Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Don't know whether it's impluse or what, I actually went to register for Radio Station DJ Training Course, which will be commencing this June. But I know I've got to do this since my interest is there and well, I have the unrealised dream of contributing to the media industry, so why not give it a shot. Who know, maybe I can start being a part-time DJ from then on and then a full-time DJ. Wohoo~ I can't wait for myself to get closer to my goal and dream. The course cost me S$ 556.40 for a full 5 nights lessons. But good thing is, at the end of the 5 night lesson, I will definitely have my hand touching the control panel inside the studio, and I even get to have experience of hosting and writing (in mandarin loh). I can't wait, actually. I think it should be wothwhile to spend this money.

However, my poor little pocket is going to burn a big gigantic hole coming month (still) as I think I have overspend my budget. Gosh~ (Lottery, please give me some "strike" soon). But I still did it without hesitation. Well, that's me. Once I decided to do something, I'll go for it no matter what. Which goes the same for things that I do not wish to do, I will not do it even if people force me to. Like it or not, that's me!
Well, have been trying to do all the contents for my company website (well, think my eyes is dropping off anytime, and my mind is unclear already). Although day by day I have more and more contents on hand, but then, it still seems like it's never ending (that is the reason why I am still here in office blogging, well I need time to relax awhile too).
Yesterday was an Accident day. Why do I said so? Well, because there was 2 accidents within half an hour at almost the same location just in front of my office block. First, we hear a loud bang, followed by the engine running sound of a motorbike and I knew, an accident occured. When out to my office balcony area to check out how serious is the accident and saw the motorcyclist lying on the floor, and the bike was like almost split into half. Bad accident. But luckily the motorcyclist is still concious and can still communicate with the passerby, who made phonecalls immediately.
Shortly after, ambulance came and drove the motorcyclist to the hospital. After awhile, we heard another loud bang, and said to my colleague, "Oh, another accident". Went out to our balcony to see again and saw a van and a lorry collided at a spot not futher than 50 metres away from the previous accident area.
Well, the traffic police was the busiest I've ever since. Have to handle 2 cases at one go.
This afternoon, I saw another accident further down from my office while I was out packing lunch for myself and my colleagues. I was stucked at the opposite side of the road for like 5 to 10 minutes as the jam was rather massive and I am not able to risk myself crossing the road (what if I got hit by a vehicle?), so I just stood and wait for less car before crossing the road.
The accident wasn't serious, however the from bumper drop off as the collision is between a big goods lorry and a picnic car. I can't imagine how the accident actually occur coz from the position the car was and the lorry was, the accident shouldn't have exist actually.
Well, this is also the first time I saw so many accident in 1 week, or rathe within 2 days.
Well, my buddy was asking me if I want to go for the Qatar Airways interview this Sunday at Hilton Hotel and I am still considering whether to go or not. I don't really have the feeling and mood to go for cabin crew interview, the waiting is too long and the result is not at all promising. And of course, my aim is to contribute to the media industry, so why should I try for flying? But well, I thought no harm trying and gaining more experience in interviews. Right?
Alright, time for me to go home and wait ToGetHer Ep 7 from YouTube, just found it and realise it's been uploaded already. Wohoo~
Bye guys.
love goes around | 9:39 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This weekend was a busy weekend for me.
I had my monthly Saturday off this week, but it seems like I didn't really get my rest at all. I was so busy the whole of my weekend. Tight tight schedules lined up for my weekend.
Saturday was suppose to be myr est day and I should be able to sleep till I wake up naturally, but don't know why I had this mentality of "work", so I woke up at 9am and check my phone, realise that my colleague sms me and started to sms him back and all.
There after, I can't sleep back, so I wake up and wash up. Planned to go for a swim in the morning before I go back to office to do some of my work coz I know I won't be able to do much work at home. But as QingMing Festival is nearing, and my parent is going to pay our ancestor a visit that very morning, hence I didn't had time to go office to do my work (SAD). After my swim at Bishan, I headed to Guang Ming Shan to pay my grandma a visit and of course some of my other raletives who had passed away.
I always have sentimental feelings when I am there. Maybe cos last time I am very close to my grandma.
