Sunday, November 23, 2008
This morning at aroudn 11am, a few of the alumni had a dim sum breakfast with Mr. Luk at Tian Jing Restuarant located along Pagoda Street.
Well, many of us were late (inclusing laoshi). Well, luckily laoshi was late if not he will feel very disappointed seeing so little people.
Anyway, the people who attended are Weixiang, Sheila, Zisheng, Karen, Bryan, Shiting and me. People missing is Meiting (can't make it due to viewing), Zihui & Jingsi (can't make it due to concert), and Peiyi (can't make it as he is in China). Nevertheless, all sends their regards to Mr. Luk, wishing him a great year around and a great birthday.
Seing laoshi again makes me feel that he looks a lot better than before, and I can feel thathe is more relaxed and healthier. Maybe we are the ones that make him so tired previously because we always make him angry during band practice. BUt well, seeing him so healthyand nothing to worry about self, I felt so happy for him.
Well, I really hope he enjoyed the dim sum meal and the little get together session with the few of us.
Afterwhich me and Karen went to People's Park Complex for a walk before we headed to Cathay Cineleisure for a KTV session at K Box till 7pm.
Walked around Hereen and then walked to Swensens for dinner with Karen (which she ate her meals and I drank soup coz I'm not hungry at all). After that we went home long after.
Below are some nice pictures taken that they with the courtesy of Laoshi's camera.

love goes around | 9:38 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Heard on air this morning while I was taking a cab to work from AMK. If I'm not wrong, it's FM 100.3's morning rush programme and their topic for the day is about Career and Family.
The host were asking feedback from listeners that morning if they are given the opportunity to go overseas to work for a period of time (with good pay), will they go for the job that allows them to go overseas to work or they will choose to stay in Singapore because of their family.
Well, understanding that the station have mainly mature listener, hence I most of them will choose family. However, if you do ask me the similar question, I would actually choose to go overseas to explore and work there for a period of time.
Well, maybe I am not a family oriented person even though I still care a lot for my family member (my mum, dad and brother), but I will still choose to take the opportunity to go overseas to explore and learn more about other people's culture.
I always believe that after know other people's culture, you will find yourself cherishing the things you have before more.
Thinking again, what if I am a married woman and have a family, will I still be choosing to go overseas? I have no idea, as I'm not married. However, if you ask me to choose now again, I will still choose to go overseas because it is still an exposure after all. But I believe too if I were to have children after marriage when I am given this opportunity, I might and I will reconsider my decision as children always comes first in any parent's heart, no matter what.
But you can see, I will choose to go overseas if I have the opportunity to even if I am committed, attached, or even married as long as I do not have a child. I do feel that this is a real good exposure.
What do you think?? Do tag ya..
love goes around | 9:24 PM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Meet up with my polytechnic friends this afternoon for a short gathering as well as collect the wedding invitation card from my friend.
Seeing my friends get married, make me feel like getting married as well. Haha. But I didn’t want to be tied down with the word “marriage” at an age of 24. Haha. I still have a long way to go and I want to achieve my goal first before marriage (my car, my condo, and my cards). Haha. Once I get all, I will start planning for marriage. So now, I have to work hard for my future.
Anyway, chatted a lot at Yat Kun at Causeway Point and had a great laugh on the topic and the anticipation on 5 December 2008. Haha. Well, had always enjoyed the times we were in NYP talking along the long stretch of tables at McDonalds last time, an dspending endless time there copying notes, answer for tutorials and talking cocks. Haha.
Jialat la… recently keep have the feeling of going back to school (NYP) and experieceing the poly life again. No wonder people always say, cherish student life as you will miss that life when you go out to work. Now I understand. But well, you won’t understand it before you experience it. That’s life!!!
love goes around | 9:19 PM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
After band today, I meet up with Karen and Meiting (who came to school to fetch me after band) to go over to Vivocity for dinner before the birthday party for Jacqueline.
We had Breeks at Harbourfront Centre before meeting Ah Tom to go to Dragonfly at St. James. Knowing that entrance fee is free before 9pm, we got our feet into dragonfly just before 9pm.
