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Monday, April 30, 2007


曲:Christopher Chak




需要多勇敢 (x2)


So in love with this song. Listening it over and over again. Sadly, I can't go out and buy the album. Really have the impluse to buy Eason's new Chinese Debut. I might only like this song but it is really very nice. The lyrics is so nicely written. Lin Xi is indeed a person who can write good lyrics. No matter cantonese or chinese songs, the lyrics can flow so nicely. Plus, Eason sang this song so nicely, with the feel od hurt and sadness in his vocal. He is capable in singing sad songs. I recommend everyone who read this to listen to this song, with you heart and feel it. It's really nice. I can feel the pain in my heart when I hear it, and the feel of crying together with the song.


love goes around | 4:45 PM

Before I have my meal, blog a bit over here first. Just cooked myself a bowl of maggie mee (vegetarian) for my brunch.

Well, I should say my pox have stopped coming out already and I'm very gald it stopped of course. I hate the pox over my body and face. Anyway, most of them are bursting and it's diverting from itchiness to painfulness. Sigh. But at least, I don't feel so drownsy anymore. At least, I don't have to rely on Panadol anymore. At least, at least, my head no longer feels so heavy.

Thank god!!

Anyway, my face is still as ugly as it is. Although most of the pox is drying up and are coming off, but I really don't know when it will be ALL GONE. How I hope everything will just go tomorrow and I can go back to work. Well, I know it will not happen, so just imagine.

Anyway, I have one more week at home and I'll be free to go back to my work place and go out. Finally~~~~

I hate staying home all day long, as I'm not at all a homely person, since when sagi people are homely?? Haha. Right sagi pals??

But I think I'll still stay home for a few more weeks before I dare to go out coz I know my condition will not permits me to go out and let everyone see my ugly face. I will go out when I feel that my face is nice enough to let people see. Haha. Consider me vain or what, but that is me.. No one like to see themselves ugly. Wahaha.

Alright, think I'm starting to get out of point an dtalking nonsense over here. My stomach is groaning, got to go and have my food. FOOD, HERE I COME!!!

SO IN LOVE WITH THE SONG I PUT AS MY BLOG SONG, or shall I say I am getting more and more in love with Eason?? Hmmm...

love goes around | 1:06 PM

Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's been 4 to 5 days since my pox was diagnosed. Meaning I've been staying home for almost 4 to 5 days already. Well, should say it's a rare case seeing me at home all day long as I'm not a homely person. Staying home all day long just make me feel so restless and helpless.

Seeing my own face, make me can't help it but have this great fear. At time, I really feel like dying just then. I nearly can't recognise myself from the person I saw in the mirror. I can't say I'm a person who extremely got for my look and look after my looks as I know I'm not at all pretty, but I also can't take the fact that my face is fill with all the pox. It's really ugly, very ugly. I can't take it seeing myself so ugly.

How I want to be positive and be happier. But at times, the people at home, my mum and all kept saying "aiyo, look at your face, 2 months also won't recover" just make me feel dishearted. I wanted to be positive but all those words from them make me feel down and down. If in two weeks time my face is still that ugly, how am I going to face people when I take MRT to work, how am I going to face my classmates when I go school? How?? How??

At this point of time, I really wish that there is someone around me, console me, make me feel better. Feeling so lonely at home, feeling so helpless at home. No one to turn to. All I hear is all those negetive words frolm my parents and all. Really make me getting into tears everyday.

I am so cheerful before, but now, I hardly see my smile anymore. Tears have taken over my smile and I can't do anything.

I really need someone to console me, and tell me "don't worry, no matter what happen, you'll still have me around and support you." No matter how ugly, you'll still have me.

It's seems like even my very best buddy have left me alone, he was one of them who cares and concern about me the most before, but now, he doesn't even care anymore. Now I understand, I totally understand.

I'm all alone. Totally alone now.

love goes around | 2:03 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi people, I'm back blogging after being MIA for several weeks. Am quite busy with my work, and band and entertainment. LOL. So many things happen in just this two weeks or so.