After that, headed over to Tiong Bahru Market for lunch with my parent and grandpa. He took my car back home (my grandpa always likes to take my car). Had assorted duck, cha siew and rosted pork rice for lunch. It's been such a long time since I last sit down and eat and chat with my parent and grandpa.
I missed the time I when I was still a little kid and always love to follow my grandpa anywhere he goes. I don't have the chance to do that anymore due to work and time constraint. Looking at my grandpa, realise he has became older and his memory is failing on him day by day. He often cannot remember some things, his memory is not as good as before anymore. I cannot deny that my grandpa is getting on his age already. I'm so afraid that my grandpa will reach the stage where he kick the bucket, I don't know how to handle it. I'll definitely miss him, just like how I miss my grandma. Sigh~~ Why must human have this life cycle of live, old, sick, death. Why canot everyone just live happily ever after? Sigh.
Alright, think I had enough of complains. Continue with my weekend entry.
After that headed to AMK for band committee meeting. Then went to Adam house to pass him the MD that I borrowed from him as he needs it by Sunday. Thereafter drove back to Bishan for our dinner. Saturday from 8.30pm to 9.30pm is Earth Hour where everyone shares their part to conserve energy, but I didn't really experience it as me and Karen were in Cafe Cartel having our light dinner (which turned out heavy). After finishing up our food, getting our concert tickets for Wei Song Si Song Garden Concert tickets, walked around Bishan and then head home.
Watched another Episode of ToGetHer and was so touched by it that I cried again. Sigh. As usual. I so hooked on it, hope to watch all at one go. Shit man. I'm hook on Jiro Wang already la. Damn!
Sunday woke up at 10am plus and wash up before I switch on the computer and started watch drama and variety shows again. I can't stop doing that la. Don't have the mood to do work at all. SHIT. It's doom for me la. I should be on my hands for the Website content la but I just don't have the mood to do it at home. ARGH~~~
After lunch at home, I headed to IMM, hoping that I could catch Fahrenheit. Sadly, their album was all sold out at IMM, and all other places (this shows how popular they are loh). I didn't want to be in coz I didn't have the album, however I was in coz I have no way to go out. Everyone was like squeezing loh. Not ethnic at all. In the end I didn't took much picture of them (SAD AGAIN).
But there always bright side of the day. While I was walking around IMM, I happen to see DJs from 933, Jiafa and Pei Fen. Haha. So happy to see them coz I always love their programmes on air. So I took quite a lot of pictures of them both on stage.
Trying to build my courage and all, I manage to take picture with them after a long long wait and loiter for like around 1 hour. Haha. I'm a shy person towards people I don't know or celebrity (many people may not acknowledge that). I was so happy after I took the picture with them. Chat with Pei Fen a while and talked to Jiafa a while before I leave IMM, excited, giving up on waiting for Fahrenheit.
Pictures are all uploaded on facebook, those who have my facebook account can go there to take a look at the pictures. Below is the picture I took with th DJs.
Nice DJ, nice chap. Charming look, not only on picture but in real person. My cup of tea. LOL. Small eyes, I like. Wahaha.. Kidding la, just plain admire his mandarin power la, young yet knowledgable.
This lady, don't even need to say. Pretty and soft spoken lady. Some of my friend say that we look alike, do we? Haha. Anyway, we share the same name la. LOL. [PEI FEN IN THE HOUSE!!] Haha.. Nice lady as well.
Alright, can't get enough of the DJs. How I wish I can be a DJ as well. I wana be in the media line la, media industry. Anyone can intro? Wahaha. I willing to start from low. Muhahahah. I'm crazy liao la, but it's my dream since young, to be someone who can contribute to the media industry. Haha.
Alright, time to slp already. Nighty everyone.
love goes around | 11:25 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
不要把一生心血精华卖给公司,留给家人的却是破铜烂铁。 不要错放了幸福温暖的手
爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要靠"际遇",是上天的安排,但是"持续地爱 一 个人"就要靠"努力",在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体谅、包容与自制(面临诱惑有所自制)。有许多人总是?"际遇"所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情的能力才是幸福的关键。
所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的 Mr.Right,而是n问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的 Mr.Right 出现在你身边,幸福依然会错过的,而活在犹疑与遗憾当中,这不就是许多“爱情虚无症”的遭遇与心态吗?
love goes around | 9:05 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
It's weekend again. Well, nothing special and nothing much was done over the weekend I should say. But still, I have great things to blog about. Haha. Contradicting right? Haha.
