Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Reached home exceptionally early today and this feeling is so good. I didn't have such feeling for so long already (meaning i have not been home early for super duper long already). If I don't have to think about work when i am back home, it will be perfect, but it's quite difficult coz I am so called a workaholic and I can;t leave work aside.
Well, I reach home early today because I brought my vehicle to workshop at Sin Ming to repair my windscreen glass. Now, I am handicapped without my baby and I have to take public transport to work tomorrow :'(. But still, hope that his wound will recover very soon.
I think blogger is having some problem. I can't seems to upload any pictures into my blog entries. Initially want to share some great picture with you peple but can't upload, so maybe youa ll have to wait time the network is ok before I can upload the pictures.
This 2 days my company did a lot of advertisements on the Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao. Yesterday we published 9 advertisements at Straits Times and 4 advertisements at Lianhe Zaobao. Today we published 4 advertisements at Straits Times and 1 advertisement at Lianhe Zaobao.
However, our sales calls are not overwhelming. I don't know what's wrong with our advertisements. Despite so many being published, the call is still so little. Yesterday was still ok as I do receive like 80 to 100 calls. But today was very bad. I think I only receive around 50 to 60 calls only. The results is not at all fantastic, and it's very very bad.
Not only my boss and my coordinator is getting worried, I am getting very worried too.
I need to do something to boost up our sales calls. I am brainstorming on what I can do to help us get more leads. I have one idea in mind, and hope it works.
Anyone who come across this entry can also contribute your idea if you have any and I will not mind trying it out. Who knows it may work. Just tag me. Thanks and I'll appreciate any help from you.TAG ME WITH ALL YOUR WILD SALES BOOSTING IDEAS...
love goes around | 8:46 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I did the blur-ous thing on earth today.
I send my brother back to camp at Loyang at around 9.30pm and reach back to my area at around 10.40pm. As I wanted to throw my empty sweet tin into the rubbish bin, I took the tin at one of my hand, intending to throw it into the rubbish bin at my void deck.
Being forgetful, I didn't throw it into the rubbish bin at my void deck. Hence, I hold it on my hand and took the lift up to my residential level. While taking the lift, I realise that the empty sweet tin is still holding in my hand (left hand).
Thinking that I want to throw it into th rubbish chute before I go home, I headed to the big rubbish chute outside my house and throw the tin. As I thought I have threw the empty candy tin into the rubbish chute, I realise that I threw the wrong thing into the rubbish chute. I threw my car key in instead of my empty candy tin.
When I realise that the candy tin is still in my hand, I quickly stop closing the rubbish chute but it's too late. The car key is gone down into the big big rubbish chute. Staying calm, I told my mum my car key is inside the rubbish chute.
My mum doesn't believe it! And the fact is, I really threw it into the rubbish chute. And there goes the key. Luckily there is a spare key in office at my office room. Will have to take my boss car to office tomorrow already.
Recently super unlucky. First is my car windscreen cracked last Tuesday, and the crack is getting longer each day. Now, is my car key lost into the rubbish chute. My parent say my car's number plate will be striking very soon coz I super "lucky". Maybe I should try buying 4D for my car number. But thinking back, my car number didn't once strike before.
So should re-consider again... Hmmm...
love goes around | 11:28 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Went for a free trial photo shooting session this morning since I have my weekend off this Saturday.
I reached the location at around 10.30am and headed to the studio there after. The people there welcomed me warmly which I don't feel it in any other shooting studio. After filling up the form, I was served by my personal Image Stylist "Shawn", who will be taking care of my style today. Apologies that I have to stand up and shake his hand, but sadly once I stand he seems to be rather short as I'm on heels. Sorry Shawn.
Chatted at the receptionist area for a while as he wants to know more about me, and at the same time observe me throughout the conversation so that he knows what I am mroe into. After chatting, he brought me up to his studio with the Makeup section and shooting section. Nice place overall, with nice environment. Most importantly, nice and fun people around. I seldom see a shooting studio with people so easy to get along and fun. The previous studio I went to have the people with stuck up face which makes you feel very uncomfortable and not open. This studio doesn't, it gives you the feeling to home, and everyone is like your friends. This make you feel more comfortable and hence you can be more natural when shotting.
