Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tonight was certainly an existing night for me I thought!
It was the night that I finally get to see my favourite Taiwanese Artist Joseph Chang in the Play "Design for Living".
Before I headed for the Play at Esplanade (starting at 8pm), I met up with my best friend Karen for a light dinner at Soup Spoon. waited not too long after and we got ourselves a seat. After the meal, we walked over to Esplanade at around 7.15pm. As there's Chingay Rehearsal that very night, we decided not to walk the underpass to Esplanade but the normal open air walkway to Esplanade. Along the way, we saw many nicely dressed performers as well as nicely decorated vehicles preparing for the Chingay Parade.
As that very night was the opening of Hua Yi Festival, which commence every year during Chinese New Year season with various Chinese related performance going on inside and outside of Esplanade, we happened to catch a nice Chinese drum performance outside Esplanade, just before we go in to the Theatre for the Play which starts at 8pm. It was an eye opener for me and Karen as little do we expect that a simple Chinese drum can have so many different things done with it (dance & play), making the drum no longer a simple drum for music only.
Shortly after, we headed for the play, excitedly.
Sitting on our designated seat for a while and the play begin. First main cast who came out was not other than my favourite Joseph Chang and well, he brought the atmosphere of the Esplanade Theatre up within split seconds. He is a great actor indeed. We were so engrossed into the play and act till Scene 4, when there was some technical problems with their (I guess lightings or computer), which they have to stop for an intermission of 15 minutes. Karen and I were kind of disappointed with the technical problem part, since the play was the first and the opening of Hua Yi Festival.
However, due to the issue (technical problem), the audience was given breverages on the house, spirits, champagnes, beer, soft drinks, etc. But Kare and me wasn't too interested and seeing the queue, we decided not to go for the house pours that night. Hence after the toilet break, we headed back to our seats and wait for the play to continue.
After about 20 minutes, they started the act on Scene 4 (replay) and then again, the technical problem arise at the same place, which the play will need a pause to. Looking at each other, we shoke our head and felt a disappointment.
Luckily the technical problem only happens there, if not I believe the audience will be very pissed with what is happening. Without our famous Esplanade Theatre having such problem, that is very scary.
As the play comes to an end, it's emotional effect gushes over me and I started to have watery eyes (though tears never drop down). Another shock was then given to us when the two leading cast jumps off the building. The "bang" sound was that loud enough to make everyone jump from their seat. Yes, it's that loud.
To our disappointment, the Post-Performance talk was cancelled for the night being that the cast members have to rest and due to the late hours (the play ended at 12mn, all thanks to the technical fault). Which means that we miss the chance to have a close up view and talk with the cast members and directors, writer of the play. What a waste, and what a pity I can't get much only chance to see Joseph Chang in a closer view.
We left the theatre, sadly, and headed for our supper (as we are both hungry). Headed to AMK McDonald for supper which Meiting joined us as her house is like only 5 minutes walk away. Chat and talked about some past memories again, and well, the phrase for the night by Karen Lim will be "Wow.. I'm dining in a Science Centre", which concludes the night. Thanks to the huge grasshopper outside the glass panel, just beside out table. I was totally disgusted by it that I nearly can't eat my burger and was totally taught by karen's courage, who can observe it and eat at the same time. OMG~ You are brave can?
Reached home around 3.30am and I'm sleeping soon (4am now loh), and I still can't get enough on Joseph Chang. Argh, I'm going crazy.
love goes around | 3:45 AM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Just came back from the first weekday practice for our Alumni Winds. Well, I think I better don't go into detail on today's attendance, if not I'll go on and on complaining about it. but one thing for sure, I believe that the attendance for today could be better.
This afternoon together with Weixiang, we went to the Secondary Schools in Woodlands area to promote our band's concert that will be coming up on the 28th February. Get to see some of the teacher in-charge and certainly, some of them are rather young.
Get the chance to see the band of Woodlands Ring Secondary School and meet up with Colin Ng, who is conducting the band. I felt kind of glad that he still remember me when Weixiang told the band that I am "Trisa" by the instrument of Bass Clarinetist. never knew that I am a bit popular as well. Haha.
