you should watch out your body if not you will get sick'. Damn. I have been very obedient, reaching home early and sleeping early already, drinking a lot of water and eating fruits and vegetables. Why am I like that again? I seldom get fever previously, and now I get sick so easily. Sigh.

Went over to Kaplan yesterday to check out on a degree that I'm inetersted in taking up. It's a Bahelor of Arts with Double Majors in Psychology & Marketing Management, from Murdoch University, Australia. It's a 2 years to 2.5 years course which consist of first major Psychology and second major Marketing Management, that consist of all the needed modules. From what I read from the course syllabus, its rather well covered over psychology and marketing management. However, I am still in delimma whether to take up the course or not as I have no idea if this is a good degree for myself and useful for my future career advancement or not. It will cost me $30K to complete the course, which means that I will get the degree only in 2013 knowing that the next intake is January 2011. Good thing about the course and Kaplan is that textbooks and study materials are all included inside the $30K, which I do not need to worry about additional cost on buying books and all, which other institute didn't keep in view of. Bad thing is they are using local lecturers, which I find that they are not as pro as overseas lecturers, although they say the lecturers are specially selected by Murdoch University themselves (had bad experience from other institute previously).

From now till Novemeber, which is the closing of the application for intake in Jan 2011, I still have a few months to seek advice and do more research on the school and course, till then I think I should be more or less decided whether I am taking it or not. But thinking that I can study again makes me so happy. I think I'm really having problems.

I accept comments from anyone reading this, whether it's about the degree, the university, the local institute, etc. I need advise from all of you.

Thanks in advance for guidance. :)

love goes around | 11:50 AM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I hurt someone real deep just now. All I can say now is "I'm sorry".

Had dinner with dar and after that went to ECP for a heart to heart talk about our problems. I didn't know how to, or rather I didn't want to really say what I should say as I know he will sure be upset.

But I ended up saying everything. People who knows me know what I expect in a relationship and knows what I dislike about my partner. I said all that I wanted to said, cry a whole lot out and finished my conversation with him. I ended up acting like a counseller, like a philisopher, or rather a psychaitrist. Oh my, I didn't went through so much in my life but ended up like I live in this universe for ages. God gracious.

Before leaving for home, I ask him to reconsider if we are suitable for each other and whether we are the one for each other till old. Like I've always say, I am looking for a person whom I can spend my whole life with, but sadly he kinda don't fit in. I am also thinking through the same question, whether he is really the one for me.

While driving me home, I saw him crying. I breaks my heart to see him cry. I tried asking him not to cry but he didn't admit he is crying. I'm sorry dar for making you sad. I just want you to know my problem. Really sorry.

*Entry via My SmartPhone*

love goes around | 12:25 AM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I think I need a drink some days with my friends and just my friends. I am lacking my own time with my friends and have this feeling that I've let down my friends, whenever they ask me out, I will reject them due to my boyfriend. I had always placed my friends before my boyfriend and recently I tend to shift the attention to my boyfriend and neglect my friends. Sorry to all my friends, close friends and buddy.

As a result, I felt kinda lost as I have no idea who to turn to when I needed a shoulder to lean on, and who to turn to when I needed someone to cheer me up.

At times, I felt that my smile and laugh are so fake recently. Not deep down from my heart. Am I not happy with myself or my surrounding environment? Or am I just not contented? I've got no idea. I think I am the problem and I think I need to do something to mend my problems. But how am I going do solve all the problems (or are they really problems at the first place, I don't know).

Getting so vexed recently. Just want to be alone, locking myself up from the people outside, didn't want to interact with anyone outside this few days. Maybe I've been out everyday and hasn't really been spending my time at home recently, which I've lost a sense of belonging already.

Mum always ask me "Is his temper good?", I'll say ok loh. But I never really think in depth whether he is really ok with his temper. Sigh. I'm vexed, very vexed. Don't want to be disturbed by anyone.

I've been thinking about my future and marriage. I want a stable family and a happy marriage. Started to think of whether he is the right choice for myself to spend the rest of my life with? Will I be happy with him? But I don't even have a slightest thinking to getting married to him. The more I want to aim to get marry by the age 28, the more I will think a lot and feel that the person I'm with is not the person I will want to spend my whole life with.