I went for main band practice almost every evening other than me got held up during meetings. There are having a Dance!ALIVE musical this coming Friday and Saturday, but sadly I am unable to join in the fun and play the pieces. Felt quite sad and disappointed that my illness came at the wrong time.

The Sunday that just past was a wonderful and memoriable one for me (other than my sexy coarse voice). I went to attend the longest running musical "The Phantom of the Opera". The plot and the scenes and the props were all so real. You will never be able to imagine how big the theatre is until you see all the big big props moving out scene by scene.

It was so real that you are like one of the character inside. I personally like the part in ACT II, during the Point of No Return, where the 3 lead opera singer sings together and I can really feel the pain the opera feel and the sadness of the scene. Needless to say, I cried. It was that touching for that scene.

I chould say the whole musical was perfect, just like what you hear from the recording. At certain places where there is a need to be exeturated and sounded angry, there isn't enough power and the sense of hate in them. But well, it's live musical, you can't expect every scene and plot to be exactly the same from that of the recording as each individual are humans and they have thier own style. Natural is the best.

But overall, I love the musical. Still thinking should I go again for the last show on 20th May, and enjoy for the last time the play. Anyone interested?? Cheapest tickets will do. Haha.

After the curtains were down, we went forward to check out who are the musicians behind the scene, and to my amazed, the size of the orchestra isn't big. I believe it's about 20 odd players. And I really envy the percussionist. He along play all the percussion instrument. He can even play the timpani together with the bass drum. Cool right. And what's more, some of the players were local, and one of them from the Clarinet section was Desmond. I was shocked when I saw in the the seat of the orchestra. My god! He will be my new idol already.

After that, I went out to buy the program booklet, London Cast CD (prefer the 1st launch CD though) as well as the transformable mug. After that headed home as the next day we all have school and work.

The next day I was kinda sick and my voice became even more sexy. Pulled through the work and meeting and left to visit the doctor and was granted with a day's long MC. Stayed at home to rest the next day as my fever was still on in the morning. During the evening, I went for rehearsal but only played Copacabana. Sigh. Follwoing we went to KFC (being McDonald was full) for supper. Had myself a cup, or rather two cups of tea with small gossip and chit chatting about the future of Alumni Band.

Was actually quite happen to learn that at least the group present would like the Alumni Band to be good and have reputation. Thanks guys. We shall work on the plan very soon. Chalet end of May and we shall discuss more over the night. YEAH!

Wednesday, I went back to my work place. I suspect myself on contacting with Chicken Pox, but during then was just a suspect. So I eventually still went for work. At night, I never went to musical rehearsal but to the doctor.

What a sad thing to learn that I was diagnosed with Chicken Pox and I have to stay home for the next two weeks. Cannot eat chicken, cannot eat prawns, cannot eat sotong, cannot eat beans, cannot eat anything dark in colour. Argh, kill me man!! Worst, no fried and toasted food. How am I going to survive at home with all this restriction. Sigh.

The most worrying thing is work. I have millions fo things waiting for me to complete and yet I am unable to return to office to complete it. I'm sorry all my colleagues, I'll try my best to perform all task from home.

Next is the musical. I am unable to participate in the musical which I have spend so much effort into going for rehearsal and all. It really sadden me a lot. Sigh. When Sarah sms me saying they will remember me when they hear the song "Finally", I cried. Thanks for remembering me. There will still be entertainment for you all, no worries. People like Wai Leng and Yi Hui and Thomas they all will make you all laugh none stop. Haha.

The other very very sad things is my KTV session after musical. I gotta miss it. Now that my voice return and I can sing like a woman, I am diagnosed with chicken pox. Argh~~ Next time must go for KTV again together ok?? When I recover that is.

Next would be my colleague's wedding dinner on 5th May. No idea if I'm well enough to go or not, but I think my chances of attending is very minimal. Sob Sob~~

I'm not a homely person as most of you know. I can't stay home for like more than two three days. Now I have to stay home for 2 weeks, how am I going to survive with all this "no entertainment" life??