Headed over to NYP after visiting all the schools in Woodlands to look for the SAOs to pass them the invitation cards for our concert as well as catch up with them a bit.
Chat a lot with Karen SAO and got some idea on how to run the alumni band. Thanks Karen SAO for the ideas given and we will explore on your suggestions and talk to both Han and Laoshi on our goals and vision. Chat with Han after that a while before he headed off to pick up someone (which he didn't want to share who) at 6pm.
So, we headed off for our dinner before band practice at 7pm. Walking along the SBM block brings back so many memories to our mind. Suddenly, we felt like we are back to Poly schooling again. Whils walking among the younger ones, it's kinda flash backs about us still in school studying, after presentation and all.
However, a lot of things changed. The Food Court changed, from Food Junction to Koufu. Stalls inside changed a lot too. However, I still miss eating dinner in school's food court and chatting after meal in school before heading back to bandroom for practice. It's like the procedure we have everytime there is band practice when we are still a polytechnic students. How I miss my schooling life. ARGH~
After band, we went over to S11 for supper, which yet again brings back so many memories as we always do that after band. After eating supper, we will gossip and talk about everything under the sun before heading back home.
Today is my best buddy, Jun Hong's birthday. Hapy Birthday Buddy!! Hope you have enjoy this special day and may all the wished you've made above your birthday cake be fulfilled.
Recently I realise that I have been having this opposite attraction luck in me. I consider it's "lan tao hua" in chinese as all those who wanted to date me isn't those of my type and not those that I'm interested in. There is this few guys who wanted to date me out which I had been giving all sorts of excuses not to attend it. Anyway, I just want to be friends with all and not anything that proceeds further. And thanks to Weixiang for promoting that I am your wife to be while you are giving out the invitation cards. If I'm left on the shelf for the rest of my life, you'll be responsible for it coz you have been trying to ruin my image of being attacted to YOU rather being single. Thanks loh!!!
My holiday is coming to an end and I still feels like I've not been resting enough. Sianz! How? Argh~~
love goes around | 1:10 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
It's Chinese New Year again! I hereby wish everyone a Great and Propserous Chinese New Year.. May all get more red packets and win lots of lottery and bets during this festive season that brings luck.
Every Chinese New Year to me, it's always the same. Other than taking red packets from the married and elder people, and also the rest days, nothing much already. After such a long preparation for the Chinese New Year to arrive, and without knowing, it's over!
Time is rushing like nobody's business, faster and faster every year. Without us knowing, another New Year will soon to be arriving already. How time flies man! Still remember when I was still a young kid who follows my parent everywhere to visit our relative's house, till few years ago that we started not to follow our parents to house visit and visit our friend's house (in a whole bunch) and collect lots of red packets, till now that we hardly even want to visit our friends house as all are working and busy with their own stuff. Collecting of red packets is no longer an enjoyment for me, but rather a stress as people will ask you "Wa.. long time no see, so big already, got boyfriend or not? When getting married?" Argh~~ Hate answering such questions.
As usual, I have to make a trip to Malaysia every day on the first day of Chinese New Year as it is my mother's hometown. Frnakly, I like Malaysia more than Singapore, in a sense that Malaysia are really more friendly and approachable than Singaporeans, who always think highly on themselves and gives a stuck up face. If Malaysian have the culture of Singapore and educational level the balance of Singapore, I think Malaysia isn't a bad choice either.
While chatting with my parents and relatives in Malaysia one night, we were talking about my cousin having boyfriend at the age of 18. Well, to me 18 years old is old enough to get themselves a partner (only if they know what they are doing that is). They were saying that the guy doesn't have money and does not have a career, he can't even take care of himslef, how to take care of her? Well, I couldn't deny that in this reality world, money and education is something that one must have and cannot be treated lightly. There is always one saying, one person cannot live with money, without money, a person will not live.
