Wednesday, February 28, 2007
At work at this point of time. Will be knocking off work in about an hour's time, and it's my last day with Global Magazines. Actually, I like this working environment and I know I will miss this place with all the friendly colleagues and all. But it's also time for me to move on.
Went to rent a vehicle on Saturday morning until Monday morning at $50 per day. Needed the car initially on Sunday and Monday, but realise later I don't need it. But well, just rent for the fun of driving and convenience. In the morning, had my singing session with WeiXiang at Civic Centre. At 3 plus, the band people came my house for the New Year Visit. Played the "Big 21" for about an hour. While I was the dealer, I won quite some money and when ht edealer was changed to my parent, I lose some money. But well, nevermind la, everyone happy can already.
After that, drive to Ryan's house. At his house, we had steamboat for dinner before we watch a movie with his "brand new toy". After the show, we played "Big 21" again for several house before we take our leave. I drove Ah Siak, Ah Tom, Herbert, Pei Yi, and Karen home before I finally reach home at around 2.30am. Phew~
The next day was the house visit to laoshi's house. I went to fetch WeiXiang before driving to buy the "鱼生". After that drive all the way to laoshi house at Newton. Stayed there for a while before we leave his house.
Drove Izwan and William to the main road with Jing Si to the MRT Station since I'm going somewhere there too. Watch the concert which Eason asked me to watch (he is performing for information). It wasn't a bad performance. Quite a fresh experience I should say and I tell you, they really sang well and many nice songs. Good Job Eason!! *Appluased*
After that drive WeiXiang home before I go to buy another "鱼生" for my house. After which, I went to WeiXiang house for visit after that went to meet Eason. Let him drive home before I go and look for them at Yishun.
Monday, initially meeting Eason to drive him to Seng Kang but waited for him for an hour and I still don't see any sight of him (call him didn't pick up, sms him never reply). It's kinda worrying but I'm running late for my appointment signing so I just leave when I learn that his alarm clock was spoilted. Was initially worried and angry but after that I'm alright as he had a reason. Luckily not exam day loh, if not he will be late for his exam already. Thank me leh!! Haha.
Tomorrow, I'll be working at my new company - Innotec Solutions - as a Marketing Executive. Hope that I can ice break with the people there soon (in not very good at ice-breaking with strangers).
Although it's my last day at work, I will still have this job as a part-time home basis job as I need to complete my task. So I will have to work two jobs at one time now. Sounds kind of short of money, but well, it's always better to have more money than less. I'll be getting a day's pay for 200 names generated. Hopefully I can generate more names and I can get more pay. Haha.
Later in the evening, will be having a gathering with my ex-colleagues from FR8. Will be having dinner at the Ninja Restaurant (no idea what is the exact name of the restaurant) at CityLink, then out to some drink chilling. I believe it would be a great one since we didn't really meet each other in a group for such long time.
Yesterday with to Bugis with my colleague - Alvin to change his shirt, but due to the stock running out, he decided not to change. Soon after he left to meet his girlfriend, I went to had my dinner at Pastamania and then shop around Bugis Junction. Bought myself a pink jacket at I.P. Zone and also Gary's 2nd Album. So happy!! Haha. An so in love with him now. Wohoo~~
Nowadays, it's like I'm getting too many 桃花缘. It's pretty scary la. Having my mobile phone's messaging hits increasing and my mobile phone's ringing hit increasing, it's sometimes quite irritating. Sigh. This year of Pig isn't going to be as good as I think. Really really hope I can find that someone who can fill up my other empty half of my body, my heart. Since I have so many 桃花缘,maybe I'll have to pray for the one to be there soon. Haha.
love goes around | 4:55 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
After a few days of silence in my blog, here I am, BACK! Haha.
Started work on Wednesday (while many others may have leave and new year break). Back in office and I had to rush all thethings that is pouring over me. It's like a million of things not done and I have to settle it in a day. Stress.
But Wednesday, I went over to Jac's house for steamboat dinner cum house visit for the New Year (Me, Karen Lim, Karen Ho, Aston, Xiu, Moo, Jac). The steamboat was nice. Missing it already. Hee. While having steamboat, I saw Jay's Music Video Production on MTV Asia channel and was hooked to the TV. Hee. After that, we rest a while before proceeding to play "Big 21". Played for an hour or so and I was stagnant at my usual amount of money at the end of the game. Why am I playing for an hour without winning or losing?? Haha.
