Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's Tuesday here in Oklahoma City and the time now is 10.45pm. I've just returned from my professor's house, which she invite us to. She had a wonderful house and what's more, it's rather a cosy house.
Group Picture of our U.S.A. Class
Door Gift from Professor Karlie Harmon after the House Visit to her Cosy HouseAnyway, this is the second week that I am here in U.S.A. Getting quite used to the environment here and the weather here is great now. We were ust lucky that we didn't had any of the tornados and storms. But well, it's too early to judge now as we still have about 2 weeks more here.
Well, this second week we've started with our new module, which is Television Production. I should say it's a fun module, however it's quite a stressful module as we have to absorb super many production terms into our brain and we've got only like a few hours and days to do a perfect job on Friday.
Outside our StudioSo far, I have played on the equipments in the control room behind the studio and it's enjoyable. Everything look so "wow" to me and actually when you know the facts, you will find it quite easy.
Inside the Control Room
Taking Charge of the CameraWell, don't always think that TV studio is always big. A studio for talk shows and news can be as small as your bedroom. I never bluff you, it's can be that small and a nice news shot can be taken easily.
Being the Director is a stressful and tough job. I like tht efloor manager job as you will be able to exercise around as you have to move around a lot. Am very addicted to the production team in the Television station now. It's super cool.
Today, we've made a trip to the city's newspaper publication centre and the KOCO Channel 5 Television station.
Badges that the Tour Guides Gave
Oklahoma City Channel 5 StationThe newspaper publication centre is really huge. The facilities there are great, expecially for employees. They really treat their employees well and it employees really have a lot of benefits. Singapore company should have done this for all their employees to keep them happy and relaxed so as to be productive. You will be suprised to see a newspaper publication centre which is as big as 2 of the Singapore Business Distripark at Jurong, and it all belongs to the newspaper publication centre "The Oklahoman".
Next after the visit of the publication centre, we went to the KOCO Channel 5 station and tour around their Television Station. It's the affiliation of the ABC station in U.S.A. They have very advanced technology and they uses the robotic cameras, and computer graphics. And that takes away for camera man and graphic manager. We got in between their weather forecast reporting and witness on the reporter reporting the weather and the whole process. But well, it's rather different from the ones that we do in classes as they uses much more advanced technology than we do.
News Table without Talents behind it
Weather Forecast Report Standing By
Robotic Cameras
Inside Control Room at Channel 5Anyway, we will be going for the "Gypsy Musical" in the musical theatre at 7.30pm and we will have our dinner at the museum cafe before we go for the show. I believe it should be a great show and we are seating at a very good place, the most expensive seat, which cost only at USD49.00. Isn't it cheap? Haha.
Thursday will be our dress rehearsal for the preparation of Friday's actual run. Hope everything will be fine on Friday.
Guess I won't be able to update more stuff till I come back from Dallas on Saturday. So guys, if you need anything from Dallas, do order and transfer me the money asap. And don't forget to email me your orders if you have.
love goes around | 11:44 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Whatever price that is stated here is exclusive of U.S. GST. The GST in U.S. is 8%.
(Yes, so Singaporeans, don't complain ok, 7% GST is not the highest)For your information, not all are mine, only the minority here are what I bought. Most of them are bought by my room mates.

Top from Body Central - USD 9.50

Top from IMAGE - USD 4.99

Belt from Body Central - USD 3.99

Tote Bag from Abercombie

Tote Bag from Bath & Body Works - USD 50.00
Special price @ USD 20.00 if purchase USD 25 & above

Necklace - USD 1.99 each

Body Mist from Victoria Secret -USD 19.00

Hand Lotion from Victoria Secret - 6 for USD 50.00

Laugerie from Victoria Secret - from USD 19.95 onwards

T-shirt from Abercombie

Tote Bag from Old Navy

Deniem Tote Bag from Victoria Secret with free body wash & lotion inside - USD 19.50 (comes in red, purple & pink)

Mascara (Normal) from Victoria Secret - USD 12.00

Mascara (Extereme Volume) from Victoria Secret - USD 19.00

Shorts from HCO (Holisters)

Mini Top Dress from Abercombie

Body Lotions from Bath & Body Works

Tshirts from HCO (Holisters)

Tote Bag with free perfume sample from Victoria Secret - USD 10.00 with every purchase of USD 30 and above

