Monday, December 29, 2008
Reached home quite early today as young boss refused to send me back to office to collect my lappy home and ask me to go home straight from the place he drop me
(near Hougang as he needs to visit the clinic for his skin allergy).I took a super long bus journey home
(Bus Service 136), which nearly took about 45 minutes from Hougang to AMK. And hence I doze off on the bus while plugging in the earphone into my ears listening to the repearted Show's new song "搞笑". So in love with this song.
Alight at the busstop at AMK Hub and decided to buy the Milk Tea from Mos Burger to drink since it's beem ages since I last drink it. It's still as nice.
Looking at the time on my watch and wonder that it's still quite early
(as I don't normally reach home so early, kinda weird), so decided to shop around AMK Hub. Hence, i took the escalator up to the second level and saw this PC shop
(known as PC Zone) and hop in to look for some stuff that I need for the computer that I've set up in my room on last Thursday.
Bought a few things altogether. Thinking I should treat myself after so long
(and finally there a computer in my room), so I bought myself a new keyboard, a pair of speaker, multi USB Adaptor as well as a Wireless Adaptor so that the computer in my room can go online as well, and here I am blogging using the wireless adaptor that I've bought just now.

Spent about eight odd dollars for all the stuff tht I've bought and am super happy with what I'm having now. Hee. Finally I have a proper computer in my room
(with a super nice keyboard sticker that I've took like an hour to stick onto the keyboard properly), a work station in my room which I can use. See from the picture below? Haha. So happy, I'm an easily satisfied person. Wahaha.