Well, yesterday after work I went to Causeway Point to do my facial. It's a hard and painful 2 hours of facial, acid peel and eye mask process, but I know I have to bear with it if I want myself ot be pretty. Hee. I'm moving a step closer to beauty again. Hee.
I will have to state down my goal to become a pretty lady. Hee. Below is the stage I planned to do over the years:
STEP 1: Facial, to improve my face
STEP 2: Eyebrow Delication
STEP 3: Back Treatment, improve my back
STEP 4: Grooming lessons
The 3 major steps I want to fulfill by end of this year and make myself pretty pretty by next year CNY. I WANT TO BE A PRETTY LADY.
Enough of all my dreams and goals towards becoming pretty.
After my facial treatment in the afternoon, I headed home and put all my things before heading out for dinner with my parent at the nearby foodcourt
(didn't drive them to eat in the end due to rain).
After dinner, I headed to Civic Centre Partyworld for KTV with Simon. As usual, we sang in the hall and sang quite a lot of duet
(he is trying to kill me with all the high pitch female duet song). But still, i manage to sang my way through. Hee. Well, as I have been singing with him a few times in the hall, hence I don't feel that akward, rather feeling easier to get along with him already. Nice time out singing. =)
This morning, woke up and wash up before heading to CWP to buy Kiddy Palace voucher for my boss's son's 1st year birthday. Hope that he will find the voucher useful. Went over to his house for some food and chit chat. Stayed for a while and make our move later. Thanks to Ray for allowing me to hitch a ride back to Admiralty while he go to CWP.
After reaching home, I set up my laptop and get started with my accounting for our band concert. Had a hard time doing the P&L, but still the clever me finished the P&L in about 2 hours. Hee.
After that pack all the stuffs up and had my dinner before I watch the episode of ToGetHer which I missed yesterday night as I went for KTV. The show is getting more and more exicted and lovely. I like it. Haha. So sweet la. How I wish I can have someone like the male leading actor to be caring and concern for me. Sigh. All this always happen in dramas only. Sad. But really, Jiro is real charming can??? My god, love him so much loh.
But well well, getting slowly back on track to my singlehood. Getting used to it already and actually, singlehood isn't that bad too. =)
K la, tomorrow will have to work again and coming week will be a busy week for me. Sigh. Time to go watch TV already. My favourite 舞林大道 starting lo. Hee. So love Whatever B la, they are so cute (even though their dance look very lady-like, but they are a bunch of nice nice chap-I believe).
Time to learn dancing soon. Will persue my dance dream coming May 2009. Hip Hop/Street Jazz, wait for me and I'm coming. Wohoo~~
love goes around | 8:59 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
My weekend was, well, a very normal weekend. Nothing fun, nothing special happen.
Went to work yesterday morning. Was doing my designs for the leaflets for my colleagues and my office and finished it yesterday, just before afternoon. As Mr. Goh came to look for my boss in the afternoon, I followed them to lunch nearby after worth.
Both of them followed my car for lunch and had a sumptuous meal. Thanks to my boss for offering me with a vehicle to drive. Even though I have to pay quite some things along the way
(seasons parking, road tax, petrol, ERP, servicing). Wohoo, think I'll have to spend more every month already.
Anyway, went to bookstores before I head to my grandpa's house at around 5.30pm. Well, although I didn't talk much at my grandpa house, but being able to see him after so long is really a great feeling.
Shortly after, I headed to my friend's
(Ranj) house at Clementi for a small get together session. I have to say, I like their food, especially the vegetable. Cool. Well, as typical indians, and their culture upbringings, they really serve their guest very well. Felt a bit wierd though. But the chat was great!!!
Today, I stayed home the whole day. Well, feeling quite wierd staying home the whole of Sunday. After I do some of the design for the flyer, and do some of the website thingy
(which after awhile I find myself a bit lazy to do it anymore), I stopped all work and started watching the Taiwan Drama Series - ToGetHer.