After that went home, which we (Xiu, Karen, Me and Jac) was hit with something serious -- car unable to get int gear. After further etsting and the conclusion was that the car was faulty and needs a repair. So we have to trouble jac's dad to send us home (Yishun Ring, Farrer Park, Woodlands Circle). Thanks Jac's Dad.
Thursday was another day of work. During lunch, Alvin when to meet his gal friends while I went to meet up with Eason to collect some things at the same time had lunch with him at Golden Shoe Food Centre. Thanks for the Street Directory and the Jay Chou portrait, sorry that cannot accompany you for long.
After work, i went for another interview at Orchard. It's a PR firm dealing with events, press releases and speeches. I was there for the interview for about an hour. After the first round with the secretary, I was ask to go to the boss for another interview. It was nice talking to him.
After the 2nd interview, I was asked to take up the computer on the other corner of the room to type a page long essay about something I know for him to see. He said my command of english still not so bad. Quite happy. It was a job that I wanted but guess the pay was a little bit too low for me, $1200 per month. So I still decide to take up the offer at Innotec as Marketing Executive.
Today, another busy day at work. Was busy looking for duplicates and also typing out the names into different segments. Eyes nearly drop out. Haha. After that, I was asked to help them paste the address label on the envelop as they need it to send letter to the various companies. today work until 6.30pm then I leave office. After leaving office, Alvin asked me to accompany him to buy hot holicks from Mr Teh Tarik and then he whent to withdraw money for him weekend use. As his girlfriend went out with her friends, he didn't want to go home so early. So we went to a nearby McDonald for our "Fries" session which we wanted to have a few weeks ago. Afterwhile, I went home.
Went to top up my cashcard and also to buy the almond jelly powder to make for the people who is coming to my house tomorrow. Alrighty, I'm leaving. Tomorrow morning will be my KTV session again. YEAH!!
love goes around | 10:53 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Just return from Malaysia not too long ago. Done all my stuff before I officially online to check my mails and all the others micelleneous stuffs. Guess who I bump into when I was at the Singapore Custom?? My secondary school DM, Mervin. Wow~ I was so shocked to see him, and what's more, he was the one who called my name. Well, in secondary school, people know me as my chinese name, so he called my chinese name, which I was like "huh, who calling me?" He slim down a lot, and of course, become more charming already. Hee, good for him. Haha. No more the fleshing Mervin I've known. Haha.
Another coincidence. It was with Karen. Yes, Karen from the flute section. What a fate that she see me waiting for bus to Singapore while she was in the jam inside her sister's 'xiao mi feng'. I was quite shocked to see her sms saying the color of the top and bottom I wore. Haha. When I was on board the bus, I look out of the window and I saw a yellow car (really prominent, no wonder your sister say at night can see, really leh.. Haha..) which I'm pretty sure it's their car. The jam was bad adnd they were stucked there. When I was home then just reached Singapore. Well, maybe that's the bad part of having a car, will get caught in a jam.
This year's trip to Malaysia was a fruitful one. Why?? Coz I got to see something so beautiful, that is fireworks. Yes, fireworks.
In Malaysia, one thing good is people there are all easy-going and especially friendly, which makes me feel more natural there compared to me visit houses in Singapore, i.e. my dad's family side. They are all very generous to you, especially when they know that you go once a year, they will offer you the chance to play the fire-crackers without any hesitation.
In Singapore, you will never hear a single 'boom' sound coz putting any fire-crackers in Singapore is illegal. In Malaysia, even when you sleep, you will hear sounds of fire-crackers. Despite the papers mentioning that they will fine people who put fire-crackers, there are still people putting.
What's more? I saw fireworks. really fireworks. Although not those big ones like we see in Singapore during countdowns and special occasions, in Malaysia, they have fire-crackers which shoots into the sky and the outcome is like the fireworks in Singapore. The best thing is, NO ONE BLOCKS YOUR VIEW. You can stand outside the house and watch all you like, with views so clear.
I had quite a few pictures and a video of the burning of fire-crackers. When I have the chance, I'll upload it here for all of you to see. Yeah!!