I was given 2 outfit to try out, which I hand it all to my image stylist that day to do up my image. Overall, I like the 2 images that was done on me - the 70's Rock Star Image and the Angle Like Image.
I like both images as it makes me feel so different and what so different from this studio and the rest is that they are really skilled in doing make up. Not too tick and looks rather natural.
Well, overall I like the whole environment there and hence I have signed up for myself and my family members to take my graduation photos there already. I'm rather excited. Hee.
love goes around | 10:00 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today is the last day of my Radio DJ Training Course. Well, frankly didn't learn a lot as the course is too short. The only thing I learn is that I know more about the Radio industry and also being a DJ isn't that relax as we always see outside. There are many prepararion job done when they off-mic, and that is the time where all the creativity and ideas come into place.
Due to H1N1 getting more serious and heard from one of the coordinator that one of their radio trainee was diagnosed with H1N1 recently, that makes us miss the opportunity to visit the 6 star comms (radio studio that many calls it). We only saw the small comms at the ground floor (LIVE938). I'm rather disappointed with not being able to see the well-known "6 star" comms. Sad sad.
Nevertheless, I am glad to have a bunch of great cool friends. Just like one of my friend taking the course mentioned, we bring home more of a friendship than knowledge. I agreed. A person like me (shy and cool at a start) can make a whole lot of good friends, I think this course is rather a successful course for me. And of course, I learn a lot of new things, especially voice editing (which i need to explore along the way).
Many people have submitted their recordings to Bukoh Mary on the last day of the lesson. I didn't. I'm not prepared to do any recording and editing due to time constraint. This may also means that my chance of being called for an interview is lower (cos I'm not as Kiasu). But nonetheless, I will still do a recording and send it to the Vice-President Veron and Huishi via mail as well as email them one copy. Maybe I should do it soon if not my chance may be ... getting very far away from me.
After the course ends, we loittered outside the SMA centre for a long while of camwhores with a few of my classmates. It was fun but sadly, fun things always happen only on the last day of the course.
After all the camwhoring, we walk back to the MediaCorp Receptionist there and stood there to discussed about where to go for our supper and another round of talk-cock session. After a long long discussion, we decided to go to Marina Square Xing Wang for our supper and talking session.
Exchanging phone number is one of the thing we've done while sitting there. Then after that we talk about everything under the sun (that the nature of people who joined this course). From around 11pm that we sat down till around 1.30am, we talked non stop (other than when we are eating). Haha. Well, all of us are ladies for your information, so you can imagine.
Thereafter, send one of my classmate home before I headed home myself.
love goes around | 11:24 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today is the second last day for my DJ Course. I feeling kinda sad as the course is ending very very soon.
This DJ Training Course is so fruitful, in a sense that not only do I learn about how the whole radio broacaster job goes, but also know many friends who share the same interest
(interested in radio broacasting). Plus I get to interact a lot with the various DJ who lecture us.
Tonight's lesson is all about recording. Me and my partner
(Abby) did our recording in the recording studio at Mediacorp Das II, just beside the Traffic Watch room.
The recording studio is not too big
(apologies, didn't manage to take picture of the room as I was too nervous preparing for my scripts), but the recording quality that you hear from their speaker is superb.
We are split into two groups, one with Liang Peng (梁萍) and another is with Ng Chit Ling (吴洁玲). My group is under Liang Peng, and felt honour and lucky to be in this group as I overheard that the other group's recording precentation was shorten from 10 minutes to around 3 to 5 minutes. I felt it's rather unfair for the other group's classmates because everyone of us have prepared scripts that can last us for 10 minutes, and they were asked to shorten their to like 3 to 5 minutes on the day of recording. Not enough time were given to them to even re-script their ready prepared script. Just felt the unjustice for them.
Suddenly felt so lucky to be in this group. Liang Peng is a very nice and patient person, who gave a lot of good and wonderful opinion of hers on our recording to us. She correct every one of us on our recording and of course encouraged us so that we will not be nervous.
However, who will not be nervous going in to the recording studio to do their recording
(for the first time). As for me, I tried my best to stay calm and not be nervous, as I know that once I'm nervous, that's the end
(I will go, ee ee, aa aa, eating lots of screws).Well, although I did ate quite some screws, but I told myself not to and stay calm. Although the whole recording may not be excellent, but I think for a first timer like me, it's a good start.
