Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hi all, I’m back! Firstly to Sarah, don’t worry I won’t die so soon. Haha.
Anyway, health isn’t getting too excellent recently. First, is Bronchitis infection, which is a long term illness which will not recover completely (don’t know how the hell I got into this also), then now is the right lung area having this aching feeling. I can’t have too great a movement if not I’ll feel the pain in the rib bones area. It’s like muscle pull. It’s been like this since last Sat and it’s not recovering any better from then. I’m still feeling the pain (although it’d not feeling as pain as a few days ago, maybe I’m getting used to it). But while all the concerns of my fellow friends keep coming to me, the more fear I get. I’m not saying the concern from friends is making me fear, but from all those things they say, is making me fear that I will get some incurable illness. I know all are very concern about my health, and I really thank each and everyone of you who show concern.
One good example will be ZS scaring me that he checked online about my pain and Bronchitis and all this information, and say he fear it might be cancer. Well, I never thought of that till he mentions which I begin to think about it. What if it’s really lung cancer? What will I do? How will I face it? I know very well for myself that I will avoid it and try all I can to shield it from others so that they will not find out. I know, all of you who read this will start to scold me that I should start to find cure and prevent it from spreading around and stuff. I also know that early curing is essential for my life and prevention is everything about having a good life in future. But sometimes when you are really the one who is having all this illness, you will them to feel helpless and avoid everything related to it. At least for me, I will.
Yesterday I got a message from Zaidi telling me my fellow alumni pass away that very morning in sleep. I’m not too sure of anyone from recent batch will know him or not, but he is a well know flutist in NYP previously, and he is a very good concert master back at his batch and a person who have perfect pitch.
Saw his condolences been published on The Straits Times this morning. I finally decided not to attend his wake (hope Sonny don’t blame me) as this month isn’t a great month for me, with firstly getting very sick and now one side of my body is aching. I think I should avoid this wake attending, knowing that it’s lunar 7th month too. I really send you my condolence, Sonny, may you rest in peace.
Recently, I realise that life is really very unpredictable. First is the Captain from army (am I right, Ryan?) which collapse from the 21KM run and pass away. Next is Sonny, which passed away in sleep due to Heart Attack. Then this morning, hear from the radio news that a footballer passed away too, due to a sudden collapse during football training; what’s more he is only 22 years old. Sonny was only 31 years old.
While chatting online with Jordan, we were starting to think who will be at our wake when we pass away and who will grief for us? Well, of course not thinking I’ll just go tomorrow and stuff, but sometimes I really think about this. If really one unfortunate day I am to pass away just like that, I think I’ll choose to leave quietly. I don’t want people to come to my wake grieving. I want my friends to feel happy for me, at least I leave peacefully without pain or stuff, or even with pain, at leave I don’t have to suffer any more. Just in case I pass away earlier than anyone else, please do not feel sad for me, but do remember me for once I exist. And of course, I’ll look over all of you and remember all of you for painting colours once in my life.
Life is really very unpredictable, so do cherish whatever you have now, and go for whatever you feel like going for and not regret not doing so when you are unable to do so. You won’t know where you will be tomorrow, and you won’t know what will happen tomorrow.
I wish everyone good life and do take good good care of yourselves, and whenever sick, remember to seek for cure early. Smile more as it will make you look and feel healthier. =D
love goes around | 4:37 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Was about to post this pictures of my classmates up yesterday when I was been chased to leave my workplace and go home.
Have save them on my company's computer, so here I am here to upload the pictures for all of you to enjoy.
It's a day of breaking the norms. Well, for those who are think what is breaking the norms, it's actually a slight topic from our Behavioural Science module. It's basically going against normal actions, i.e. while walking people normally don't sing or talk to themselves, but you do it, sing out loud and talk to yourslef and see what is the responds of the people around you. Normally they will think your are nuts. Haha.