Tomorrow, might be going out with friends to window shop if I can't get to go to my friend's house to 'bai nian'. This year, like quite no life, no people's house to go. Sadz.
love goes around | 1:50 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Didn't really blog for the past 2 days, hee... Paiseh.. was quite busy working la..
Alright, was home quite early yesterday. Went home right after I work. Yesterday, Channel U showed the movie that I like (coz got my favourite actress - Soo Yi Zhen). It's a show that I watch in the cinema about a year or two ago called "A moment to Remember". The story is about a young woman who is at her age of 27, suffering from early Alzemier (don't know specill correctly or not). It a typical sad sad romantic korean movie, but it never fails to bring tears to my eyes.
therefore, when I watch it yesterday, thinking I will not cry coz of the commercials, still cried. The last part of the show really is touching, very touching.
Today, woke up and yes, I went to Orchard to get some stuff befor returning home. I got myself another pair of footwear and some socks plus a makeup remover. All these are essential for my New Year, haha. sadly, I the store that I wanetd to get my top fro didn't open, so in the end I didn't get it. But am still happy with what I got la.
new year coming, and I realise I am getting old already. Thinking now, I'm soom 2 be 23 for western calendar and for chinese calendar, after new year I will be 24. Argh.. I thought that I'm still young but seeing my age number increasing each year, it just bring fear to me that I'm getting told already.
Everytime I see secondary school students in the train or hat while I am trvelling home from work, I'll envy them so much and really miss my secondary school 'uniform' days. Sigh. I'll never be able to get back to those days anymore, am too old to do so. Sigh..
But whatever it is, New Year must stay happy. So don't think of the sad sad things. I'll be happy for what I am, as long as I'm young at heart. haha.
To all....
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!! Get mroe ang baos alright?? Hee..
People can come my house to 'bai nian' on the 24th Feb la. Contact me k?? As for lao shi's house, will be on 25th Feb, 12.30pm. Hope to see you. Inform me regarding your attendance k.
I won't be around in Spore for the next 2 days as I'll be away to M'sia.. Anything can SMS me, I'll return your SMS as soon as possible.
Enjoy and SMILE more k...
love goes around | 10:32 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wow.. I had a great time this Valentine's Day!! Although there isn't a guy that I fond of celebrating it with me, nither do I have dinner treat no flowers, but am contented that I have friends spending it with me.
After my work, I headed down to Orchard to meet up with the gals, as well as my buddy of course. never fails to meet him on Valentine's Day, every year. Haha. After meeting Karen, Xiu and JunHong, we walk to get our food before to the International Building for our KTV session. It was a fun session I should say. many laughter and the effects done by the remote control. Haha.
Well, it's although the same routine as last year, with me, Karen and JunHong, just that this year there is Xiu tagging along, and me being single. Think that's the only difference.
Initially wanted to give the gals a suprise by buying flowers for them, but after walking round Raffles Place, the flowers there are not so nice already, so I didn't buy. Thinking I will have the time to buy it at Orchard, but I didn't as all of them reached the same time as me. Sorry gals, no more suprises for you all..
I meet up with Salleh to pass him the pictures and recording of our concert (which I nearly forget about). To my suprise, he gave me a stalk of rose. So sweet of him ya? Haha. Well, it's for his dear president ma, wahaha.. Thanks la, my forever Assistant Conductor.. Hee...
After the KTV session, all of us went home. Well, was kinda looking forward to flowers waiting for me at home la (which I already know I won't have any). It's always a pleasant dream of mine to imagine about flowers all over me during Valentine's Day, haha. But well, Valentine is over, and I was proven that my dream is yet again shattered. Haha. Will look forward again to it next year then. Muhahaha.
Well, today was yet another day of work. I actually doze off, yes I doze off half way through work. I didn't know how I did it but I just shut off. Haha. I only remember that I was leaning a side of my face to my left hand while doing the data extraction, and felt so tired that I just leave everything and close my eyes, and that's it. I slept. I have no idea how long I have slept but after I woke up, I was refreshed. Haha. My colleague was saying I was so scary sitting there with my head dropping lose, looking down, and my friend say I was doing Yoga. Haha. During that short doze, i think I dream of something, but I can't remember it. Xuete! Haha..