Stayed there till around 2am when my mum called me and I have to make a move even though I promised to leave at 3am. Sorry Keenan, mum called so no choice. Next time I’ll stay longer.
We ordered a bottle of Chivas for the night, planned that the bottle of Chivas is something that will bring us back everything for gathering. Haha. But I realize before the plan can be acted, the Chivas for the night have not much left. Haha. But well, we shared among 5 persons la, so it’s quite average.
A much more pleasant thing is that in one night, I actually know two guys whom shared the same birthday as me. Wohoo… Last time I still told my buddy that it was so difficult to find someone who shares my birthday but he found 2 and is close friends. And tonight, I actually know 2 who is having the same birthday as me. Thanks Jacqueline for introducing. However, I only remember 1 guy’s name, which is Alan who is Jac’s neighbour. I think he really looks a lot like one of my close friends last time which I know from TEP. So I find his look very warm and friendly. Haha.
One thing that I forget to do or didn’t get the chance to do, is to get their contact number so that I can wish them Happy Birthday on our birthday. Haha. Crazy me la!!! Wahaha…
Hope that Jacqueline likes the birthday present that we have chosen for her. Adds to your collection!!!
love goes around | 9:20 PM
Thursday, November 06, 2008
After work, meet up with my band friends (ah Tom, Karen, and Zisheng) at City Hall for dinner and scouting for Jacqueline’s present.
As Zisheng was late and I was very hungry, we proceed for dinner first. They planned to have the Japanese Marche at Raffles Shopping Centre (Shukudo) and well, I think the food so so only, but the price is quite steep. Anyway, while eating we chat out way out and again took a long time eating and only get out butt off when time is running out and we should be scouting for present and not out to chat. Haha..
After paying for food, we went to Precious Thots to get a present for Jacqueline. Well, maybe you may want to guess what we are getting for her, but I believe it’s not difficult to guess la.
We have 7 people sharing for the present and well really hope she likes the present.
After that, we shop a while and help Zisheng look for some mobilephones as he planned to change to a new one soon. After looking through, I believe he has a few in mind already.
As our throat are getting dry and we are all thirsty (maybe caused by the food we’ve had earlier). Along the way to Marketplace entrance, we passed by a Bubble Tea stall and I can’t restrain myself in getting a cup of Pearl Milk Tea (my favourite), plus I am thirsty. Haha. Karen got her’s as well and after that we went in to Marketplace to walk around and look at all the groceries and talk a lot about this and that which makes us feel just like the past (when we are having our camps and were at AMK Fairprice shopping for food for our dinner steamboat) Haha…
Shortly, we headed home and now I’m dead beated and need my sleep as soon as possible. Haha.. Good night guys.
love goes around | 9:21 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I have an “adventurous” night last night. Why did I place open and close inverted commas for the word “adventurous”? Because it is not at all an adventurous one (at least to me).
Well, last night after I reached home (tired) after my part-time job at MediaCorp, I rest for a while (which I always did) before I went for a shower at around 11.30pm (+/-). After that, I watched a while TV and was planning to turn in after I read all my letters when I saw some stupid little creature flying in from my living room window.
I knew something was not right when I saw that creature, and after I saw the size and how it flew, I concluded is the creature in my “most hated list” – the cockroach. Yucks to the core.
A reaction as per normal, I ran off my living room couch towards the kitchen (which the lights were off). Stayed in the kitchen (bathroom with the doors tightly close to be actual) for like almost ½ an hour before I got the courage to open the door and walk out slowly to investigate whether that stupid little creature is.
So I took a step at a time to walk nearer and nearer to the living room (with eyes looking all around, making sure it’s not somewhere near), and pop my head out from the walk along the small little path way towards my living room from my main entrance to see where exactly the disgusting creature is. To not avail, I am not able to location it. Hence, I wanted to plan to get my mobile phone (which was right at the center of my long 3 seater couch) before I can plan my route of running to my bedroom. Before I could think of a good way to get my phone, I saw something flying around in the living room again and it’s that stupid creature again. As normal, I jumped and wanted to see where it has flown to (hoping very hard that it doesn’t fly to my room). Not long after, it flew towards my direction and I ran again to the same place (bathroom with the door tightly closed) and waiting for another 20 minutes or so (I think).