Thus, with the suggestion of my fellow classmates through email (thank god I read my email) that shall we wear pink on Thursday (the day where we should break a norm). MOst of the classmates agrees and almost all turned up wearing in shades of pink. I'm so glad to see a class which is a united and really make the effort to wear pink for the class just for that night.
Therefore, we also took a class photo of us in pink, The Pink Panthers. Haha. Fun loving classmates I have although I still don't feel quite bonded with them yet. Just feel that I'm not the era of their. Haha. But well, will try again and again to get into the era of the class.
Yesterday class entered pretty early at around five past nine and we were split into groups to do our groups presentation thingy. OUr group initially was asked to present on the "Perfect Husband to Choose" from the Big Five that we learn that evening (OCEAN), but as the professor made some mistakes, we were asked to so an act out of the various defense mechanism.
While we were acting, I believe what Diyana said and all really bring joy and laughter to the class, and of coursr, not going to forget me, who is always the crazy one who likes to do funny things to make people laugh. Remember my ultraman sign for "Surpression".. Hahaha.. I don't want to think about it!!! I DON'T WANT TO!!!
Alright, I'll get going to do my quotation for my colleagues if not he's going to kill me when he's back next week. Meanwhile, enjoy the pictures!!! The Pink Panthers of BMCE2 0624A.
First Shot.. The Pink Panther!!!

Candid Shot.. All thanks to Timothy..

2nd Shot of Us Breaking the Norms..
love goes around | 11:09 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Back to my work place, the battlefield. Was on medical leave for the pass two days. Initially was to be back at work yesterday but mum doesn't allow me to. Therefore I took a complete medical leave of 2 days.
Went back to work and was still having slight fever, but am quite fine though. Back in office people were like seeing ghost when they see me. Asking me "Have you recover??" Feeling better is the phrase to hear. Later in the day, my colleague called my name out of a sudden and tell me that boss asked me to go home, saying that I'm in the midst of recovery, will spread virus to others very easily one. I was like "what the hell".
I didn't want to go home. Waste my travelling time to go home and then back to school later in the evening. So I dragged the time till 15 to three when my colleague ask me to go home again. This time gorcing me to. Alright, I leave my seat and off I go.
As I really didn't want to go home, I to bus 63 all the way to Bugis for my lunch before my medication and then to school.
Now, I'm in school library entering this entry. Well, I think I still have time to sleep for about half an hour. Just submitted the MC to my student service centre. Hee.
Tomorrow is weekend and band again. And I'm tired, still, all thanks to the medication.
Off to a short nap in the library!!!
Take care people!!! *cough*cough*
love goes around | 11:45 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
After a long day of sleep, I'm up to enter some information into the blog. I'm feeling kinda like drunk mode, probably due to the medication I took in. Anyway, I might type quita a few wrong words here and there, so please forgive me for any grammar or spelling error.
Was home all day today (neither go work nor school). Just felt very restless and feeling very unwell. My whole lung areas felt kinda tight and breathing in is a hell to me. I went to visit a doctor yesterday night after I had a super bad cough just minutes before my break time during my lessons. I cough all the way through my break time till I nearly fainted. Luciky I never eat anything before hand, if not I'll definitely vomit all the food out.
Visited the doctor and he told me I was caught with Bronchitis. I was like, Oh Gosh~ how the hell I get Bronchitis man. Well, for people who don't know what the hell is bronchitis, below is the definition.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the main air passages (bronchi) to your lungs. It causes a cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Coughing often brings up yellow or greenish mucus. There are two main types of bronchitis: acute and chronic.
Acute bronchitis is often caused by the same viruses that cause colds. It usually starts as a sore throat, runny nose or sinus infection, then spreads to your airways. It can cause a lingering dry cough, but it usually goes away on its own.
Chronic bronchitis is one type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The inflamed bronchi produce a lot of mucus. This leads to cough and difficulty getting air in and out of the lungs. Breathing in other fumes and dusts over a long period of time may also cause chronic bronchitis. Treatment will help your symptoms, but chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition that keeps coming back or never goes away completely.