(applause for myself)Anyway, after listening to a few of the group's recording, I like a few person's voice. Their voice is so nice and soothing to listen through the mic, which I thought why don't they just audition to go be DJ straight away, they have the nice voice ready there for them, not like me, I need a lot more brush up.
Tomorrow, I will be able to receive my recording for this course. And of course, I will use this recording as a stepping stone for me to improve my vocal and my presentation, and hopefully I can work towards being a Part Time DJ. I will upload the recording here for you all to judge my first voice recording (if it's not too bad ~ I hope) and I welcome all to give me your valuable comments.
Wish me luck.
love goes around | 11:21 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Went for my 3rd DJ Training Course lectured by Li Yi. It was a fun and fruitful lesson that very night, however I feel that the time is too short to cover in-depth into the details of Scripting for Radio and talking on radio.
Anyway, after going through Li Yi's lesson, I find that she isn't what we always think she is - a stern person. She is also a rather humorous person, maybe a black humorous person I should say.
After spending 3 days with different people leturing for the different modules, I still like the way Li Yi lecture. She add on a lot of examples and illustration into her materials even when she is teaching the module in a fast pace, despite some other lecturer who teach real fast but rather unclear.
I began to like Li Yi's voice as well. She can use her voice very well and no matter want expression she want to express, she can do it well. Really well. I really look up to her and should learn a lot from her.
Now then i know, being a Radio DJ also need warm up on voice and mouth. Not easy at all.
Tomorrow will be my recording session with my programme with my partner. Hope that everything goes well. Will be talking about CoCo's new song and recycle and environment. Hope that me and my partner will not have "DEAD AIR", which is a No No to any radio broadcaster. Wish me luck.
love goes around | 11:59 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Just came back from lesson at SMA for my second lesson on Radio DJ.
Tonight's lesson was taught by Cong Qing (周琮庆) and Kenneth Lim (林俊欣). Tonight's lesson was a fruitful lesson as it covers on interviewing skills as well as editing of voice and sound skills.
First half of the lesson was lectured by Cong Qing about interviewing skills on air. As Cong Qing is a very fun and crazy person, his lesson is also very relaxing. Don't know whether is it because my H1N1 Declaration Form is too smooth/ crumpled, or what, Cong Qing keep flipping to my form and calling my name.
First row call asking about why we are interested in the course, I was selected. When it comes to trying out on the interview with mock artiste (starred by Cong Qing), I'm also the first few which he chose from the stack of form.
No idea it's unlucky or too lucky. Anyway, maybe also because my chinese name is easy to call and Cong Qing and Pei Fen is good friends.
During break time, the in-charge of the course came in and pass us the group list on who to pair with for the recording session coming Thursday for one programme. As unlucky, my partner has drop out of the course and I am left with no partner (loner). The person in-charge asked me to join in with some other groups, which is so difficult to find. Whatever it is, I joined the girl beside me (Ebby) as her partner is not around today as well.
Anyway, after the first half and the tea break with the refreshments, we proceed with the lesson with Kenneth Lim. A chatty guy who articulate very well in Chinese and his words expression is superb.
We are suppose to do a MCQ questions and people in the class will be called to answer the various questions, and again, my name was called. I really have no idea why today my name is so popular and always kena called. I don't mind being called, but I am called to answer the longest question. But that also means that I'll learn more with answering more questions.
After the MCQ section, Kenneth went in depth with sound recording and his experience in interviewing artiste. There after he taught us how to use the software to edit sound, add sound effects to interviews. So on and so forth. The lesson ends at 10.30pm today as Kenneth over run on the lecture time. Luckily the lesson was interesting.
Drop 2 of my classmates along the way at Ang Mo Kio before I drove back home. Just before I go home, i went to wash my car at Sembawang Road Caltex and unluckily my car windscreen is hit by a small stone and it cracks from the side of the driver side. The length I think at least 8cm long. Now, I am supered affected with the cracked wind screen now. No mood already. :(
Tomorrow night's lesson will be lectured my Liyi and I think she is a very sterned person. But nonetheless, hope everything goes on well.