Now what I'm missing is to change my monitor from this bulky big big monitor to an LCD screen monitor. Asked for the price from the salesperson tehre at PC Zone and he mention to me a 17" LCD Monitor is about S$219.00. Well, it's way off my budget so I gave it a miss this time round. It would be definitely great if anyone will sponsor me an LCD Monitor to replace my bulky PC Monitor that I'm having now? Haha. I doubt anyone will sponsor, so I think I'll have to save up for the LCD Monitor.
Alright, tomorrow will be another rush rush day for me at work again. Morning need to reach office earlier to finish up all the shit that I have left on today and afternoon have to go meet up with my godfather for lunch appointment cum discussion who came all the way from Sweden.
Once again, thanks young boss for the great advice, and I thought they were real good advices. Maybe I should really fight for what I wanted and what deem to be good for myself.
New Year's Eve countdown is confirmed at East Coast Park Resort. I'm looking forward to it. Wohoo~~
love goes around | 11:55 PM
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Been hiding my relationship matters for like one and a half years and finally I blurt out to my young boss about me and him. I'm feeling so much better letting out what should be hidden for one year. Thanks to young boss for the advice, will heed your advice and try to be a better person in relationship.
As mention, I am always a person who is very affected by the relationship thingy and hardly can let go off one easily
(even if I do let go, I will feel a whole lot of guilt in me towards the person I hurt). Well, that's me. Still learning to take it easy and let time take it's course.
Friday after work, I went over to Holland Village "Essential Brew People" for my Uni Christmas gathering and have a whole lot of fun talking and gossiping. From this gathering, I understand someone more in-depth and realise how horrible this person is. But well, I am hearing someone's point of view of that particular person, so I can only judge on one side, who knows there is another side of the story?
Saturday went to work in the morning again and need to repack the dummy cameras as one of our colleague didn't manage to finish the repackaging on Friday. Repacking the dummy cameras is an easy job, the tough job is shrink wrapping the dummy cameras. As what I understand from Young Boss, we have to shrink wrap 70 units of the dummy cameras for demo/ display purpose at all the petrol stations. It's not an easy job in shrink wrapping so many of them as it takes a bit of skill in handling the industrial dryer and also some skills in cutting the plastic so that after wrapping it, it will fit on nicely.
Me and Xiao Zhang was in the office doing on the strink wrapping all the way until around half past four before we finally complete our task in doing the wrapping. After everything was done, I agreed with Xiao Zhang that doing this is much more tiring than doing my own job in from of the computer or going out to meet customers. After finishing, I rush all the way to band
(even though I know I can't make it for practice as it ends at half past five) as tickets are with me and I need to be there in case someone wants to get tickets. Reach bandroom at around 5.20pm and sat at the back of the band
(didn't bother to bring out my instrument as I won't get to practice much). After they finish the practice, the president informed the members on the tickets but still no one appriach me to get their friendship tickets or their normal tickets. Well, 2 more weeks before the deadline for friendship tickets, if people doesn't want to get the friendship tickets, they they will have to get it at original price after the deadline
(not worth at all since each member are entitled 2 half priced tickets, why not get them first?).After that went for dinner at Bugis V8 with Meiting, Shiting, Kai Boon, Xiu Hui and I think Evelyn. While waiting for Meiting to get her mobile from her car
(she left in her car), we saw Artiste Elvin Ong
(黄俊雄). Wohoo~ He is damn handsome can. he looks the same from TV and the smile of his face, woo~ melts you as well. Haha. Nearly chased behind him already. Haha. Waiting for Karen to meet us at half past ten and headed to East Coast Park again
(yes, again as we went to talk our hearts out last week as well).Walked around and went to the arcade to play a few games (the music game and DDR) and memories just gush back to my brain. I miss poly life la. After that we walk along the pathway
(by the sea) until a distance away from the carpark and sat there
(finally found an empty seat which doesn't have tentage there). Shiting and Boon was arguing about the major scales having how many sharps and flats and the others are engrossed in playing flute. And me? I'm too tired and sat on the stone seat... stone there. Haha. Went home after that.
Today a big day for my Daddy!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! Didn't buy anything for you this year as I am too busy to go shopping recently. Anyway, brought the whole family and my grandfather to Chinatown to have dim sum as brunch. Had the dim sum at Tian Jin Restaurant and chat after food as usual for a while before we headed off and walk around chinatown. Well, that place is as pack as usual, plus it's hot!!! So we decided to leave that place for good. Send grandfather home before heading back home. While heading back home, Ho smsed me asking me if I want to go sing KTV with him, which I gave it a shot. Thus, after sending my parents back
(they went to Causeway Point), I meet up with Ho and headed to Civic Centre's Party World for KTV session.
Well, he like to sing hall, hence we took the hall for our selection. Gosh~ Sang all the way from 2.30pm till 7pm
(4.5 hours), one word to describe - tiring. Haha. But fun as Ho's singing is always so good and nice, and soothing. But well, all the songs that he sing will brings back some memories of him again which make me felt quite affected again. Sigh~~ But well, I did very well in controlling my emotion so still alright la. Stoned for quite a few time as well as i was a bit tired.
After that send him back
(luckily he stay a few blocks away from mine) and then went back to fetch parents for dinner at Woodlands Centre. Had a simple dinner at the hawker centre and headed back home after that.
Here am blogging while waiting for my U.S.A. Residency Programme photos to be uploaded to Friendster and also exploring Facebook
(still finds it complicated). Well, i think I need to turn in very soon
(am so tired). Foreseeing myself getting sick again. I feel my throat very dry and having some slight cough, hope that my voice won't be lost again.
I am so excited for 31 December 2008 for the Countdown Gathering at East Coast Resort
(hope nothing goes wrong) and I can drink until I am gone again. Haha. Once a year pouring out everything and 1 January 2009 will again be a super brand new day, brand new year. Wohoo~~ Can't wait.
love goes around | 11:05 PM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas Eve as well as Christmas.
This week is an exciting week for me I should say! Monday and Tuesday I went to someone's house, which make me super excited and melted. Haha. Some may have know, i actually went to Jeff Wang's house for camera installations as well as commissioning. Wohoo~~
He is a very approachable and friendly guy! you'll never know this if you never met him. One more thing, he looks a lot more charming in person than on TV, so boyish can!! Haha. Nice knowing him.
Today is Christmas, and I stayed at home all day long. Yes, lt doesn't seems like me I know as I am not a homely person. But then, no one asked me out and I don't like to disturb people
(knowing they must have an enjoyable night last night). Reached home quite early yesterday
(coz no one date me, saded). So rest a while and started watching the DVD that I bought (Hot Shot). It's a nice drama I should say as it is quite a funny show
(although at times will make me drop my tears).Took my opportunity to pack my room this afternoon after I wake up. Now my room is super clean already!!! So happy!! It's a fruitful day actually. Even though Ihave no program, I still kept my room clean and now my room have an extra computer, only need a speaker and a wireless interface to make it complete. Of course, if I will be able to have a flat screen monitor, it will be even better. See from them picture below, it's so nice now!