I was infected with Chronic Bronchitis. I was like so turn off when I konw it's long tern and it will always come back and will not goes away completely. So I was asking myself, how the hell I got into this.
Wanted to go school today but was to restless to do so. Today was my turn to present for the group question, ter I was at home resting to recover. I had 2 days of MCs, but was thinking whether to go work tomorrow. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow and is in the condition to go back to work tomorrow.
Thanks for all who carefor me and show concern regarding my illness. I'm still fine. Don't need to be worry ya? My Karen also must rest well and take care of your throat. It's the essential of KTV. Haha. To the others who are ill, take good good care of yourself. Drink more water!!!
Alright, I'm again in the half-asleep mode now. Think I'll go to bed yet again. Am still feeling feverish. Sigh. Immunity is getting low low low and morale is getting low low low too.
love goes around | 8:06 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
上个礼拜去了一趟巴旦岛。哪是一个很好shopping的地方。最开心的就是可以吃到A&W。买了好些东西会来。比如Adidas Shoe, Polo Rluph Polo Tee, 和一些土残。东西是便宜的。哈哈。可去那儿一天游。
爱情对我真的很残忍。 =(
love goes around | 1:26 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
After Alumni practice yesterday, we went to town for our dinner. Had Pastamania for dinner but the taste for the food that night was awful. Anyway, had the Bacon Aglio Linguine for my dinner and sat for a while to talk about some band and music stuff before heading to Party World for KTV session.
After checking in to the KTV rooms, we proceeded dedicating songs and started singing. I sang quite a few songs first as I need to leave early for my movie session with my colleague. Left the KTV place at 10am plus for Jay Chou's Sneak Preview at Cineleisure.

Well, I can assure you that Jay Chou's first directed movie is indeed a movie worth watching. It's consider a very successful movie for a first time movie director. The effects and the drastic change of Jay Chou inside the movie makes you feel so afresh and sees the difference in Jay Chou. You seldom see such humorous Jay Chou, but in this movie, you did. Anthony Wong is yet another great actor. What more can I say about him? Haha.
I urge you all to watch it. Officially launch on 8th August 2007.
Went to Bugis just now for some praying and a simple window shopping. Went in to Diva! to look for the necklace that I have been looking for. Everytime I looked for it, the only color I saw was in gold. This time round, i tried my luck to look for it again in the shop and yes, I found it. Hee. I was so overjoyed that I told it immediately and without second thought, decided to buy it before it's gone again.

Thanks my dear for buying it for me. Hee. You are doting me too much, will spoil me one. Haha.
Just went to an only website to buy a jumper and a tote white bag. Was quite excited. Hee. First time got apparel and top from online, if the product is good, I may plan to get more. Hee.
Alright, time to turn in, still felt very tired and having a headache already, probably due to lack of sleep. Take care people, weather nowadays not too good.
love goes around | 11:28 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
Oh god, went to book our Batam Trip tickets yesterday for 12 August. Yeah, can go Batam eat seafood already.
Initially planned to go for the 2D1N Trip and as everyone agreed, someone in the gang said she cannot make it on Saturday coz she is working. Now, I'm quite tempted to go for the 2D1N trip. Argh~ Anyway, we still booked for the 1Day trip to Batam. Will have to wake up damn early to check in and everything. Hate early wake up time.
After complaining to my friends saying I am tempted by them for the overnight stay, they agreed to plan for another trip to probably Malaysia, i.e. Cameron Highlands for a 2D 1N stay next time. Hee. Happy!!
After booking the tickets, we headed over to Brewerkz for dinner and a little of a drink. We had our meal (coz we are super hungry) there as it's pass 9.30pm and our initial plan was like shattered coz Central's restaurant mostly closing already. After that Jin Feng ordered a tower of 4 liter of beer. Can't remember what is the name. Anyway, it's a light beer.
While chatting, I got to know quite a lot of Women's Day Out Events coming up during September and October.