Time to rest as tomorrow will be yet another long long day.
Take care guys. Nitey.
love goes around | 11:26 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today is my first day at my DJ Training Course.
Had my first lesson with the Vice-President of Chinese Radio Station, Veron Yeo (杨晶莹).
This lesson should be taught by Feng Huisi (冯慧诗), but she is on leave, hence the teacher was replaced.
First day studies about the Overview of a Radio Station, how to be a good Radio presenter, and also what is the main thing that radio presenter do when they are on air.
Learn a lot of things about radio today that I may not have know even with me being a Mass Communications graduates as I am more towards TV production in USA.
Whatever it is, tomorrow I will be learning on sound recording, on air interviewing as well as editing of sound ofr on air usage.
Hope that it will be fun as well (i think it will coz it's taught by Chong Qing and Kenneth).
love goes around | 11:18 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It's Father's Day Today... Wishing all fathers in the universe "A Great & Wonderful Father's Day".
Woke up early this morning as my buddy is coming over to my house to return me some stuff before he head for his band rehearsal. Well, thanks buddy for your compliment saying I look pretty. Suddenly make me feel so red on my cheeks. but it make me feel rather good.
Anyway, at around 11am I wash up and changed to go to my regular hair dresser to do up my hair since our Alumni small segment at NYP Sinfonique concert is round the corner and of course I hope to show my best, thus I went to do up my hear and dye my hair again. Now, my hair is more brownish in color and of course more managable.
After that drove my parents to Balestier to check out if the shop that fix the spoil fan is open, but sadly it's not. Hence didn't send the spoil fan from my house to the shop. After that headed to Osim at Paya Lebar which is having up to 70% discount for their display set. I didn't know that the price for their products can be that cheap (boss bought the iSymphonic Massage Chair at near to S$3K only).
As it's Father's Day, I bought the Eye Massager "Osim uVison" for my dad as that is the only thing he fancy after the tour around the whole Osim HQ. I paid S$ 52.25 for the Eye Massager and am glad that my parent love it a lot.
After that, drove them to the betting shop for them to buy 4D as they saw the serial number on the receipt very nice, but well, we didn't win obviously.
After that, bring them to the nearby coffeeshop to eat the famous Hokkien Prawn Mee and Black Pepper Fried Bee Hoon which I always packed home to eat whenever I work late. The taste is undescribable. It's that delicious.
Drove them back home after that as parent mention that they want to rest and shortly after I reached home, I headed to Causeway Point to meet my buddy as I promised to get him a bag for his belated birthday present. It's been delayed for like 6 months and I have not got him any present. But still, after looking around we didn't come to terms on the bag that he fancy, hence we have decided to leave it to next time when he saw a bag he fancy before he let me know and I'll get it for him. I rather get something he likes for him than getting something not useful and he don't like for him.
Alrighty, time to turn in as it will be a long day for me tomorrow as I have course at night from 7.30pm to 10pm. But well, I am rather nevous and excited for the course. Haha. Hope it's enjoyable.
Nitey everyone.
love goes around | 10:32 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Unglam unglam unglam... Had such an unglamourous night yesterday during my company outing at Yishun Safra Party World. However, I can't deny that I did enjoy the night of KTV and interaction session with all the colleagues under my company's sales department.
After finishing my work, I drove my young boss and myself to Yishun Blk 925 to meet the rest of the guys for dinner before we headed for the KTV session. Despite many hints about me having chicken for my meals for like consequtively two days, I still had chicken rice for dinner that night as they ordered.
Finished our meals and clearing up all cucumbers left on the plate
(cucumbers are nice and healthy food), we left the dining place and head towards Yishun Safra Party World for the KTV session.
The whole session started at 8pm and goes on for like 5 hours before we call it a day and left. And I realise our company guys all can sing quite well, and credits to Dayn and Kelvin who sang exceptionally well.
Our technical support team Azrin and Tiong joined us later on and started on games and alcohol session. Well, since I'm the well known company drinker, colleagues are all dragging me to drink, and my boss also didn't help much in stopping , instead encourage me to join them with the suggestion of me not needed to drive home and Dennis can drive me and boss home and drive back the car and the next day he can come fetch both of us in the morning.