It's not been a very good week for me, even with all the excited moments. Mood swinging here and there, feeling kinda wierd recently, no idea why! I sincerely apologies to the person that I've hurt so much and I hope that this someone will be able to find someone better than me!!!
Tomorrow will be a working day for me again, so I'll have to stop here and start to turn in very soon!! Hope that the New Year Countdown Celebration will not be as lonely as the Christmas one!!!
love goes around | 11:05 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's been about a week since I last blog here. I've been very busy for the week with all the appointments, designs and all that I need to do for my work, which make my hours at work seems very limited, very short.
Had my Alumni Band's Concert Committee Meeting on Sunday
(14 December 08) at AMK McDonalds. When I reached, Karen & Andy was not there know out that I was quite late for the meeting, hence I asked Xiang where are they. Xiang told me Karen told him she isn't coming and Andy is on the way. So I said I thought all is fine with the timing why is there people not around still. He mention it was a last minute thingy. Fine, i accept it. While waiting for Andy to arrived, we started to go online and see facebook, gossip a bit here and ther, look and pictures here and there too.
Shortly after, Swee teng have to leave as she have a movie appointment with her friend at AMK Hub. Just minutes after she left, Karen and gang
(Andy, Wen Jing, Xiang) came with a cake on their hand, followed by a Happy Birthday song. Well, another pleasant surprise. Thanks guys!!! I appreicate the arrangement and am realy touched.
First thing I said to Karen was, "I thought you didn't come?? Why bluff me?" Haha. But well, was too happy to get angry anyway. So after that was a whole stretch of camwores on me cutting the cames, making wishes and stuff. Thank you!!! you guys are the best!!

Meeting proceeds shortly after cutting of cakes and eating, and then proceeds onto teaching Xiang how to use the google calendar thingy. After that we leave and headed to AMK Hub as I wanted to buy ear rings for myself as mine is spoiled. After which we walk around and then proceeded back home.
On the way back home on the train, my stomach started to make noise and I suggested going to Yishun's Xin Wang's cafe for supper. All
(Karen, Thomas, Xiang) agreed and we went to Xin Wang for supper. Chat and gossip a bit more before we headed home.
Anyway, Monday was my birthday and well I didn't take any birthday leave on that day as it's the first day of the week which i know it will be a busy day for me
(with all the calls and stuff as we have advertisements). Anyway, I have nothing to do even if I do take leave, so rather I save my leave for other days. After work, i went to meet up with my friends at around 8pm as I stayed in office to finish all the quotes and stuff before I headed for the gathering with my group of friends
(sister & brothers of Jer & JF).When I reached Bugis Wang Kok Restaurant, all were there and had their meal already. As I had a very late meal, I decided not to eat and they were asking me to order the big bucket of milk tea
(entitled for birthday girl, with mim. 6 persona and a spending of min. $30). So I said sure and surrender my IC for verification.
Shortly after, the bucket of milk tea came and I was shocked out of my life. it was so big that I don't know where to start from and can't even express my feeling there and then in work. So my expression will be :

After deviding this big bucket of milk tea into a few smaller cup (about 5), I still have to finish almost 1/5 of it. I think it's about 3 glasses of milk tea Ior even more) that I drank. So I sip and sip it up from the big big bucket.

And finally, I accomplished!! Finish up the remaining milk tea!!! Haha.

Thanks for the whole group of friends for this arrangement. I went to toilet a few time within a 1 hour and felt so high after I reached home. This high-ness still exist the next day, just like hang over. Haha. I didn't know milk tea can have the hang over effect.

Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. Nothing special during my birthday but at least the fe person that i hope most to wish me a happy birthday did remember my birthday this year. It's good enough for me already even without any presents. What is important to me is at least you close friends, buddy remember you very own special day.
Wednesday was my buddy's last band concert with SPSB. Seeing him this time round amkes me feel he has really aged quite a lot, maybe due to his dressing and appearance. Didn't manage to talk a lot with him as we are the last batch of people he actually socialised. Well, felt a bit sad because it seems like we are drifting apart more and more. We no longer can talk as well as before anymore. Maybe times really shows how a person changed, maybe I am changing without myself noticing as well. Sigh~
After the concert, me and Karen went to the same old place to eat Minced Meat Meesua. My all time favourite. However, the standard dropped and its not as tasty as before anymore. That place always makes me have many memories, but just like the meesua, it doesn't last.
Thursday I went to meet up with 2 of my secondary school close friends (Zhen Zhen & Huiling). Went to Paragon's Spageddies for dinner and of course, talked a lot and as usual, I'm the one who always like to talk cock a lot with them. After dinner, went home and talk about the other of our secondary school friends. Lady gossips again. Haha. Thanks for the present again. :)
Yesterday was an emotional night with all the heartfelt talk with Shiting, Meiting and Ivan. Well, it makes me realise that love can seems really simple, but yet it's complicated. Seeing people around me getting so bothered about someone they loved, makes me felt so upset as well. But well, at least they spill out how they feel and not bottle up everything. I can never spill out my inner self, I can never admit that I still do love. I can never admit that my heart still feels. I can never...
Anyway, went for a jog this evening with Ho. Felt so afreshed after the jog. Thanks for accompanying me for the jog and also the lovely present that you've prepared for me. Like it a lot.
Now, some pictures of the present that I've received this year. Although didn't received a lot, but like I mention, presents doesn't means a lot although I do like to receive presents and surprises. But well, my weakness is I always don't know how to react to all those surprises that I have. I just don't know how to express my joy. Sigh, useless fellow I am.
Anyway, thanks to all who remembers and thanks to all who take the effort to go shop for my birthday presents. I appreciated all the effort and time put in. Cheers!!!
Birthday Present 2008

Present from Thomas Lee - Thanks!!!

Present from Karen - Thanks!!!

Present from Alicia - Thanks!!!

Present from 龟仔 - Thanks!!!

Present from Cecilia, Jerlyn, LiTeng - Thanks!!!

Present from Huiling - Thanks!!!

Present from Zhen Zhen - Thanks!!!

Both Presents from Ho - Thanks!!!

Cards from friends...

Specially Designed Birthday Card from Ho - Thanks a lot!!! I like it...
love goes around | 9:23 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thank you to everyone from my company for the little surprise you have for me this evening. I was totally touched by it!
We've had a BBQ session at level 3 of our office. Initially young boss wanted to give me a surprise, but the BBQ stuff came too early, hence he have to break the news of having the BBQ session this evening to me. What's more? Everyone in the company knows about this BBQ session except me.
When I went down for food, I accidentally saw the cake that was for me.
After eating, thay started to prepare the cake for me to cut. Thanks Ray for buying such a lovely cake from Emicake. It's a mango Mousse Cake, with wishes on top loh. I was so touched when I saw the cake as I don't normally have cake after that year, and the cake that I have normally does not have wishes on top (other than the cake i have on my 21st Birthday). Thank for the pretty cake, as well as the great words "Happy Birthday to Trisa, Every Year Pretty Pretty". Thanks.
I enjoyed this pleasant suprise and the BBQ session very much. They are just my colleagues but they even put in the effort to prepare for such suprises for me. Really really very touched!! Even my young boss's son, wife, father and mother came along! Really, don't how to express my thank for all of them.