Well, what's more? I love watching Taiwan Drama series, and am always engrossed and very into the story of the show. Nonetheless, I will always be quite moody after watching all the show and well, will be thinging about things that I should again, which makes myself feeling kinda down.
Sianz. But then, I like watching such show, still.
i also watched a Korean show just before I watch the Taiwan show online. Watching the Korean show gives me a lot od feeling towards relationship. I didn't see the title of the Korean show, but well, I find this show quite nice, though.
Sometimes I feel, why should one person be together with a person he/she does not like/love. Just because of being guilty? Or just because one person is lonely and needed love out of a sudden? Or maybe the person wants to show and prove to herself that she can be happy even when she is with someone who love her more than she do. At times, I'll reflect on myself. I knew I have done some wrong decision previously, and I knew that I have done a right decision recently. Few days ago, I did some crazy thing again and decided not to ponder over the work relationship anymore. Hence, tried my best to be buried in work and all, but everytime when the sky turns dark, I'll find myself feeling so empty and lonely.
Tried scrolling down my phonebook to find someone for dinner seems s difficult. Everyone seems to be drifting away from me. Maybe it's myself. I am trying to drift away from everyone else. I don't want to do anything. I want to be busy everyday, so that I won't think of anything.
My friends, don't ask me what happen to me, don't ask me if he did reply, don't ask me anything about him, coz I want to forget about it, about him, everything related to him. If you all want to, just maybe ask me out for a drink, make me laugh more and happier.
No matter what, i still want to say "THANK YOU" to all who cares about me and actually bothers to even take leave to accompany me
(you know who you are). Thanks a lot for being there for me. You made me smiled, at least for that moment.
love goes around | 8:32 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
This morning woke up with a slight headache again. I knew this wasn't my migraine, hence I didn't take any medication (not good for the body to take so much panadols).
Got this wierd mobile number appearing on my phone and after I see the sms then did I realise it's my boss's phone. Replied to him message but no replies back from him, hence thought he might have NOT been my boss and stuff and hence asked some other questions like "Hi, you are?", and so on. Well, still no replies.
After i'm done with my make ups and all, I headed off to MRT station and well, attempt to SMS my boss again, but still no avail. Thus, I took the train all the way to AMK and transfer to the bus service 22 to our office. Along the way, I bought some bread thinking of having it as my breakfast, but then it seems like it's my brunch now. Having them as my lunch already.
While travelling, I plug on to my mobile and listen to ChronoWerkz recording and am still very engrossed with our concert recording. Well, there are mistakes but overall I do think the band did it well, for those who attended the concert, don't you think so?
Along the way when I reached the T-junction of Airport Road & Upper Paya Lebar Road, I suddenly felt lost again. My brain was like suddenly switched off and I am asking myself, where am I now? Where am I going now? This two questions really came up to my mind during that moment. On the split seconds, I was like filled with fear. It's scary, and this fear is overwhelming me, a lot.
Think I need to consult a doctor on this issue soon, but yet again, I afraid. Sigh. What should I do?
love goes around | 2:21 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
It's a superly busy day today. I simply didn't do any single thing other than putting up the stocks at Home-Fix Marina Square. It's been taking a lot of my times and I can't seems to finish whatever that I should. Getting so frustrated.
Once I reach office, I realise that Tiong (one of my colleague) is not coming to office as he is having a training by ACTi at Hortpark and he is going there straight. I was a bit pissed as I thought Alicia have told him that I need the van today to load the stocks up at Marina Square and assuming that Alicia will let Tiong know, being me telling her my plan. But well, my assumption was incorrect.
Hence, after finishing what i should do for the showcase at Marina Square in the office, i headed to HortPark @ Alexandra Road there to pick up the van from my colleague. Then drove all the way back and load the things onto the van.
After having my lunch (satisfied as it's the delicious Duck Rice with Roasted Pork), I drove to Marina Square. Without realising, today is the first day of IT Show 2009, and on the road is scarily packed with vehicles. I was like stuck in the jam for like half an hour before I get my chance to get into Marina Square delivery parking areas. What's more, no place for me to stop my van as every single lot is occupied at that time. i have turned around the carpark for like another half an hour before I find myself a parking lot that is near to the entrance to Marina Square. by the time I finish loading the stocks (one man show again that why), it's already 3pm. And during then, I realise we have qctually quite a lot of things to put up.