Sigh. Must be positive, Trisa. I'll have to plan for chalet during this two weeks and I'm sure it will definately be a successful chalet. Yeah!!

I shall go and take my rest already. Fever running up at 39.3 degrees now ( think subside already coz I have my medicine). Feeling a bit gong gong now.

NYP Symphony Orchestra and NYP Alumni Winds people playing for Musical, ALL THE BEST and make it a SUCCESS!!!

love goes around | 2:56 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nowadays I seldom blog too often for two particular reasons, one is I'm too tired facing the computer back home since I've been facing the computer for a whole 8 hours or not in office, and two is am just dread tired.

I'm having a lot of task and jobs on hand to finish and all just come in a lump. My work is piling up as my MD asked me to go in his office each time. Whenever he asked me to go to his office, I hate it coz I know nothing good will come out from his mouth. Although he keep say "you did a great job" and in emails forwarding to everyone saying that I did a great job, but the work load is hell.

He keep stressing me I'm the hope of the company, if I didn't do well, the company will collapse and all. Even though if I get what the new comer award, it doesn't really mean anything coz I am like dread tired everyday after I'm home. Just simply tired la.

Well, after work normally I will go band for this few weeks as I'm involved with the musical thingy but recently MD just send an email to us saying we have to extend our working hours till 8.30pm. It's samn shack I can tell you.

Recently, hardly have time to leave office to buy food to eat coz my things cannot be finish, i can't even stop to take breathe. Sigh. Tomorrow will have to continue my whole pile of work. Argh~ Luckily MD is going outstation again from tomorrow onwards for a week or two. Phew~ no more asking me into his room for more discussion and more task.

Well, enough of my compliants from my work.

yesterday was band. Afterwhich will stop for 2 weeks as there will be practice for main band for thier musicals at Auditorium. Will only resume alumni practice during May.

The practice yesterday was not too bad. I have a strong brass sections. I love them. It the first time after so long that I saw so many brass musicains coming for alumni practice. But my woodwinds, still so little people. Sad man.

After that, again a group of 6 of us went to Bugis for our Ma La Steamboat for dinner. This time round, we have a big meals. We ordered for rounds of food before it could fill our stomach. gosh~ I was actually quite shocked. Anyway, it wasn't bloating like previous time, believe it's coz we had the meal slow.

Afterwhich, we decided to go for our singing session. Had our KTVwhores at Party World @ Cuppage until 2.30am before we headed home. Had a whole lot of laughter and fun singing with them and seeing the MV. Haha. Thanks Ryan for the Priest Act, it's damn funny loh. Wahaha.

Alright. I'm actually still quite tired now, but just can't bring myself to sleep. Sigh. Anyway, think I'll stop here, will be going out to buy some cosmetic stuff later if I'm not that lazy to go.

Take care peez..

love goes around | 6:39 PM

saw this video clip from my beloved Eileen's blog, and I believe someone will definately love it, so here I am putting it up.


love goes around | 5:25 PM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's been so long since I last blog. Well, have been rather busy with work and band recently, and what's more? I went for a short holiday over the long weekend.

Envy me ya?? Nothing to envy about actually, just went to Genting with my family members for a short break and chill out after about a year or so since I last went overseas.

Well, Genting didn't really change much, other than the renovation part that last went have been completed and it's easier to find the ways out (probably due to the last time I went with my friends and we really went walking around Genting).

This time round, I get to enter the Casino, finally. Haha. Went in there are realise there isn't really a lot of things to play. I merely played the Jackpot and share cash with parents to play one other spinning game. Don't play play, I actually work RM25 bucks from playing jackpot ok? Haha. It's quite satisfying though.

Played arcade there too, which is one of my to do list there, Haha. Still finds that going there with friends is more relax and fun than going with parents. Haha, too many restrictions. Muhaha.

Second day of the trip, we went down to KL to do some shopping as well as by some groceries. Took a bus from Genting Bus Terminal to Titiwangsa Bus Interchange. From there, we take Monorail to Bukit... (xuete! forget the name, chinese called "Jing He"). There are a lot of things to buy there, some are really cheap and that place is really the heaven of teenagers and young people.