Mum was saying, if find a boyfriend, must get one with an income of at least S$5K. I told her, now in this world, finding a person who takes home S$5K isn't easy. With the present economy status, I think it's even worst. S$5K income, I hope I have too, how which company will give you a S$5K income if you are just an executive, engineer or even a manager. I think that my pay is certainly quite high already, and to find a higher paid job, it's really not that easy. Letting said finding a boyfriend with pay at S$5K. Maybe I can look for a guy who can give me a house along the sentosa beach and a vehicle to drive, which I can be a tai tai for the rest of my life. Haha.
Well, enough my complaints and venting. As mention, I went over to Malaysia on Monday and ger the chance to walk the newly opened Malaysia Custom. Well, can't deny that the new Malasyai Custom was really nice. Taking away the long walk before we can reach City Square, it's certainly quite a nice building. Took some pictures along the way back to Singapore yesterday.

As my office is close for the week, I will be resting at home for the rest of the day. But guess, not much as I have so many things to do for my band as well and tomorrow is already packed like sardine, I doubt I'll be able to rest well too. But I'm still quite excited for Friday night's Hua Yi Festival as I will be attending a musical "Design for Living", which I guess will be quite a good show as all the three main artist are quite well know for their acting in Taiwan.
love goes around | 1:15 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
One of my favourite self-shot picture.. Look so perfect.. Hee..
Wow.. Just realise that i didn't blog for quite some time already. Apologies to my blog supporters, due to my busy schedules lately, I doesn't have the time to blog.
Well, think I'll blog about some interesting stuff that I have been through last two weeks.
Something happened in our company two weeks ago which disappoint all of us a lot. One of our colleague actually steal money from my young boss office on Wednesday. My young boss was like searching for the money in office that very day but couldn't find it. our last resolution was to playback the CCTV that we've installed in our office to catch the culprit. To our horror (which we've suspected as well), the person who steal was the one who installed the camera. How silly is he right? Yes, that was what I thought as well. Like I mention to my young boss he may be in need of money and ended up stealing, but the thing is how does he know there was money inside the room? Young boss mention he is plain greedy and he did search around his room before that already. Well, he was terminated the very next day.
I had to learn how to use the wireless alarm system from him before he leave the office as he is the only person in office who knows how to use it. After learning how to use the system, I will be the only person who knows how to use it, and of course that means I have to transfer all the skills to people in the company.
Friday was our company's BBQ session, it was meant to be our company CNY Dinner. Before that I went out with my young boss for site survey and gave him a treat at "The Mussel Guy" after the many times he treated me for lunch. Headed to Sentosa shortly after for a site survey at a condominium there. The view there was superb and my young boss and me could resist in imagining ourselve staying there and having a carefree life. But one unit there cost around 3mil dollars. Wohoo~~ People who leave there and have a yatch there are certainly RICH!!!
Took some pictures of that place on the way back to Singapore.

Young Boss Car in Capture...

Bungalow along Sentosa Beach.. Cool~
Young Boss dream house.. Open Concept Bungalow along Sentosa Beach...
Dreaming to have a Yatch Pouch in front of Bungalow...

Along the way, we've seen something amzing. Saw a vehicle in front of us with a wierd car license plate.
Saw that? How are the Traffic Police going to book him/her if they commit a road offence? Haha.. Will he say "Hey you Ocean Race 5, you are not keeping to the road rule??" Haha. Puzzled.
Before heading back to office, we went to supermarket to buy some stuff for the night's BBQ session (add ons) and of course we have had a wonderful night BBQ-ing. BBQ is always an event for everyone to get together and get along better.
I was informed on Friday night that the main band does not need people to be at the reception area and by then there wasn't anymore tickets as well.
Thus I offer to help out to man the booth at Greenwood Primary School to publicise our concert and hopefully can sell tickets there. But people there are too young to appreciate our music or our concert. Haha. Treat it as publicity then.
Our Ticketing Booth @ Greenwood Primary School...