While waiting, I was planning should I just go take the phone and off the TV and running towards my room and switch off the light of my living room (which was just outside my room) and turn in with blankets up to the top of my head. But was scared that the cockroach will appear again. But well, this time round I took the insecticide from my kitchen and a cane on my right hand and walked slowly out to the living room to see if the cockroach is still around. Again, to no avail.
I stopped at the same location investigating for a while (thinking at least if it appears I still have time to react). Later on, thinking through, if I continue to wait and don’t do anything and later on the creature appear, I will not have the chance to run to my bedroom, so I took a deep breath and walked super fast to grab my mobile phone, off the TV console, switch off the light and run to my bedroom with my blankets covered to the top of my head.
Little did I know, I was breathing very hard (with shock plus relieve) coz I didn’t know that I have such courage to do such thing (even though I took almost 2 hours to conquer my courage).
And today, I am super lethargic and tired. Thanks to the disgusting little creature – The Flying Cockroach.
In the afternoon I went to meet up with big boss at Expo area for cheque signing. As I was super hungry, I took the MRT to Airport for a good meal of Popeyes at Terminal 3 before I head to Marina Square to do an exchange in the Homeview Motion Capture Camera that a customer have brought back to the store for exchange.
After which, I planned to go to work for my part time, however I was far too tired to even get myself awake, hence I went straight home, and well sleep all the way on the bus home from town.
Yawnz… I need my sleep badly now… Goodnight guys!!!
love goes around | 9:21 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Went for my part time job at MediaCorp today. Today I took on a new project understanding about Singaporean’s Gambling Habits and their opinion on gambling. It’s an easy questionnaire, however turn down rate by the person I called is quite high. But well, have to keep trying.
Finished watching the 11pm TV series before I turn in at midnight. Sleep well guys.
love goes around | 9:22 PM
Monday, November 03, 2008
This morning went to meet up with my boss at Jurong East as he needed me to do the standalone access control training to one of our reseller at his office. After commencing with the training, we went for servicing and sales appointment and only reached back to office in the late afternoon around 5pm.
Once I reached office, I started doing all the quotations and returning all the missed calls that I’ve had. Work all the way till around 8pm and suddenly have the craving for steamboat, hence asked my music partner if he would want to have steamboat together or not.
Initially he was not free as he has an appointment with his friend at Airport, which shortly after he mentions that the appointment was cancelled. Thus, we planned to go to Joo Chiat Road to have our steamboat dinner as it’s near my office, near his house, plus cheap (S$15.30).
Went to Bedok Interchange to take bus no. 16 to the location. Ate for about an hour or so and left the place at around 11pm, which I caught a cab home and he walked over to Marine Parade area to take bus home.
Thank Zisheng for accompanying me for dinner. It’s a craving that I can’t resist everytime. Haha.
love goes around | 9:22 PM
Saturday, November 01, 2008
This morning, I went for my Emirates interview for cabin crew.
Well, I don’t have much confidence that I will be selected for the interview (I just don’t have the take to be cabin crews la). But since my University friend is very keen on trying for the position, I went to tried along with them.
Waited for one of my friend (whom have a very dramatic morning between her, her boyfriend and her bag). Initially we should meet at 8.30am, later on changed to 9.30am due to the good weather for sleeping and after which changed to 11am.
She only reached around 11.30am and we manage to get in to the interview area at around 12.30pm, which I went in after the line touching section and they didn’t manage to.
I was kinda feeling weird as no one is accompanying me, but I still have to go through everything since I’m in. The question that the interviewer gave was so difficult, which I believe I will have to do a whole lot of research on airlines and Emirates before I can answer his questions and participate well in the group discussion.
Sigh ~ True enough, I didn’t get in to the 2nd round, but well I’m not too disappointed as I didn’t have much hope that I will get in, anyway.
Haha. They asked me to go try again during January 2009, but I find myself a bit lazy to try again. Haha. Shall see how.
Didn’t manage to go for my part time job today due to the long interview hours (thanks to my friend’s dramatic experience), and also missed my band practice as well.
Hope everything in band goes well.
love goes around | 9:22 PM