Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Went for an audition last night at MediaCorp their their On-Air Sitcom Voice Idol. Well, yes I'm selected/shortlisted for the Voice Idol Audition on Tuesday, so I just went there to gave it a shoot.
Reached there slightly late as I left my office late due to work. Initially I was asked to reach at around 6.45pm but I only reach at around 7.10pm. Well, I'm still early though as some of the candidates came later than me.
So I gave my identity card to the receptionist and went in to the holding area to wait for the person in-charge to guide us in to one of the meeting room to wait for our turn.
Well, environment there was rather dry as it was a meeting room and 10 of us inside were like looking at each other and starring in the air for like half an hour before someone in the room switched on the big LCD TV to view the 8pm variety show.
Not too long after, around 8.20pm, my name was called and I was given the script to read before I go in for the audition (machiam like oral test like that). I had this script of furious and angry verse, which I should express angriness towards someone and ending with a crying tone.
Well, it's a good script to express myself.
After a while, I was asked to go in to the room for the audition (by LiYi from Y.E.S.933). She talked a lot with me (coz my name is the same as that of her colleague) and also becuase she saw that I graduated with a Mass Communications Degree. Asked me why I want to join this contest and all even though I am busy and working, and well just said what I feel like saying. Convesing in chinese is really so much easier and relax than in english. Haha. Well, maybe also becuase she is rather friendly.
Read out the passage and she mention that along with her colleagues, they will have to listen to the recording of the audition and the previous ones that we've send over and select the best 10 as the finalist of the Voice idol. Well, think my chance won't be too high even though the people who are shortlisted isn't a lot. But I can see very enthu people, which I believe are full of expression. Well, shall leave it to fate then, if I receive an email next week, maybe it will boost my confidence level. Haha. Till then we shall see.
love goes around | 12:16 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Today I had a bad stomache cramp in the morning, hence I took a panadol and had a rest at home for the pain to subside a little before I headed to work.
Reached office at around 11.30am this morning and started with a whole day of things to do.
I finally re-format my company computer and now I have to reload everything into my computer again. Hope that the computer will not hang again. It's irritating can.
Did I mention about me being selected for the Allied Educator position in Marsiling Primary School? Yes, I was selected by MOE to take up the Allied Educator position at Marsiling Primary School for a 3 year contract and will only be paid like S$1.8K. I definitely deserve more than that salary hello! Hence, I rejected the offer and stick on with my current job. Not like I dislike my current job or I don't have a job to get a living from.
This week will definitely be a busy and long week for me. Tomorrow have to go over to Mediacorp for an Audition for the Voice Idol for YES933 to narrate their on-air sitcom. Well, yes I send in my application and recording of the script to them like week before and was like shortlisted last week asking me to go for an audition tomorrow. The content of the audition, well I don't know much, hence I am rather lost. Am not nervous now but kinda excited to be able to go to the Radio Station tomorrow. Haha. Well, leave to fate for the audition tomorrow, anyway it just something that I can try while I am still young. Hee. All the best to myself for the audition tomorrow then.
Waiting for my recovery disc to be burned out before I could go home and do my scripting for the Concert. Argh~ Tired to think of what to script now la, I need my beauty sleep real bad. But still, I have to do it as I won't have the time for the rest of the weekdays to do it.
Wednesday meeting my Year 1 classmates, Thursday Band practice till late, Friday Yoga's Trick Concert @ Stadium till late as well, Saturday work and Band till evening, where ggot time to write script man!!! Someone kill me please.
Think better don't talk nonsense here already. I'll get my butt of the chair in my office and chiong home for dinner (cooking myself yet again) and then wash up, get a cut of hot milo and sit in front of my computer and start thinking about scripts. Wish me luck!!!
love goes around | 8:04 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
After like a few weeks not updating the blog, many may have think that this blog is dead again, right?
Apologies as I was very tight down with super many things to complete everyday that I don't have time to even come in and blog. Work have been progressing very rapidly, and hope that it will continue to be better as the day goes by. However, my working laptop hang on me recently. On a particular day, it can hang like say 15 times, which I have to no choice and restart it. Getting irritated with the computer, I finally brought my personal laptop to work instead. It's working on Window XP loh. I LOVE IT!!! Think I'll re-format my company laptop soon.