Just two stop away is the Malaysia KLCC, but sadly we didn't go there coz parent didn't want to go (they are tired).

Went back up to Genting in the evening after our dinner at KL and rested at our hotel rooms before and and my brother went to look for stuff that we wanted to buy. After buying and walking around Gening again, we went back to our rooms and our parents are gone (to casino of course).

Last day, me and brother woke up exceptionally early just to be the early bird to play the Outdoor Theme Park, as we are leaving at 3.30pm on that day. We played the Sky Drop, or rather known as Death Drop, and both of us were like shocked till the ultimate since we played for the first time. After playing all our rides, we queued for another round of Death Drop. Due to too the crowd, we didn't queue again for the other rides and went badk to look for our parents.

That marks the end of my 3 day trip to Genting KL. Miss that place quite a lot, although nothing much to play and see and buy. If I were to go with my friends, I believe it will be a better experience.

Alright, back to my work now. Yesterday night have a long long meetinfr from 6.30pm at night till 10.45pm and I was given with a lot of task to fulfill this week. Argh~~ Stress!!! Haha. But I believe I can do it!! YEAH

love goes around | 2:45 PM


Trisa a.k.a. SaSa
15th December 1984
Full-Time Marcomm Manager
Part-Time MDIS B.S. Student
Innotec Solutions Pte Ltd
B.S. of Arts in Mass Comm - OCU


Entering the Media Industry
Earn More Money, Get Wealthy
Travelling Around the World
Digital Camera
Agnes B Silver Knot Design Ring
New Shoes
New Bag
New Watch
Get Slimmer
"The Rule of Love" Book ($25+)
LCD TV Monitor
A New Hi-Fi System
A Car "having one at the moment"
Learn Dancing "learning it on 30 Nov onwards"
Learn Piano/ Cello

Voice It Out

Change Channel

band fusion
MSN space
nanyang symphonic winds
nyp alumni winds
nyp friendster
nyp symphonic orchestra

Friends Link

adeline, leong
amelia, lee
andy, koh
benedict, siu
bryan, ong
christopher, kwok
clorine, teo
eileen, zheng
elvin, ong
eve, xu
fong cheng, tam
fong yee
han boon, yap
jacklyn, kuah
jerlyn, chan
jesslyn, oh
jie jun
jingsi, toh
jin song, heng
karen, lim
keith, koe
liling, sia
li ping, chio
marcus, choo
peiyi, chen
ryan, koh
salleh, mohd
sarah jane, teo
sean, goh
shadow, meiying
simon, ho
thomas, lee
trendy, dai
vannessa, little
vivian, mdis
weixiang, yong
yao ming, koh
yong jun, koh
yuen ting
zi hao, ng

Celebrities Link

adriano wong
andy lee - 李嵩
ann kok - 郭淑贤
cruz deng - 丁志勇
da tou fen's world - 大头芬的世界
diya, chen - 陈迪雅
fanfan - 范伟棋
felicia chin - 陈靓瑄
f.i.r. ah chin - 阿庆
fish leong - 粱净如
gary chaw - 曹格
ivy chen - 陈艾微
ivy lee - 李锦梅
jiafa, xie - 谢嘉发
jiahui, xiao - 萧嘉惠
jj - 林俊杰
joanne peh - 白薇秀
joi chua - 蔡淳佳
patricia mok - 莫晓玲
peifen, lin - 林佩芬
qi yu wu - 戚玉武
sam lee - 李圣杰
sharon au - 欧菁仙
show luo - 罗志祥
xiao gui - 小鬼
zhou gong jiang gui - 周公讲鬼

Good Stuffs

chinese songs
closet affairs
gal's street
hand-made accessories
health tips
john & josephine dance creative
O school
pitstop cafe
princess closet
puzzel hup
sweetgift online shopping
touring guide


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
August 2010
September 2010
November 2010
May 2011