Coming up September, there's an Amore Women Day's Out 2007 on 1st and 2nd September (Sat & Sun). Here's the link to the website, in case you are interested too, just like me. ( I am very keen on the Dance Beat coz it's a full 2 hours of dancing of MTV and Hip Hop dances, which was what I would like to do. Haha. It's only S$15 and I think there will also be goodies bag sponsored by Everlast & Watson, and the things inside the goodies bag are fabulous. Haha.
Another event is during October, The Great Eastern Women 10K. Well, of course I'm not going for the 10K run, I'll be going for the 5km Fun Run. Hee. That will be enough for me, anyway is run for fun only. Haha. This Marathon Run is more costly, it's priced at S$33 as early bird is over. Goodies bag also not too bad, sponsored by Adidas wor. Haha. Here's the link for this event (
Anyone interested in accompanying me for the above two even, tag me or email me or sms me, any ways you think is more convenient. Hee. I'll be waiting. Haha.
Tomorrow will be watching Jay Chou's new show "Secret". I hope it's a show worth watching. I believe so too, as I know Jay's expectation for everything is very high, typical Aquarius guy. Haha. So excited la. But sadly, I didn't manage to get the free exclusive collector's item CD. It's a giveaway for all the preview tickets holder. Due to my lateness (all becos I'm working during the day), all the CD have been collected by the other people, and when I reach Gramaphone, it's all given out.
Was quite sad la. Sigh. Anyone want to spare me one??? Hee.
Alrighty, back to my work already!! Great week ahead!!!
love goes around | 12:33 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Tired is the only word to describe my feeling now and drained out is the only way I can see myself.
Super duper tired. Every night when I reached home and lay on the sofa, one I close my eyes, I'll sleep immediately, and yes I used the word immediately.
After dinner and shower, lay on my bed pressing my phone's keypad also can't prevent myself from dozing off. I can actually read message half way and doze off. Many a times, my phone nearly dropped onto the floor. While keying message to reply my friends, I will actually doze off halfway and by the time I am awake again, it's like a few hours later, in the wee hours of the night.
The tireness in me have caused my memories to dropped and resulting in me having bad memories and kept forgetting my stuff. I need a great long hours of sleep, I need it now!!!
Had finally done and complete the artwork for our company's newspaper ad that will be launch this month on the 15th of Aug, front page of The Straits Times Classified. Keep a lookout for the publication. It's my first attempt for newspaper publication artwork design, hope the outcome from the publishing will be good, or rather excellent. Here's a preview of the publication. Hee.
Just bought a can of Red Bull to keep myself awake. Thinking it will not help at all, I was wrong. After drinking that can of Red Bull, I never doze off at all this afternoon. No doubt, Red Bull is really a drink that keeps a tired person awake and continue to have great spirit. I need more Red Bulls. Waiting for my colleague to get me another can of Red Bull coz I am starting to doze off very soon.

Later willbe meeting my polytechnic ex-classmates to get our Batam Trip tickets for 12 Aug, but I suspect that I'll be very late coz I still have tonnes of work to do (but why am I here blogging when I'm complaining at the same time for lack of time?). Initially I am to meet then between 7 - 7.30pm at Chinatown MRT Station to go get the tickets together, but I am afraid I'll be late. Hope that I won't be too late though, if not they will be killing me coz they waited for me for months to go Batam for seafood feast. Haha. Anyone wants anything from Batam, like Polo Ralph t-shirt, Lacoste Polo Tee or whatsoever, let me know. Place an order with your size and item number if you happen to have it and email to my email. Haha. I'll get them back for you. But then, need advance money too. Thanks! ;)
To end the blog with a wonderful picture before I mug myself into my work again, I've got this big bouquet of roses picture for all people, especially ladies. Hee. Well, don't think too much, no one gave it to me. It's a picture found online and I find it so beautiful that I decide to share with everyone. It's a 99 stalk roses bundle up into a whole round bouquet. When will I have such a big bouquet of flowers??
love goes around | 3:15 PM