As I don't really celebrate my birthday in a big group (not used to), hence I find it rather awkward to have a big group of people celebrating brithday for me. But still, I appreciate everything all of you do.
Thanks to Jordan as well for the email wishes. You are always the first to send me birthday greetings, making me never forget my birthday! Kam Sia..
Thanks for the advance wishes from Ah Siak as well, although he remembered my birthday wrongly but he never fails to call me to wish me a happy birthday. Thanks Ah Siak!!!
Thanks to everyone, I appreciate the friendship I have with each and everyone of you!!
love goes around | 11:55 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's been a crazy week even though it's consider a short week with the Public Holiday on Monday.
After returning back to my work compound, I was pour with so many suprises from my boss.
1st surprise - Young Boss got me a Compaq laptop and ask me to cwap over from my desktop to the new laptop. Which means I need to transfer everything from my desktop to the laptop (fyi, my desktop is filled with so many information). I spend quite a few days doing the transfer and figuring out how to use the computer as it's quite new to me. But then, i still prefer my desktop, have been with it almost 1 year plus, started to create an extraordinary feeling with it already even though it is a bit slow.
2nd surprise - Young Boss got me a new 3-in-1 HP Printer which can print boraderless printings. After exploring, I found out that the printer not only able to print boraderless material, but photos, photocopy, scan as well as printing straight onto CD-R/DVD-R. Cool!!! But the main purpose is for me to print the catalogue that I've done so that he can bring out to show customers.
3rd surprise - boss got a laminating machine. It's used to laminate the printouts from the new printer that young boss bought. Haven't really tried it as I do not have anything to laminate. But soon I'll get the change to try once my design for the new flyer is out, which is this few days.
4th surprise - loads of paper and lamination pouch. thick and thin, big and small. Everything is available at my table.
With all this add ons, my table became so much cramper than before with 1 desktop, 1 "bigger" printer, one new laptop, and many papers under my table.
Anyway, thank to young boss who helped me to fix up my photoshop issue so that I can bring it home to do (although i rather he don't fix up so that I can have excuses saying I can't do it effieciently at home with my computer). Haha. Anyway, I will still do.
Now waiting for a picture to open (think file too big). But this new computer really very powerful. It's super fast can!!! Haha. But then it's super small now compared to my desktop, which I'm trying to get use to it. I machiam like squirrel, have to sqeddle in front of my laptop to do all the stuff, which caused my back to be extremely strained.
Anyway, I think my picture is loaded, need to continue with my design work (aim to finish it by tonight one).
Some picture of my new office toy - the new Compaq Laptop.
love goes around | 11:40 PM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Was home the whole of today. With the rainy days, I don't feel like stepping out of my house (even though I wanted to go cut my hair). Hence, I stick in front of the computer to do my office work for the whole day and now then I realise that I have been in front of the computer since 11am in the morning, more than 12 hours. Argh~~ I think I'm really going to be a workaholic, it's a Public Holiday and I should be resting at home!!!
Anyway, I realise that my gastric isn't too good recently. Say for instance on Saturday, I was feeling very upset with my gastric area feeling wierd. It's kinda blotted and I felt very bad. I think my gastric problem symptom is surpressing very soon. WIth me not having breakfast every morning and having late lunch daily, and with all this irregular meals, I think I am soon to get gastric problems.
Say for today, I was doing on my work on the lappy and had my breakfast, which makes me very full without having a lot. So I didn't want to take lunch. As my dad took some dim sum for lunch, I took some as well, which make me even more blotted. Asked my mum to buy Honey Milk Tea as I have a crave for that, and didn't even eant to drink then as I was so blotted.
After a few hours, in the evening, I suddenly felt that i am hungry. Actually i don't think it's hungry, but my gastric acid is piling up and making my gastric quite upsetting. So I told mum that I am hungry (didn't tell her I think I have gastric coz I don't want her to worry).
Well, mum didn't even know that I was sick the past few days as I hide it from her. Luckily I recovered, if not she will be super worried.
Anyway, it's late and tomorrow have to wake up early for work (although I still don't have the mood to work). But still, I need to go for work, so will have to rest soon.
Goodnight readers and take care!!!
love goes around | 12:33 AM
Monday, December 08, 2008