Went to dye my hair there after and when I am back home, I've got a call from Alvin (NYPWO President) that they have extra tickets and asked if I would like to go. I mention to him I was rather tired and would give it a miss but wished them all the best!
Later on, Sarah called and ask me to go for their concert. She insisted that I must go as it's their last concert. Well, since she asked and I don't want to disappoint her, I went. The concert was not too bad, however I was quite sad that Sinfonia is no long our own Sinfonia. Needless for me to elaborate further, those who went and has been in the band for long enough will know what I mean.

NYPSO @ Esplanade

After that chat with the SA officers (Mr. Wee, Karen, Edelwis & Han) for a while before we headed to Yishun for supper as Meiting and Weixiang haven't have their dinner. I only drank soup while Esther had a drink.
Sat there chit chat for a while before heading back home.
Anyway, that was all for the week before.
This week was certainly a rush week as everything have to be settled before Friday as our company will be close for the Chinese New Year until 1st February 2009. For me, I'm overjoyed because I can rest all i can for that week. FINALLY~~
Went for a commissioning for the wireless alarm system at my client's site (Bukit Timah Plaza) on Wednesday morning after sending an important document to one of our client at Toa Payoh. Wednesday was a terrible day to travel on the road. All the highways were having heavy jams all around. No way for you to go anywhere without being stuck inside a jam (at least for once).
Thursday evening, upon request from my Project Supervisor (whom we all addressed as Uncle), taught two of the china installers how to use the wireless alarm system. I had always mention to them it's a simple system, if I can understand and know how to use, they will be able to as well. Certainly, they did and they even mention that it's a quite a fun system to use. Once find the product fun and easy to use, you will be able to master the usage very fast. China Installer, keep up the good work and learn more!! I know you can do it!! Haha.
Friday was the last day of work before CNY. After doing some spring cleaning in office at around 5 plus, I headed to my school (MDIS), with the intention to take the referral letter to proof that I am waiting for my transcripts and certificate. Yes! I have not received mt certificate and transcript yet since I graduated on Oct 08. I thought it was very slow for the process and yes indeed, it is very slow!
We'll finally met up with him after the breakup before he go back to Malaysia for CNY. It's a last minute thingy. Since he asked, I met with him. Nice meeting up with him again and chatting with him yet again too. Knowing that he is still as well as before (other than him not taking care of himself knowing he is ill and don't visit doctor) and got his PR, felt happy for him. Remember to save up for future use. Money is something that one must have and education level is needed in this society as well. If possible, do further your session. I really hope that we can still be friends.
Enough of complaining. This morning I went to MDIS again to collect the letter knowing that it wasn't prepared. Thanks to the student co-ordinator, I missed my MOE Teaching seminar which starts at 12.30pm. I reach MDIS at around 11.30am and waiting for more than 1 hour for her and the letter on arrived at aroun 1pm. I can't believe their efficiency, it's superly slow!!!
I had an interview for Allied Educator position at Suntec City Convention Room 312 this afternoon at around 2pm (luckily it's 2pm), and I reached slightly early for the appointment. After submitting the application and all the certificates that I've have, I was called in foe the panel interview (3 person interviewing me). Saw my form Vice Pricipal Mrs. Raja while I was schooling at Woodlands Secondary School. I was shocked and kind of nervous when I saw her but after that relaxed a bit. I know I could do better but well, due to some nervousness and all other unforeseen circumstances, I didn't do that well. Hope that will select me. But I wonder how was the pay! Hmm.. I should have asked them just now, but it's only the first interview, I don't think it's good to ask about salary. Hee.
After that went to NYP for the band practice. I wasn't very happy with people being MIA due to other band committments. I understand that the band's concert is coming and needed the practice but then isn't ours is round ther corner as well? Why can't we have the same impact as well? People is trying to push and sell that band's concert tickets so forcefully, why don't I see the effort been put into selling ours?
NYPAW's concert tickets is not going well, at all and no one is doing anything about it. I have tried my best to ask my friends to go for the concert and I really hope that the rest of the participating member will do the same as well.