Packed and arraged for a few hours and only manage to finish at around 6.30pm for me. Thanks for Tiong who came by to help since he want to collect the van from me (sorry, I should drive the van to you but in the end you have to cab down to Marina Square to collect yourself). I think if Tiong wasn't there to help me a little, I won't be able to finish even at 8pm.
After directing Tiong to the vehicle, I headed back to Home-Fix to ask for the tags that Alvin mention he has printed for us. However, it's missing in action. They don't seem to find it anywhere inside the printed stack of tags.
Without waiting for them, i do my part of tags and slot them in to the racks price holder. I always cames with a Plan B. Wahaha.
Store manager of Homefix Marina Square came to chat with me a while when I was putting up the things on the glass cabinet and the racks. He mentioned that I'm getting skinnier and skinnier. Am I? I don't realise it leh? I still find myself getting fatter. Haha. Maybe I did slim down a bit from last time but not to the extend skinnier right? Hmm.. He even ask why? is it cos work too stressful. Well, I just keep quiet. Haha.
Anyway, I might still have to go back to do some of the stuff at showroom but I'm feeling redundant to go due to the IT Show 2009, which is making all the walkway along Citylink pack like sardine.
Conclusion, I hate crowded places.
Some picture of the look of my showroom glass cabinet and the rack after my hardwork. Haha. People do buy loh.

love goes around | 11:32 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My old sickness is coming back to haunt me again yesterday. Damn it!
It's been like around 1 to 2 years since it last activated (really activated). I've not been having this type of "head splitting experience" for real long. What's more? It comes all of a sudden.
I was happily working and doing my stuff in office until the evening on Monday when I began to slack a while coz I have faced the computer for like continuously 3 hours. Picking up my phone calls on the mobile, staring at the computer and the routine goes.
Shortly after I finish chatting with my colleague (Raj), I went back to my seat thinking of continuing my work when I feel coming is coming. I have this weird feeling of the image before my eyes is blurring slowly and I knew my migraine is coming back.
So I quickly settle all my things before I can pack and go home. But it's coming too fast and I can't stop it. When I finished packing my laptop and all, my migraine is to the peak and well my head is spinning. Even though there is a van in the office, I didn't drive (coz I sure kena accident if I do).
Took a cab home, and along the way I went to the food court to pack some food home to eat before I take my medication. Reached home, leave eveything I brought home at my room and headed to my dining area for my food. After finishing food, waiting for the bathroom to be vacant before I head to bath.
Well, migraine symptoms arise and I started vomitting out the things I ate moments ago just before I started bathing. After finishing the vomit, I quickly done up with my shower and run to my bed for sleep after having 2 pills of panadol.
Unconcious for the whole night till morning before everything is back to normal (still feels giddy and blur).
Hate migraines.
love goes around | 9:04 PM
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Felt so empty within me without band practcie to attend. Now then I realise that band practice on every Saturday has already been part of my life. Even though I always complain say that the practice is taking too much of my private time and time for myself, but in actual fact, I am enjoying myself during every band practice.
This week is the first week of not having band practice as the NYPAW is taking a 1 month break after the annual concert held last week.
As I'm bored, I began to ask friends to go for movie with me later on but no one is free. And looking down my phonebook contact list, then did I realise I don't really have much friends that I am comfortable to go our alone with. I think the people that I am comfortable with going out can be counted using both my hands. Sad case.
As I have a crave for Popeye Chicken, I smsed Karen to check out if she will be interested in having lunch with me, but sadly, she has to go home and change to prepare for the evening's event on the don't know what entertainment award thingy.
Looking at myself now, felt so poor things about myself. Friends I don't have much, memory detioriating. Nobody even cares whether I are alive or dead, even if I don't online or sms anyone for like 1 week, or even 1 month, I think people won't find anything going amissed.
Good saying, human only realise that something is good when you have lost that something.
Think it's time to let go, close myself in my little room and not contact with anyone else for the time being. I think I need time to cool myself down and think more about what I want for my future, other than a good and stable job and a successful love life & family, I think there are more things I have to achieve for. Time to brainstorm and plan.
love goes around | 2:09 PM
Had a damn funny encounter yesterday night and after encountering that, I can't help it but SMS my friends to tell them about it.