Wednesday was ZS's birthday, and from my understanding of him, I know he is not going to celebrate it if no one ask. Hence, I asked him whether he would be free that night and I'll arrange a small celebration for him. (People celebrating his birthday with him are Tommy, Xiuhui, Karen & me)
Went to Far East Plaza to have Thai Food at NaNa Restaurant. I thought the Thai food there was nice, hence suggested that place for dinner, but there is better ones near Vivo (as quoted by ZS). Thanks leh. After eating a whole table of food, we headed to Marina @ Keppel Bay for a little chill out (Suggested by ZS as well). Rather, that place was a damn romantic place can. Quiet and windy place. Good embience. We walked around the little island and after that landed our feet at TCC to chill and talk. As a suprise, the girls went to ordered a slice of cheesecake for birthday boy ZS and we sang the birthday song (the softest ever birthday song sang due to the embience). Well, hope that he like all the presents and the little suprises that we've gave him, and of course, the little celebration cum gathering.

Friday went to meet up with my poly click for dinner cum gathering. As Jerlyn is flying to USA for good (enjoy Honeymoon and your tai tai life) and won't be back in the next 13 months, we will miss her for that period. So definitely must catch up before that. Jerlyn passed me the photo and video CDs which she promise to give us (It brings so much joy to me while watching)
Afterwhich, we went to Helipad for a chill out and chit chat session. As usual, with the gals, camwhores started. Haha. BUt Helipad is a nice place, good view of Clark Quay & Riverside Point.
Well, had my first move by ordering a plant and send to his house. Guess he was quite suprised with the plant sent to his house. He mentioned it very nice, and I hope so too. So guard it with your life ya. Must take good care of it.
Saturday was Valentine's Day and well, it's a working day and band day for me of course. Well, initially no one dated me (other than him which gave a last minute try and I somehow rejected) but later on after band, quite a few people came to me ask me where to go next. Without any goal, we planned to settled in Changi Airport for dinner.
Went over to Airport with Karen first while the others (ZS & Bryan) is with Meiting's car going back to ZS house to take his airport pass (coz have discount). To our horror, Changi Airport is filled with people can? Scary is the word.
My friend thought Airport is a place where no one will come but then she or rather we are wrong. Walked around and left our numbers down at various restaurant's waiting list, hope one will call us soon.
Wanted to wait for the rest at the Viewing Mall but that place is also filled with people (couples mainly). Hence we walked back to breeks to seat and wait for the rest to come. Well, it really took the rest of them a long while before they arrived la.
But thanks to all who help ZS gave me the suprise LOH. All came finally and then went off to washroom leaving me with ZS there. ZS then walked in with a bouquet of tulip in his hand and said a soft "Happy Valentine's Day". I was shocked of course and before my shock can subside, he gave me another thing on his another hand. Well, I knew it's last minute and he can't find a proper box to put that flower, hence used back the box that I used to put his birthday presnt to put the flower in. Well, after close observation at home then I realise that the flower was a handmade 3D puzzle rose. Nice~Thanks a lot ZS for the pleasant suprise. Although you are not good with words, but it's a thought that counts.

Feeling rather wierd afterworth and hence started to break conversation with him regarding the flower, asking him whether he just bought the flower.
ZS: How you know I just buy?
Trisa: Coz got water on the flower ma.
ZS: I cannot spray water on it meh?
Trisa: Can, but it still looks like you just bought it.
ZS: I cannot put it in the fridge at home and bring to you meh? I went home just now what.
Trisa: Oh, ok fine. Haha.
ZS: Hahaha.. I know I am not good in words and mys ales speech. I'm new in sales, just change to sales line, must give me opportunity to learn.
Trisa: Haha. Ok, maybe I can teach you some. Haha.
Funny right. He never change. Always cannot tell lie. Oncehe lie, you can see straight from his face that he is lying. Haha.