Actually today isn't a good day for me. Wake up, and remembered that today is some special day which is no longer as special. But well, it just stays in your memories la. Some things not you want to forget, means you can. All you can do is to act and assume that you forget and don't remember. I don't like the day after Valentine's. I hate it more than Valentine's Day. Sigh. only if.........
Alright, enough!!!! Back to track...
Went for an interview at "Singapore Press Media" and the interviewer wasn't too friendly (although he look quite charming). It wasn't a job that I was looking for coz it's more on sales than marketing, so I decided to give it a miss. Went down to Chinatown to walk awhile before heading back home. it wasn't as crowded as I thought it was. Bought some tibits and snacks for New Year and headed home shortly after.
I really love the 9pm show on channel 8. It's damn funny. While singing KTV yesterday, we were like so engrossed in the recaps of the show. It's a damn nice show. Must watch it if you didn't do so for the past few days. You'll not regret it. You'll definately have a great laugh and the content will definately make you have another way of thinking about the word "Love".
Remembered Karen mention about someone yesterday which I think it's quite true. Many guys in recent years, dare not go for what they want, and what they dream for. Why? Simply because they are scared of rejection and scared of failure and falling hard on their back again. Well, sometimes, human need some determination in certain things i.e. relationships, in order to get it. So things are not as easy to get as learning ABC. No achievements, how to have good performance? Haha. Must put in effort, let the person know that you really like him/ her not only by words, but action, care and concern. One day, he/ she will definately be touched by your sincerity.
love goes around | 11:23 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
First of all,
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY 情人节快乐!!!! Haha, enjoy this special day with someone special to you. Haha. May couples have it a wonderful night, may singles have it a wonderful day with friends. Haha.
Today not only is it a Valentine's Day, but also a SAD day. Haha, why I say SAD Day is not because I don't have a valentine myself, but because today is also known as the "Singles Appreciation Day". Haha. Cool huh. So singles, don't feel too sad, you are not alone coz there are many singles out there too..
Well, no one day me today, so I'll go for KTV with my beloved daughter and my twin sister (no longer twin le). Haha. Not too bad also, cox have been wanting to sing lately, haha. So shall enjoy singing today lo.
Hee.. Shall suprise them with some gifts later. Haha. Hmm, I'm a romantic girl remember. *VOMIT*.. Haha..
No flowers for me this year. =( sad.. Haha.. No la, nothing to be sad about. Haha. No flower no flower loh, too expensive.. Haha.. As long as I know got friends beside me can already. Thanks girls. Hee.
Tomorrow evening I'll be going for an interview, again. Hee. This time round is an interview for Sales and Marketing Executive (Advertising) position at Singapore Press Media. Haha. Hope it's challenging and interesting, and of course pay wise to be higher. Hee.
Alright, think I'll not continue with my WOW story today already, it's too late also. Haha. Hope all of you enjoy this day ba.
love goes around | 3:28 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Unrealistic "WOW" Imaginations 5
Well, this may be the last second entry about Valentine's Day gifts and ideas.
If all that I have mention previously sounded
hilarious, then here are some things that will also touched a gals heart (especially), but if you want to do it today, I think it's too late but well, keep this idea for the next event (i.e. anniversary, birthday, etc)Seldom you will see guys do handicraft right. That's right! So it's time for you to do some handicraft for the person you like, or you love. Yes, handicraft as in cross-stitch, knitting, etc. Go get some nice nice sweet sweet pictures from some handicraft shop and stitch it YOURSELF for your love ones. If your love one sees it, I can tell you she will definately be shocked. What's more, she will love you more, for the effort you've put in. Haha.Another idea, will be if you and your love ones like photo-taking, camerawore, this idea may be quite good for you if you haven't use this idea before.That is, but a nice nice frame from IKEA or other shops, and put in all the pictures that both of you have took and make it nicely for your love ones. You can get some nice nice background paper for the frames at the "Prints" shop. Then develop the picture that are nice, cute, funny and all and put them together. Of course, you must cut them up and design it a bit to make it a "wow" thingy.What's more. Put a love note or some words you write in a nice paper or print it out in a nice paper if you have ugly handwriting and attach it beside the frame. That is, before you seal up the frame from the back, slot the paper in. That acts as a suprise for her/him la. When he/ she want to hang it up and need to take out the back of the frame, she will again be suprised by the words you have secretly put inside. Cool right. Haha. Idea right?? If he/ she is those type who do not hang them up and will just keep them, hint them that there is a hidden suprise somewhere in the frame, only after he went home or after you sent her home. That's what you call SUPRISES.. Haha.Enjoy your Valentine's Day, No matter with your partner, or your friends. Don't forget to wish the important someone "A Happy Valentine's Day".
love goes around | 3:39 PM
Unrealistic "WOW" Imaginations 4Alright, enough of all the flower thing, which may be rather costly. Well, like I say in my previous casual entry, planting a pot of catus for your girlfriend is also sweet too. Haha. It's all about the heart and the love that you put in.