What should I do? Argh~~

love goes around | 12:38 AM

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's been a long time since I last put up an entry here. Has been very busy recently with my assistant away on maternity leave and getting into a relationship.

So many things happened during these few months. Colleagues come and go, old colleagues leaving the company for better offer which may not be as good, young boss admitting into hospital due to some infection thingy to his pulses, etc.

So many things happened in just a few months and I started to have negetive feeling against my relationship. I have no idea if I have made a right choice, a good choice. No doubt, my partner is a nice person in nature, however his temper and attitude towards some things might be uncontrollable at times. It may be his new job giving him too much stress, and in turn make his mood bad and hence throw his unhappiness and vexed feeling towards me. I can tolerate all the bad temper and stupid attitude he has towards me, but I can't take it when he didn't want to talk about the problem and be there showing black faces to me with one word answers whenever I talked to him. Another thing is he will vexed his anger at his driving - drive super fast and recklessly when he is in bad mood.

Suddenly I feel, I don't understand him enough, or rather he don't understand me enough. I don't like giving suggestion and making decision on places to go for meals, and he will keep asking me to make decision, which I don't do so he will feel pek chek again. He never apologise for bad temper to me before when he shouldn't.

I love freedom, and love going out with friends. Because of him, I didn't have time to accomapny my friends as I needs to accompany him and he will feel neglected if I don't accompany him. This has caused me not being able to meet my own friends as they feel awkward being with us. I feel I have less close friends already.

Not too sure if its demanding or because he wants to be with me longer, but I can't take it when I always have to go to his house (he doesn't like coming my house) and when I requested to go home, he will feel unhappy and give you that attitude face.

Maybe its a a sign of MCP (male chevalist pig) or SNAG (Singapore New Aged Guy). I don't like. I don't like MCP or SNAG. I like freedom and not being tied down.

I don't feel happy at all. I don't feel the love anymore, at least from my side. Think I've got problems in maintaining a good relationship.

Am I making a choice that is incorrect in the first place? Did I choose the wrong person? Is he the one that I can consider to be my future husband? What shall I do? Getting so stressed up. Argh~ I'm a problematic gal, and I think I seriously have a problem.

*Entry via My SmartPhone*

love goes around | 9:57 PM

Tuesday, March 02, 2010








love goes around | 8:16 PM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's been so long since I last did my entry. I've been busy with work and play for the past one month that I hardly even have time to come in here to blog.

All thanks to all the partying and playing, I'm sick once again (2 weeks after the previous major consistence fever). Feeling so weak to even get up from the bed this morning, hence I decided to utilize my MC today. Initially thought I could be well enough to go work this morning.

Nevertheless, I will still be completing my work (which I told myself I should by today) at home, and only after completing that artwork will I be able to rest well.

Didn't have a good sleep last night as I was flipping left and right, waking up in the middle of the night several time. It seems like my brain is running non stop. I've got no idea what it is thinking about as I was so blur by the medication that I just open my eyes, look around my room, and sleep once again.

Wake up again at around 4.30am for my toilet break (still blur) and after that gave an SMS to Mr. V before I sleep coz he mention he will wake up that time to prepare and go for his training. Poor thing gotta wake up so early just to catch the first train and the last shuttle service to his training site in order to be there for his training at 6.30am.

I offered to give him a lift if he can't make it on time even after taking the first train and last shuttle service (ocassionally of course) and asked him to pay me transportation (LOL). Like that I won't be late for work, and I can also do my things too since so early no one will call the office. *WINK* Good idea right. But I bet I won't be able to wake up that early. Told him to propose to my boss that I send him then I start work at 7am and end work at 4pm (not bad right).. Wahaha.. I think I'm crazy.

Recently, body immune system not too good, keep getting sick so easily. I think the yearly horoscope prediction is quite true. This year I'll have lots of sickness, and really have to cure it totally if not it will relapse very easily. So I think I should heed their advice and really rest and recover from my sickness totally before I do anything funny. (hee...)

I think the doctor bluff me once again. He told me the cough syrup is not drowsy, only the stuffy nose pill is drowsy, but why do i feel like I just had alcohol now?? Liar doctor..