We have added one extra weekday practices on Thursday night and really hope that those who can attend try to attend it. You know your standards and whether the band needs more practice TOGETHER. Those who have helped to push ticket sales, I thank your effort, for those who haven't, I hope yo can do so from now on. The this festive season an opportunity to sell the tickets.
Tomorrow will be the Eve of CNY. Will be collecting the duck I ordered a few days ago. Bought 4D and hope that I will win the lottery. Will be having steamboat for reunion again this year. Hee. Monday Moo will being going to Taiwan for a week. Hope that he will have a safe trip and enjoy the trip at Taiwan.
I hereby wish all people have a wonderful and prosperous new year!!! May all wishes and goals be fulfilled in the year of Ox and hope that this year will be a better year.
Some pictures that I've took over the weeks.
财神爷 @ Chinatown wishing all A Wonderful & Properous Lunar New Year!!!
love goes around | 12:03 AM
Monday, January 12, 2009
It's been a week since I last blog. Well, life is just as boring as before. Work, work and work. Then after that weekend go for band. The routine goes the same every week. Anything fresh coming? Haha.
Last week was a busy week at work as my foreign client came over to Singapore again after their Vietnam trip. Meet up with Mr. Andersson (whom my colleague all regard him as my godfather) on monday night at around 7.45pm at their Hotel Lobby - Hotel Royal @ Queen's. At the touch ground only at around 6.15pm and reached hotel shortly before we reached to fetch them, me and my colleague Aaron decided to treat them for dinner at Newton Circus as they claim they wanted to have Asian Food.
Ordered Yuan Yang Stingray, Oyster Omelette, Mutton Satay, Nasi Goreng, Fried Carrot Cake (Black & White), beer for my client, lime juice for me and sugar cane with lemon for my colleague. Glad that my goodfather love the stingray and satay. Haha.
After meal, godfather proceeded on the ask my colleague on the query he have on our products and I started entertaining godfather's friend -- Mr. Andrews. Haha. Nice chap as well. Too bad he is old enough to be my father, wahaha.. if not.. Hmm.. Wahaha.. Kidding la.
After that, send them back to their hotel and I went home then. As Mr. Andersson would like to pay for some of the things that he would like to purchase back home, he would like to visit my office the next day and make the payment as well in our office using his credit card.
Eating at Newton Circus certainly brings back so much fond memories. Still remembered back then when I was still in Poly, me, Geraldine, Ah Tom, ZS sneak out from band to attend a gatehring with Geraldine & ZS's fellow music teachers to have supper and drink at night after practice (during one of our camp). Haha. It was so fun la. but blur Geraldine lost her purse and make up set in the cab when we were on the way to Millenia Walk for a drink at Paulener. Haha. But that drinking session was certainly a fun one. Although we don't really know each other that well, but we do mix around well. Think they are good at mixing with kids like us back them. Wahaha.
Alright, back to subject. Tuesday I swap vehicle with Aaron as I need to fetch my godfather to office in the afternoon, and thought his friend will be coming along and the van is not a very nice vehicle to transport them over, thus the swap. Later did i know that only Mr. Andersson is coming. Drove him to office and proceed with all the products settling and all before driving him back to hotel (using my van). Before reaching the hotel, I send Mr. Andersson to a nearby photo centre to develop his pictures before he fly back. As well, I told him about the roti prata shop that they could have dinner at before heading to airport since Mr. Andrews like it so much.
Well, hope Mr. Andersson and friends had a fun time in Singapore. That's so much that we can do.
After sending Mr. Andersson back to hotel, I headed to Vivocity to meet up with Jacqueline and ZS for the Ponyo The Cliff by the Sea. Had "The Mussel Guy" for dinner before the show. I had a super creamy mushroomy meal with all the mushroom and cream, but worth the price as it really fills my stomach knowing I didn't have any food for the day.