I reached home like arounf 9pm yesterday and place all my "barang barang" in my rooms before I took off my stockings and throw to the washroom to wash later on. Without know, I actcually walked over to the small rubbish bin places beside my kitchen basin and threw the stockings into the bin
(thinking it's a rubbish in my hand that I have to throw away). Not realising, I continue to walk a few more steps before I reach the entrance of the washroom. I open both my hands with the palm facing upwards thinking "Aye, where is my stockings?".
Then I realise, I have threw it into the rubbish bin seconds ago. I was like mumbering to myself, "傻了,傻了..把要洗的东西丢掉.."
God gosh, recently I have been doing such things more and more often. This is not the first time already. This about a week ago, when I was holding a whole stack of letters that I took from my letter box, I also nearly threw it into the rubbish bin inside my room.
Think I am getting soon mental illness already. My mind is not working as good as before anymore. What has happen to me? Too stress with work? Or because my age is getting on me. Damn, I can't believe I am doing such things.
At time, when I was driving home, I will have a sudden feel of being lost. I didn't know where I was. At times, I wonder why am I there, what am I doing there? The feeling was scary. It's like a sudden lost of memory. You can't remember anything for a split second
(luckily it's only for that split second, if it continues I think I'll go crazy).
After that I am so frightened. I am afraid that I will not remember my family members, my friends. Or maybe my mind is teling me to forget some things that is actually bothering me and in the end I forget the wrong things. I really don't know what I should do.
God and grandma in heaven, please bless me with better memory and don't let me memory detoriate anymore. I don't want to forget all the good memories I've had with all my friends and family. Please, help me.
love goes around | 1:53 PM
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Wow.. It's been nearly a month since I last did my blog posting. From this, you will be able to see how busy I am for the past one month.
Anyway, let me make some recap on what happened to me and my life in the pass few weeks.
Maybe I shall start from........
20 February 2009, Friday
Yoga "Trick" 2009 Concert in Singapore
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Went for Yoga's first paid concert in Singapore Indoor Stadium on Friday night with my fellow friends (Xiuhui and Tommy). After work, I headed to Kallang Leisure Mall to meet them for dinner @ Pastamania before we head to the Stadium for the concert @ 8pm.
Well, the concert was indeed a good concert being that Yoga is such a young singer (22 Years Old loh). Not too sure whether is he himself that very day but from the way I see how he express, he did really protray his own self on stage. Humble and not proud about himself being able to go for world tour concerts at that age. Cool~ Something all of us should learn from.. That is Be Humble and Learn from Seniors.
Certainly the guest appearance of S.H.E. really bring the whole stadium up. They are really lively and loud. Fun group of gals. Haha. Olivia Ong certainly has a great vocal which I cannot deny. Singing high pitch key don't even need any strength. Talk and slim gal, who I wish I was. Wahaha.
Anyway, I felt that the money that I spent on that night's concert was paid off well, since I can see so many stars at one go and enjoying myself all along.
After that we went to Bugis for some desserts at the HK Desserts cafe before heading home.
21 February 2009 - 27 February 2009 This week is the busies week in my life (or rather not really my life, but part of my life). Need to do so many things at one go. Preparing the Emcees scripts, finalising the Concert Programme Booklet content, ordering all the micelleneous thingy like flowers, plaque, collecting all the remaining tickets back and money from the sold tickets and all the other planning for transportation of instruments on that day and some time line for the concert day. Certainly, I do not have enough sleep the whole week (well, I don't even till now).
28 February 2009
NYP Alumni Winds Annual Concert "ChronoWerkz"
Venue: The Republic Cultural Centre, Republic Polytechnic
The Big Day for NYP Alumni Winds, the 1st Annual Concert "ChronoWerkz". Woke up early in the morning and then headed to school (NYP) to transport the instrument to TRCC (Republic Polytechnic). There after settle down and went over the run through of the sound check and all before we prepare ourselves for the actual concert.