No choice and due to the temptation
(whatever it is I'm still the company well known only female drinker), so I joined in with the games and drinking session.
I didn't knew that I drank a lot that very night. I only know I always kena forefiet and always the person kena drinking, and most of all i drink rather fast, hence think due to the alcohol rush, I was rather high at the end of the session.
Still awake with myself being too high and not able to walk properly
(thanks to Tiong for helping me walk properly, as well as the rest of the guys), I managed to get on the car and go home. To my suprise, i still can direct the way back home with myself being super high. I think I am superb loh. Haha.
The funniest thing is I want to open the letter box of mine and I can't get the key of my letter box into the key hole. Thanks to Dennis for the help that I am able to open the letter box successfully. Thanks buddy for sending me home huh.
After reaching home, bath and get changed, I drop dead on my bed and there I goes looking for Z monster.
Today I wake up super early, earlier than any normal day and wierd is I don't feel tired. Maybe is due to the alcohol which allows me to sleep all the way till the next day without dreaming and waking up in the middle of the night, i felt energized and no sign of hang over. Power~
Anyway, i wake up super early
love goes around | 10:03 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It's weekend again and very soon it will be Monday again.
Suddenly realise that the days are passing by too fast each day and it seems like I haven't got the chance to do much things and the day is gone. 24 hours doesn't seems to be enough for me, or I believe for some other people too.
I realise when time seems to be like running off super fast, I will tend to feel like I have not fulfil much things in life (things like going out chilling, knowing more friend, relaxing, etc). Not sure if you have similar feelings or not, but this feeling for me is getting stronger each day.
The more I enclose myself to work, the more I find myself keeping things to myself, not having the feel to go out and chill out with friends and all, mainly due to tireness and also even when out, you will tend to think about work.
Well, I know this isn't healthy but I have no idea why I just can't leave everything behind and go play and relax all I can.
Recently I will even dream about office work. I even dream about people stealing things in office and got caught by our CCTV.
Know out I am down with flu and cough for the pass 1 week, I still can let down my work and rest at home. I went to visit the doctor on Monday evening after sending my boss home and when the doctor ask if I want to take MC or not, I naturally tell him, "think not". I should have got the MC and stay home to rest, maybe I will have recovered now.
Anyway, I am still down with flu (block nose) and cough even after finishing my medication. Initially wanted to visit the doctor again on Saturday but it seems to be turning better on Friday night. Sigh, don't know what I'm with, just feel irritated with the flu and cough.
Think it's time to turn in as tomorrow will need to go work again.
Remember to drink more water and eat more fruits as the weather is not good, getting sick will be getting easier.
love goes around | 10:08 PM

After so many years, I finialy got myself a personal Bass Clarinet Mouthpiece and Ligature. But sadly, the price jerk up. The price now for both the mouthpiece and ligature is about twice compared to that of say 6 years ago.
But nevertheless, I still got it. I got the mouthpiece and the ligature at the price of S$265.00.
I also got myself a tuner-metronome, which I each musician should have with them, and I seriously think that each musician should invest into a tuner-metronome once they are playing in band. A cheap and good tuner-metronome can be purchase at Swee Lee or Christophori at around S$40 onwards. I believe in having a good tune and each musician should have tune themselves properly before main practice or rehearsal so that everyone will be playing the somes hearing good music and not music that are out of tune.
Anyway, I got myself a tuner-metronome (thanks to Weixiang for the help in buying it from Vista Point's Christophri). I saw this great promotion for one of the prmotion booklet that was dropped into our letter box in Woodlands area, showing promotional price for the tuner-metronome selling at S$ 35.00, usual price S$ 45.00. Thinking it's a good deal, I draw out S$4o and pass to Weixiang on Wednesday and ask him to help me buy.
So now I am a contented bass clarinetist with my personal mouthpiece and ligature (no longer fearing there is not mouthpiece to use in any other band) and also my person tuner (no longer having the fear of people saying I'm out of tune as I can tune myself before practice).
Sadly, bass clarinet is too expensive to invest in, if not I'll also buy myself a bass clarinet and I can be a real bass clarinetist with everything. Haha.
Well, think I better stop dreaming and be realistic.
love goes around | 9:44 PM