Had our dinner at Breeks later and walked around T2 & T3 hoping to find a decent place to sit down and chill but no avail. So headed back home after that.
Thanks also to the mysterious man/woman who send me flower (delivered to my office). I like it too.
Well, saw this phone recently and is quite hook on it. Thinking of getting myself a new phone as my SE w760i is irritating me a lot for hanging on me.. too.. The new Soul S7330 is so stylish can. Hmm.. consider.
love goes around | 11:56 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
通常愿意留下来跟你争吵的人 才是真正爱你的人
第三句付出真心 才会得到真心 却也可能伤得彻底
保持距离 就能保护自己 却也注定永远寂寞
第四句有时候 不是对方不在乎你 而是你把对方看得太重
第五句朋友就是把你看透了 能喜欢你的人
第六句就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie
真正的好朋友 并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题
而是在一起 就算不说话 也不会感到尴尬
第八句没有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的两个人
第九句为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友
为你的难过而难过的 就是那些 该放进心里的人
冷漠 有时候并不是无情
love goes around | 12:14 PM
Monday, February 02, 2009
I went for Audio Image concert at Lee Foundation Theatre
(NAFA) at around 8pm and I was shocked by the loudness of the band. Probably due to the band having a lot more brass than Woodwinds, the band is VERY LOUD. Well, the hall also contributes to that as well, as I think the hall is far too dry and every single note played from the instrument will be reflected out towards the audience seat without anything stopping it.
I was a bit late and I missed the first 2 movements from English Folk Song Suite. Seriously, I nearly wanted to take my leave when it comes to the last song before the Intermission. The clarinet's intonation was like super out and it's killing my ears. The first movement was so badly played and I nearly wanted to say
(if I have the chance), can we stop this movement?
The last movement was far to fast
(Banchannle), which caused the band to be quite messy. But suprisingly, they played the Movement for Rosa quite well
(minus away the dynamics and the last part, which gets a bit messy as well).Second half of the concert was not as bad, but still, the band was still very loud. Oboe and English Horn played was at his tip top performance I believe, he sounded very LOUD as well.
Conclusion, the band was LOUD, and there isn't any DYNAMIC for all the pieces. But I think the hall plays a very big part as well, or many there are too many PROFESSIONAL players? Not up to me to comment on this as i totally have no idea about.
Coming to an end of the concert, a star player came
(non other that Zi Sheng), and was like wohoo~ so stylo can!!! Haha. Kidding la. At least he manage to make it for the concertt.
After the concert, I waited for them to finish up their packing and smoking before heading for supper with them
(the them consist of Thomas, Bryan and Zi Sheng). Went to Esplanade for supper before we headed home. While eating, we were like talk cock sing song till like nobody business
(everyone like had a drop of alcohol in their blood, but non of us drank). While chatting, decided to go for a Malaysia 1 Day trip on 22 Jan and ZS and Thomas planned to go for a drink coming Friday
(don't know where is their secret meet up location.. haha).Well, it's the 1st of Feb and I got this disappointment and gets pretty affected again
(the last time was 1st of Jan). Well, it's still the smoking issue that I'm talking about. Yes, I'm still very affected with it and felt kinda bothered with it as well. I didn't want to bother about the smoking issue, but I saw it
(and I really saw it in front of me) that he is smoking. Saying hi to me at the same time blowing out the toxic gas of the hundreds and millions mixture of killer substances. At that point of time, i felt a suddenly pain in my heart, it's kinda someone stuck a knife into your heart kinda feeling, which I never felt before. I believe that my facial expression did changed at that point of time
(I can't help it). I didn't want to bother about him whether he smokes or not, but then I'm bothered by it, though I don't say it out. Sacastically, I even asked if they wanted to find a place to seat which allows smoking or not
(at least Bryan knows that I dislike smoker and asked "you can take smoking meh", do you want to find a table that does not allow smoking then? Thanks Bryan for the understanding). Think only after February then will I be able to move on. Till the day of concert ends, that will marks the end of my heart for you, which I will disappear and you'll not see me pestering you and bothering about why you smoke.
All the best!
love goes around | 1:30 AM