Had a steamboat dinner with my uni friends on Saturday night at Bugis, and chat our way while eating. They are my room mates during my stay in USA (the Room 310 December Babes).
It's a pure coincidence that we are all born in December, just that we are born on a different date and year, but all are Sagittarian. Maybe that explains why we click together so well and we understand each other so well.
Anyway, we were talking about love, and relationship all night long as all of us have some problems in relationship matters. Which actually makes me think about, what does the word "love" actually means?
I understand that many people have talk and blog about this topic and it's nothing fresh for me to blog about too. But exactly how many people understand and is able to explain what "love" actually is? I think very few, or I should say no one will be able to. The word "love" may look just like a simple four letter word that couples always put in their mouth. Just like me, I can say I Love You, but do I understand what does it really mean? I don't think so.
Many people may say finding someone who love you is always better than you loving someone else. But does this really imply to everyone? To me, I don't think so. Does finding someone who loves me a lot makes me happy? What about other instances which may applies like my feeling for the person, whether I do love him as much as he do? Whether do our background match each other's?
Many people also say that love is without boundaries, but I myself don't think so too. Maybe it's my upbringing by my parents which caused me to think this way, but I find that boudaries is a matter in love. Say for instance, someone from another country (laid back, village, low in standard) and does not have much educational background (having only professional certificate, talk in dialect, don't know about english, etc), then does boundaries love still imply? I think many people will still look a lot into the person's background, be it cultural or educational, their capability, and all. At least the person you are with must be in-par with you (same standard, cultural difference not too great, educational difference not too great, and communication level with each other, friends and family must be comfortable) so that you will nto find reaching the standard of his too difficult, or even reach the standard of your's too tiring.
People may always say after breaking up "I still do love you", but how much do the person love you still? How can you be confident that you will not hurt ther person that you have hurt before again? how can you make sure that he is really the person, the perfect person for you? Maybe after moving on, looking around the people around you make you miss the times you were with the previous person you are with, but how much you love the person to be able to provide him/her with love that make him/her feel that he/she is the most fortunate person in the world.
Out of a sudden, I am very negetive towards the word "LOVE". I am trying to refrain from love, and anyone chasing me. Maybe because I don't want to hurt anyone good guys anymore, and I do not have anymore confidence that I can be a great girlfriend anymore.
love goes around | 1:19 AM
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Today was my grandfather's birthday celebration at Red Star Restaurant.
Well, food today was so-so only. The standard of the food has dropped quite a fair bit. The food wasn't that nice already.
As our family have a few December babies, we had the chance to celebrate our birthday together every year, including this year.
It's my grandpa's 80th birthday this year, and I am so happy that he is still having good health and great body.
While having dinner in the restaurant, my cousin took a picture with me and my family. It's been a long time since I last take a picture with my family (other than my brother's POP). Anyway, I have also attached a picture of me and my family.
Tired already, need to rest early, tomorrow will have to wake up to do my work which I have brought home from office.
Bon voyage to my grandfather, who will be going to Vietnam on Tuesday afternoon. Happy birthday to you as well!!!!
love goes around | 11:45 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday was one of my friend's big day!! They have came a long way preparing for this day and seeing them going through the ceremony and them being so happy to be together forever, make me felt so happy for them.
Congratulations Jerlyn & Rong Jian, may you spend goods and bad, happy and sorrows together.
I was one of their sister for that day and have to wake up very early to prepare and go to the bride's house at Clementi. I woke up at 4.30am and prepare myself with the make ups and all before I took a cab to the bride's room.
After reaching the bride's house (which I was the last), I took my breakfast and help out with whatever I can for the gate breaking games for the bridegroom and bestmen. After them went through the games, the bridegroom manage to go in to the room of the bride to fetch the bride out for outdoor shooting and tea session at the birdegroom house.