Think I gotta get going to take my lunch and finish up my artwork design before I concuss once again. Damn doctor.. Grrr~~~

love goes around | 12:26 PM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Went to watched "Fourth Kind" after my dance lesson with Mr. Tang just now and the movie is keeping me in suspense all the way till now. Can't stop thinking about the incident, and why the people who went through it didn't want to be involved in the investigation of the case for the movie. There must be something that they are hiding that they didn't want to tell, or refuse to tell.

The show itself is not fantastic as it's a really slow movie. What keeps you in suspense is that until the end of the movie, you still don't know what the 'thing' is. Ending with all the recordings from various sources saying about them seeing wierd stuff flying around USA sky at particular nights, with white color background, make someone think a lot into the things that happen, and you won't know whether by the end of the credits, anything will appear or not. I didn't dare to stay till the end, afraid that there will be something coming out from the screen.

Initially planned to go Vivo for movie but it seems to be full house for the cinema in Vivo for Fourth Kind, hence we headed to Tiong Bahru Plaza for the movie instead. Luckily I am early. After getting the tickets, I went to have my dinner at the foodcourt. Shop around Tiong Bahru Plaza and went in to the cinema for movie at 9.35pm.

Dance lesson today was fun, but still stressful as we have finished learning our chromography today. I think I will forget the last part of the chromography as it's quite difficult. The first 2 part was fine to me as I can still remember, the last part is the difficult one as there are a lot of body movements and I don't think I can remember. Argh~~

Recently a lot of good movies released and it's time for me to catch them soon. Wahaha. Planned to watch Jump Up as well as Listen soon, and the dog movie Hichiko releasing on 21 January.

Wohoo~~ It will be a movie month this month.

love goes around | 12:48 AM


Trisa a.k.a. SaSa
15th December 1984
Full-Time Marcomm Manager
Part-Time MDIS B.S. Student
Innotec Solutions Pte Ltd
B.S. of Arts in Mass Comm - OCU


Entering the Media Industry
Earn More Money, Get Wealthy
Travelling Around the World
Digital Camera
Agnes B Silver Knot Design Ring
New Shoes
New Bag
New Watch
Get Slimmer
"The Rule of Love" Book ($25+)
LCD TV Monitor
A New Hi-Fi System
A Car "having one at the moment"
Learn Dancing "learning it on 30 Nov onwards"
Learn Piano/ Cello

Voice It Out

Change Channel

band fusion
MSN space
nanyang symphonic winds
nyp alumni winds
nyp friendster
nyp symphonic orchestra

Friends Link

adeline, leong
amelia, lee
andy, koh
benedict, siu
bryan, ong
christopher, kwok
clorine, teo
eileen, zheng
elvin, ong
eve, xu
fong cheng, tam
fong yee
han boon, yap
jacklyn, kuah
jerlyn, chan
jesslyn, oh
jie jun
jingsi, toh
jin song, heng
karen, lim
keith, koe
liling, sia
li ping, chio
marcus, choo
peiyi, chen
ryan, koh
salleh, mohd
sarah jane, teo
sean, goh
shadow, meiying
simon, ho
thomas, lee
trendy, dai
vannessa, little
vivian, mdis
weixiang, yong
yao ming, koh
yong jun, koh
yuen ting
zi hao, ng

Celebrities Link

adriano wong
andy lee - 李嵩
ann kok - 郭淑贤
cruz deng - 丁志勇
da tou fen's world - 大头芬的世界
diya, chen - 陈迪雅
fanfan - 范伟棋
felicia chin - 陈靓瑄
f.i.r. ah chin - 阿庆
fish leong - 粱净如
gary chaw - 曹格
ivy chen - 陈艾微
ivy lee - 李锦梅
jiafa, xie - 谢嘉发
jiahui, xiao - 萧嘉惠
jj - 林俊杰
joanne peh - 白薇秀
joi chua - 蔡淳佳
patricia mok - 莫晓玲
peifen, lin - 林佩芬
qi yu wu - 戚玉武
sam lee - 李圣杰
sharon au - 欧菁仙
show luo - 罗志祥
xiao gui - 小鬼
zhou gong jiang gui - 周公讲鬼

Good Stuffs

chinese songs
closet affairs
gal's street
hand-made accessories
health tips
john & josephine dance creative
O school
pitstop cafe
princess closet
puzzel hup
sweetgift online shopping
touring guide


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
August 2010
September 2010
November 2010
May 2011