I find the show so-so only. Nothing that surprising. But I do realise that the evil people in the show looks the same as that of the Howl's Moving Castle and all the other anime. Haha. Only a change in dressing and hairstyle. Wahaha. Damn funny la. Somone sitting beside me doze off in the middle of the show. When the little Ponyo gal sleep and snores, he snores too. So paiseh. Hurried wake him up to prevent him from snoring even louder.
Wednesday, I was suppose to go to my client place to teach them on how to use the new access control system which they can't understand my colleague (the china guys) language. I managed to only reach there at 6pm as I went for appointment with my tortise boss in the afternoon to 3 location, which drags till like near to 4pm before I finally reach office.
by the time i reach my client place, the person in-charge has left. So angry. I fly car there loh and she never even inform that she is leaving. The most angry part is, when I reach there, there is this lady shouting out from the room saying "I thought the secuirty people should come today. Why never come. What service is this? I am not going to pay for the job.", and I was with one of her colleague outside getting the contact number of the person in-charge, and he told her "I am with the security person now and she is beside me". I wanted to laugh for once when she kinda got emberrased and kept quiet. This is a lesson for this type of people, don't accuse people when you haven't confirm the outcome yet. If not you will disgrace yourself. It's her luck that I never went in to talk to her and see how she looks like.
So no choice I have to go back the next day morning to commence the training to them again. Did the training and collected the cheque from them and headed back to office.
After that headed to Harbour Front Centre Homefix after they called to check on the delivery status for their replenished stocks. Checked with Delivery Vincent and they were busy that day and can't help me to delivery the goods, so I have to delivery it to them myself as they need it urgently (no more to sell).
Thinking of having lunch with ZS since he work somewhere around there, so MSN him to check if he is interested. He mention ok but don't know what time is his lunch. So I told him when I reach there then sms / call him. So I reached there at around 1.30pm and done my stuff, so I smsed him to see if he had his lunch already (I know he had already without me asking also). And yes, he did have his lunch and was just back to office. I was so pissed with him even I knew that he will be having the lunch before I text him because he should have informed me in advanced that he can't have the lunch with me. You said ok when someone asked you for lunch and later on didn't inform that you can't have lunch with the person and back out. This is not right, total.
I was very angry (even though I didn't reflect it on my text message to him) and went to look for one of my favourite food to eat -- PASTAMANIA. And sadly, the Pastamania also bully me. It's not as nice as before already. Previously I always eat Bacon Aglio Olio coz he ate it and it will always brings me the great memories. Now, even the Bacon Aglio Olio changed taste already, and the bacon is no long NICE anymore. Does that means everything is coming to an end? Argh~~ I hate that feeling.
Went back to office to continue with all the jobs and everything before heading back home.
Nothing much happen on Thursday and Friday, just more and more quotation to do, more and more calls to return.
Finally I manage to return all the called by Friday and I got to be a bit more relax on Friday and tortise boss as me to go appointment with him.
Saturday, I was so blur that I forget to bring my laptop to work and only realise it when i am reaching office. Luckily I have a desktop beside my table which I previously use which I can use to generate quotation, but certainly it's handicap la.
After that went to Marina Square to re-arrange the products at our booth and then went for band after that. Band was quite ok (but attendance was not as fantastic as the week before). After band, I headed back home as Meiting have to go meet client, the rest goes their own way and I have no where to go.
After I reached home, mum asked me to drive them to dinner, so I did. Dad didn't follow as he met an accident and had to have a discussion with the hirer at the nearby coffeeshop. My dad is always so bad luck. Whenever Chinese New Year is coming, he will meet up with accident and have to pay other people money. Dad, drive safely next time.
Sunday was my sleeping day, so I woke up onl at 11.30am and started watching my "Hot Shot" show that was running on the DVD recorder. Haha. So nice, especially Show and Jerry, they are so funny. Makes me like them so much out of a sudden.
After that headed for shopping at Marina Square cum Suntec City with Meiting and Shiting. I bought quite some stuff. Cosmetic for myself anf my mum, a new heel for my new year (now I found my new year shoe, I need to source for clothings to match the shoe, stressed~). Also went to buy a slipper for my mum and dad which they like to wear a lot as it's not slippery. Hee.