While the newly wedd couples were taking their shots at the West Coast Park, wethe sisters also took ours. We've took a lot of pictures ourselves as well. Then we went to the bridegroom house for the tea session to their relatives. After that we went back to the bride's house for the tea session to the bride's relatives. There after I went back home to wash up and rest for a while before I go for the evening run. Thanks to Vincent for the ride home.
Evening time, I took a cab to Grand Shanghai to prepare for the receiptionist at the entrance of Grand Shanghai. Well, most people just go straight in to the restaurant, by passing the reception area. But around 8pm, almost all the guest arrived, leaving only a few of them not here.

Someone (not going to state who) came and left without even greeting to the bride and informing the bride. Well, I think this is a very bad move and the person should not act this way. No matter what, people invited you and you agreed to come. Fine!! People leave a seat for you and it's been paid for. You came, and you left even the event started (without even informing and telling the bride about it). I think this is very irresponsible and rude act. Even if you need to go, at least you greet the bride and bridegroom a congratulations or even inform them that you need to make a move before you actually go. At least people know that you have the heart and sincerity to even inform.
No matter what, I can see from the face of the newly wedd couple, although they are tired out, but going all ways to come this far just for this day, I believe they should be happy and fortunate.
I'm so happy for my friend that she has found the correct person to spend her whole life with. At times, I wish that I have someone that is correct and suitable for me to appear soon, and of course I can spend my whole life with together. Sometimes, I will also dream about walking into the banquet wearing the grand wedding gown, with my perfect someone, happily down the red carpet. Haha. Think I'm crazy. Young lady should not get married so soon, must enjoy first. Hee..
love goes around | 11:56 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
This morning was still not feeling quite well and really felt
lethargic, hence initially planned to take MC to rest more at home. Thinking a while, I still have a lot of things pending to do for customers which I need to send to them by today, hence I knock off my plan of taking MC and went off to work as usual.While on the way to work on the MRT, I was kinda like feeling quite high and head getting quite heavy, probably due to that dose of cough syrup again. All I wanted is to lay down and sleep.Anyway, along the way I was listening to my phone's song and sleep my way to work.Furst half of the day was a long one for me as I felt feverish. Luckily after lunch, I felt much better and flu have actually stop flowing down my nose, and what's more, no more sneezing. Wohoo~~ Hope this is a good sign of the revival of my good health again.Anyway, I think I better be off to home and rest early and more before the sickness phantom come get my life. Haha. Of course, I must be well as I am going to be my friend's bridemaid, and I should be well. (coz it's my first time)Alright, blog again when I'm free. =)
love goes around | 7:12 PM
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Today is a bad day for me.
Woke up in the morning feeling super blur (gong gong), plus kinda high, maybe due to the overdose of cough syrup that I have consumed the night before. Hence, I was late for work as I only wake up at around 7.30am, which I need to be in office at 8.30am. Thus, I sms both my boss and my admin that I overslept due to overdose of medication and will be late for work today. Quickly get myself up from bed and wash up, I left home at around 8.15am and took a cab to work, which I reached at around 9.15am.
After finishing some re-scheduling of the appointment my boss have today and handover some things to my admin lady (Alicia) before I headed off for appointment with my boss to various location.
Well, as I was sick and feeling high, boss didn't ask me to drive, and well asked me to stay in the car to rest while he go for the appointments. Thanks boss, "young boss". Went for a few appointment before we headed for lunch at Tangs. Well, I knew I should have rice for lunch since I'm a sick bird, but well, nothing much I could eat, thus I took Bento A from the Tori-Q shop. Thanks "young boss"again for the starfruit drink, it did help a little for a while.
After lunch, we headed to Chung Cheng Secondary Scholl (Yishun) for site survey, knowing that the teacher is out for lunch, thus we change plan and headed to AMK appointment first. While my boss went for appointment, i doze off in the car as I wasn't feeling very well after the lunch.
I thought I slept for quite some time when the phone of my boss rings and little did I know it's only like 10 mins of sleep. Shortly after boss came and we headed back to Chung Cheng Secondaty School for the site survey and boss ask me to stay in the car to continue my sleep.
Well, I did continue sleeping as I doze off once I close my eyes. Feeling totally no good and even though I might be running a fever, I still do insist on staying for the meeting as I understand the importance of the meeting and my prescence at the meeting.
Meeting starts only at 7pm (an hour late), and ended I don't know what time. I was sneezing very badly in office for the past 2 to 3 hours, and was feeling so upset that I feel like dying. Anyway, I left while they were still having the meeting as my boss saw me kinda suffering. After settling all the stuff, I pack up and left office.
Reached home at around 10pm, when I started to cook mee sua for myself to eat before bathing and entering this entry. I am still feeling rather upset with cough, flu and fever at 37 degrees celcius. Just took my medication and am beginning to feel "gong gong"again. I think I better rest more because my friend's wedding is on Friday and I'm one of her jie mei, so need to be in tip top condition.
I gotta rest now, so people out there, do take care of yourself as weather now isn't too good.
love goes around | 11:36 PM
Monday, December 01, 2008
Having my home cooked lunch now, thus have some time to blog while I am chewing on my fried rice. (Thanks mum for the delicious fried rice)
Anyway, having a bad dry cough this few days which caused myself to have a super manly and sexy voice. My cough is getting worst. Sigh.
I made a strong and hard decision yesterday, which started a new life again. But this decision makes me felt full of guilt and unforgiveness to myself. I'm sorry to you for what I've done, but I think this is the best for both of us, now and in future.
After I've made that vast decision did I know that I'm really need that person with me all. What does it means when you don't even feel anything when your life is refreshed? Does it means that it's just barely a rely on that someone else?
But whatever it is, I have done this decision and thought through seriously because I want a good future, a birght future, and most importantly a future that I can always rely on and be happy about. I hope I didn't make a wrong decision.
Hope I can get the support from people around me.
love goes around | 1:30 PM