Well, being busy the whole day did pay off after the whole concert, knowing that there were some good comments about us (I believe there are bad ones too). Luckily I didn't play my solo wrongly (Phew~). It's the first time I play the whole two verse corectly without any wrong note. Wah, it's damn nervous can. Haha. Anyway, thanks to all who compliment that my solo was well played, however I do think that there are much more rooms for improvements. Hee.
After everything (due to us having an overrun concert), we have to "chiong" and pack everything and clear the hall asap coz the hall is booked up to 10pm and well, we ended our concert like 5 minutes before 10pm. Wah~ everyone is like running like crazy. But we are fast as we finished packing and loading everything by 10.30pm. Wohoo. NYP Alumni Winds are efficient one loh.
Thanks to all who helped transporting all the stuff to and from NYP and TRCC. We really appreciate it a lot. Special thanks to Alvin, Chye Soon, Edward, the malay guy from T-bone, Jolyn, Johkie, Mitchelle, Meiting, Shiting, Ivan, Gavin, etc.. many more.. Thanks a lot and we really hope to se eyou back in NYP Alumni Winds when we resume next month.
Went to S11 for supper after everything and stayed there chit chat for like hours before we headed home. Reach home only at 3am and I am dead tired la.
Thanks to President Wei Xiang for the Committee Watch. I've got the yellow colour watch. Yippie~~

1 March 2009
Post Concert Celebration for the Concert Committee
Venue: Imperial Chuan @ Joo Chiat Road
Woke up early this day as I keep having worries in mind. Why? Coz I can't find the bag that contact all the remaining tickets and the record for the sold tickets. Hence went back to NYP to check out. Just before I go wash up, Bryan sms me say the bag is in bandroom. SIgh, he should have replied my sms the day before and I'll be able to sleep longer.
Anyway, headed to NYP to get all the things back home. Just before I step out of house, I smsed all the peopel in the committee whether they are interested in going for Steamboat session later in the evening (as I am having some craving and thinking of having a post concert celebration). I didn't expect that the responds were that good, all were so spontaneous la. I like. The Rangers Rocks.. Wahaha..
Decided to go to Joo Chiat Road's Imperial Chuan for steamboat as its nearer to the rest of the people, and we had a lot of fun there. Laugh, joke, talk and all. And what's more? Camwhores. Wahaha.
It's the day the NYPAW Committee Unites and the Rangers get together for good food. wahaha. The join power of NYPAW Rangers. Wahaha. Damn funny can?
After that headed back home knock out straight after my bath.

4 March 2009
Venue: Vivocity
Went for a mini gathering with the Alumni of NYP Band. Well, since don't know when that we last gather together, it's time that we gatehr together and talk cock, sing song together again. Wahaha. Well, realise that all of us really has grown mature already. No longer the young girls and boys who love to play around and talk loudly in public liao. Wahaha.
Anyway, it was an enjoyable night gathering with them all (Weixiang, Zisheng, Tommy, Zhongxi, Sherine, Xiuhui, Karen & myself). After having our dinner at Sushi Tei, we headed to Hagen Daz for Ice-creams while Xiu was jotting down the place of ineterest and lodgement in Taiwan (we are going on Sep 09). She is that excited to go until she did all the relavant research already. I don't have time to do any hence I leave it to them to plan (all I want is, Theme Park, KTV, Night Market, Fried Chicken). Wahaha.
Actually I am excited as well for the trip la. Never go overseas with them before (and I believe it'll be a great trip, find trip coz got Zhongxi, Tommy, Zisheng, Xiu and myself). Weixiang, maybe you should go too so that you can be the crazy Yong Wei Xiang and we can laugh our ass out. Wahaha. Oppz.
Anyway, can't wait lah. Meiting was asking me to go WMC as well. But then, hmm.. The main band has got enough players already. If I go and play with them, there will be too many bass clarinetist already. I don't have so many leave to go overseas anyway, so maybe I'll give WMC a miss this time round even though I do miss Kekrade, Netherlands, Maastrict, and Germany, but I still miss the times 4 years back. Hee. So nice memories with so nice people around me, and my wonderful man around me too. Wahaha.. Enjoyed man. No chance to have all united and go WMC again anymore.

Think I'll getting out of my mind already. Tired liao. Time to turn in. Bye guys.
Remember to miss me till the day I do my next blog entry. :)
love goes around | 11:37 PM