Reached home at around 11pm, bath and sleep early at around 12mn.
Today was back to work again, and the phone ring non-stop la. Argh~~ irritating. Today'd call was considered not too bad, and a quite a few appointments made today and almost filled the week with appointments already.
Will be having a BBQ session this Friday in office again. Hope I'll get to eat the Otah that I missed the last time round. Hee.
New Year's coming, soon to make new year resolutions lo. Haha.
Alright, enough of resting and back to work liao. And my back is starting to feel the soreness again. Argh. Old lady liao~
love goes around | 4:49 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
It's weekend again!!! Boring weekend yet again.. Since that day on, I seldom go out on Sunday, and realise that I have been pouring myself with work work and more work, even during weekend. My god, weekend should be a day for me to rest, why did I keep working and working?? Argh~
Yesterday was the same routine for me. Went for band in the afternoon after my work (late as usual). Should have asked him if he wants to tag along to go band together, but I didn't as I didn't want to be that initiative. Well, maybe that's me.
Attendance for yesterday's band practice was extrememly good. I should say, other than clarinet section, the rest of the section have almost full attendance. No wonder our president Yong so happy until he nearly cried when playing Ross Roy.
Yesterday was also the last second week to purchase the friendship tickets. Manage to sell of a few of them. Next week will be the last week to purchase it, passing will means that all have to purchase the tickets at original price.
After band, I was quite pissed by Zisheng not keeping the scores folder and went off after keeping the instrument. I thought he was so irresponsible. Hence, was mumbling awhile in band room while keeping all the stuff.
There after went for dinner with the juniors at AMK Sumo House. Food standard has gone down quite a long (maybe due to the crowd), and it's no longer as nice as before (when I was still in poly). After that, we chatted for a while before we took a leave.
After that sent the couple (Jerold & Esther) home before picking up Karen to Airport for chilling session.
Reached airport and walked around at the NTUC at Terminal 3. Decided to headed to TCC for a drink and chat when Karen happened to see the Poser Inc. Out of natural reaction, me and Meiting both turned and walk away, and of course Karen followed. Singapore is really small enough for us to even bump into each other.
We ended at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Terminal 3 after a few photo taking of the Disney Character at the Airport. Chat a while about our past WMS memories, Australia Memories as well as some relationship thingy. Thinking back, actually all the guys that I have been with are all nice guys + shy guys. Thanks gals for knowing that although I am a very brave person, but when I come to relationship and love, I normally don'e know how to express and at times shy reacting to it. Thanks.
Nearing to 12.30am, we take our lift and headed home. I was dead tired, hence after my shower, I was on my bed, knock out!!! Haha.
Today I only woke up at 1.30pm and started to do my work for the standalone reader for the customer tomorrow. Hope that everything is correct. And now, I am here blogging. Sorry Meiting for not going for dinner with you as my mum has cooked early today due to my brother's booking in early today.
Wanted to go out to some book stores to buy diary organiser, and maybe get 2 for my Sweden client Mr. Andersson and Mr. Andrew who will be back tomorrow in Singapore for transite. But I was took lazy to even step out of my door step to go to the carpark to plug the night coupon for the vehicle drove back. Argh~ What's wrong with me. Laze is overwhelming me.
Still not feeling very well, with the flu, block nose, sore throat and cough, I hope that I'll be well enough to work tomorrow. God, please bless me with no illness anymore.
Alright, I'll get going to put new coupons for tonight and continue watching "Hot Shot", Taiwan drama series starring Show, Jerry and Wu Zhun.
Some pictures I took while I was driving home one day at around 6.30pm. I thought the scene looks so relaxing.

And below is one of the picture I took some time back. i like this.
Don't question me!!! I'm still single!! Wahaha.. Just for fun sake.
love goes around | 8:33 PM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Back to working compound after a holiday break. Well, am sick!
Yes!!! All thanks to Yong Wei Xiang. initially recovering on Wednesday. I suspect that I caught a cold from the sudden "night bath" from the bottle of mineral water that he pour over my head! Thanks a lot Wei Xiang.