Perfume Spray from Victoria Secret -USD 39.00

T-Shirt from HCO (Holisters) - USD 19.90

Dress from Abercombie

Necklace @ 2 for USD 12.00
love goes around | 1:33 PM
Just came back to the hotel after a long day and it's 12.28am on Monday night in Oklahoma City. Went to the Quail Springs Mall, but what a disappointment, there wasn't much to shop there. Nevertheless, we have to continue to shop there as the route to the place is rather far.
Anyway, I got myself 2 more t-shirts and a belt and bought the Victoria Secret deniem bag (pink). The VS outlet at Quail Springs Mall doesn't sell red color ones, so have to go back Penn Square to buy it.
After we returned from the shopping malls, we went to leave out things in the hotel room and get changed up before we go ahead and board the water taxi which tour along the Bricktown Canal. Well, it;s a man-made canal and well frankly I think the canal is short and nothing much to see. But then the person who is talking about the historical stuff is funny and with him around, our time passes very fast on the boat.
Our Friendly Water Taxi Tour Compare

Pictures taken on the Water Taxi
Our Hotel from the Water Taxi View - A Stone Throw Away from the CanalBelow are some of the pictures I took while I was on board the boat.
Shortly before, me and one of my room mate went to the nearby movie theatre, known as the "Harkims Theatre" for a movie. The movie tickets here is expensive, it's S$9.00 for adult, luckily we were student and we got ours at S$7.00. Hee. Watched the Forbbiden Kingdom (it actually shows here, isn't it great??) and it was a so-so show to me, typical fighting show in english though. Should be worth watching it in Singapore during weekdays non-peak hours.
Haha. Alrighty, I know I have promised to upload pictures of the different products that I have got but well, give me some time ya. See below, is that much of things that the 3 of us in the room bought. Well, most of them are bought by my classmates, I only bought a small portion of it only.
The Outcome of the Three Shopping Queens
love goes around | 1:14 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
It's Sunday here in Oklahoma City, and the time now is 11.14am. I just wake up from my comfy bed preparing to go out shopping at Quail Springs Mall at West Memorial Road, which I don't know where the hell it is. Haha. Well, it's whatever planned by the school so I just go since transportation is FREE. Haha.
Well, hasn't been updating the blog for some time knowing that I have promise some people to update it everyday and almost as often as I can. Well, I was having a hectic school life last week, being fieldtrips and hikings. And whats more, we have to have in tonnes and tonnes of reports and assignment the very next day, we have not enough time to do due to the long schooling time. Have burned a lot of midnight oils to complete it and results into dozing off in classes the next day. Haha.
I was having the Environmental Science module, like I've mention on my last blog. It was a fun module, at the same time a boring module. Some people may think that I am contradicting, but well, maybe I am but I'll tell you why. Went we go outfielf for fieldtrip, that's the inetersting part, but when it comes to lessons, it's killing.
So far, we've went to two places for fieldtrip. On Tuesday we went to the Lake Arcadia which is a not that interesting because it's cold, and the soil is muddy and all, so don't really like it. After that we went back to school for a presentation about oil mining and oil spills. Then we went to the oil mining park.

At Lake Arcadia
Lunch @ Pops (Arcadia, OK)
Oil Field Rigs in Oklahoma City Residential Area

Up at Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge

At Meers Store for our Lunch after Morning Fieldtrip at Wichita Mountain
Up on Scotts MountainOn Thursday, it's a much fun time. We went to the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. After that to Meers for lunch and then to Mount Scotts. The scenery is so beautiful can??? Haha. I love that place, but then we've got limited time there. So sad. If not I will have stayed there for a longer time to look at the place because you seldom see such great scenery in Singapore. When you stand on top of the mountain, close your eyes and keep silence for like 1 minute, you will feel so relax and calm after that, you'll never get a chance to feel such sound of the environment back in Singapore, not even in Bukit Timah Hill. Woo... Nice.
After the completion of this killing module, we will be having TV Production module next week. It is a slightly more relax module which we can play with the TV cameras and will have the opportunity to role play. I believe it should be fun.
As Friday is a half day lesson, in the afternoon we went to the Art Festival at Oklahoma. Sadly, there isn't much things on music, more on the painting arts. It's nice, just that I don't know how to appreciate it. And in the evening, we went for a baseball match just opposite out hotel. It's a nice game, although I don't know how the game is played.
At the Baseball Field Event
On Saturday, we went to shopping at Penn Square Mall in the afternoon and then to Pow Wow event in school in the evening. Well, many will ask me what is Pow Wow. It's actually the Native American events, which they get together to sing and dance and share happy moments together. A very enjoyable time spent there though its short. We also have a sumptous lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and I tell you, the cheesecake is fantastic loh. Mamamia. Haha. If you have the chance to come here, must try.
At Cheesecake Factory having Lunch (MaMaMia...)
Out at Pow Wow Event in Oklahoma City UniversityI will post up all the pictures of the things that me and my room mates bought to the blog later and you all can order whatever you are interested and transfer the money to me, then I will help you all buy and bring back to you. Hee. Cool??? Haha.
Interested in the products sold here, stay tuned!!! Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures I've took during the week.
My Graduation Gown
love goes around | 11:27 AM