So now I'm suffering from flu AGAIN. Yes, I am putting it in CAPS because it's the 2nd time I've caught a flu in 1 month. Health detoriating. Shit man!!! Still having cough and a lot of flem. Hopefully I don't get my Bronchitis again. Haha.
Anyway, tomorrow will be a Saturday again, meaning I will have to go for my band practice in school in the afternoon again. hope that this time round, i won't have to miss it due to work coz i have lack of practice, and damn it, I have solo for one of the pieces and I needed time to master it. Argh~~ My music playing skills detoriate as well.
Apollogies to my young boss for spreading the virus to you, causing you to have sore throat as well. I've told you the virus is very scary already, and it's proofs me right. It's really scary!
My whole family got the same sickness, from my brother to my mother, then dad got i and now me. Argh~ Weather not good nowadays, take great care of yourself if not you will suffer like me.
Time to turn in!! Nitey :)
love goes around | 1:23 AM
Thursday, January 01, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! MAY THE YEAR AHEAD BE A WHOLE LOT BETTER FOR ALL!!!Had a wonderful night at the Resort @ East Coast Park yesterday night. Thanks to Karen for the effort to plan and organise it, it brings back so many old school memories.
We've had BBQ as well as soup based steamboat session. I hardly touched on the BBQ food as I wasn't feeling quite well already, hence better don't take heaty food. Brought along the steamboat cooker and started cooking my udon and some of the mushrooms and small corn.
After cooking for like 1 hour, finally my soup based dinner is cleared. Hope that it taste good enough.
Had some beer, hard liquor (a bit) and red wine after sending off year 2008.
Initially wanted to pop our sparking juice, but all thanks to Bryan's itchy hand, we cannot pop the bottle of sparkling juice. Hence, we open the bottle before counting down and pour out the drinks in cups to cheers together.
After that was a whole lot of fun (at least from those who enjoyed). Whole lot of sparkling sticks and thanks to Karen to buy me my favourite Bubble to blow. So happy to see so many bubbles around me.
There after, some of us just sat outside talking and drinking the alcohol together while the rest are inside the room playing the Wii that Zisheng brought.
Didn't drink a lot actually for last night as no one brought Vodka for me to drink. Sad~~ Weixiang brought Chivas (1/3 bottle) and Gin (3/4 bottle). That's all. I thought he brought Vodka with him, but later at night then I realise he didn't hav Vodka. So we were like drinking beer all the while (Carlsberg & Heniken). I think I drank quite a few cans of beers at the end of the day and finished up all the red wines that was opened. Still not gone. Argh~~
Woke up this morning at 11am to get ready to check out the room. I was sleeping under the air-con and it was - COLD!!! After clearing all the stuff, we transport all the things to the van (thanks to young Boss for the van) and waiting for Karen to check out the room. She took quite some time to check out and hence I drove out to the area nearer to the entrance so that she don't need to walk so far to the van.
While waiting for Karen, I saw something that I should and makes me felt so disappointed. I hope my eyes played tricks on me, but I was pretty sure it was him. I saw him smoking. The ever perfect person in my mind, smokes. Oh my god, I really can't believe it. I was so shocked that I asked Weixiang "he smokes?" Not too sure if he is awake, he give me that "huh" answer and I turn away without bothering to repeat myself.
I was so affected by it all the way. Even when we were having our brunch, playing games, etc. He admitted that he smokes. And yes, it really affected me a lot on my trust, my opinion, my view on him. I felt so disappointed. But at least he is honest to me that he admitted but, but still. He is becoming more and more like a stranger to me. It's scary when people changed, isn't it?
My first day of 2009 is ruined my this breaking news. Thought that a new year will be a new beginning for me, but why let me know such things on the first day of 2009? I hate the reality. I shouldn't trust anyone anymore. I have known to much that I didn't know. The trust I have in all people, seems like it's all plain trust of mine, only.
love goes around | 4:47 PM