(BEWARE: Some gals may think that you are try to tell them they are the thorns of your heart, so if your gal is those sensitive type, don't give then catus)Alright, something not so costly, but also may look quite nice and sweet if put together, it's balloons. Haha. You may want to DIY a bundle of balloons together and then give it to your girlfriend or admirer or someone you like for some time. Well, of course not asking you to bundle a big big bunch of balloons, there are small balloons solds outside too. If colors are matched nicely and they are tied up nicely, it will also look very nice. Really.
Alright, I'm not asking you to get those helium type of balloons which may cost quite a lot too. Just use your air and blow up the balloon and use some of your creativity to put them together.
The gal will definately felt lighted up when she sees that too. Make sure you can proof and she knows it all your hard work (that's all it counts), if not how to touched her heart. Haha.
All the best.
love goes around | 3:33 PM
Wasn't feeling quite well yesterday night, having slight headache at night after my dinner, better not get sick this few days, Chinese New Year is round round the corner.
After work yesterday, I gave my ex-colleague (now my colleague coz I intro him to work in my co too) a help in planting catus for his girlfriend as Valentine's Day gift on Wednesday. So sweet right. He stay at my house for a couple of hours planting the catus (for your info, we combine 5 catus together into 1 pot). The outcome was pretty nice I should say. Haha. Below is the picture of the planted catus he wanted to give his girlfriend. If any of my ex did that for me, I'll be so touched. He plant it with all his heart leh. Haha. Cool guy I shall say, a couples for nearly 9 years. Wow...

Went for an interview in the morning yesterday at Ubi. It's a security company (helping people to fix security cameras) known as Innotec Solutions Pte Ltd. It's a 1 year old company but is expanding fast. I went for an interview as a Marketing Executive (task is to help them do up catalogue, manual guides, customer services as well as follow up calling to check if the cameras are alright with them or not). Today, I was told from an email the MD send me saying they are offering me the Marketing Executive job. I was kinda in delimma of whether to accept it or not coz the pay wise isn't to high (only $1550 before including marketing incentives). I was aiming for a higher paid job and as well for the EQ Music job. But till now, no news from other company, and this was the first company I went for interview and I got in. How how?? Probation $1400, after 3 months probation $1550 + marketing incentives. How it sound?? Sigh. Suggestions please.
Alright, think I'll get going to continue with my task in office now, although no one in the office again, but cannot slack too much. Haha. Stay tuned for the "WOW" stories ba.
love goes around | 3:16 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Unrealistic "WOW" Imaginations 3Missed my "WOW" Imaginations entry?? Haha. Apologies, was kinda busy for the past few days.
Alright. Here it goes. The previous 2 blog entries are about flowers, this entry will also be about flowers la. Haha. My imaginations all about flowers (I like flowers la). Haha. I'll combine 2 flower stories here, and this will be the last flower entry.
Alright. Previously, I was saying giving suprise to your gal or your admirer flowers by waiting for her at her viod deck or outside her classroom or what. Now, you don't really have to do it personally too.
Sending the flower to the other party's house or office can also suprise her quite a fair bit. Haha. It's not expected, therefore shocked. Haha. For this, you have to have her office or house address to do so.
Pick a bouquet of flowers from a shop and deliver it to the respective house or office, and include a small note saying something simple "Dear so and so, Happy Valentine's Day. Have a Wonderful Day. From: A Special Someone/ Mystery Guy...". Definately, the gal will guess who it was from and feel kinda wierd, but if shortly after, you give her a call asking if she like the flowers, I believe it will definately bring smile to her face.
(You may asked the florist to give you a call when they deliver the flowers so that you know when to call)Another way is to send a pot of flower to that gal you fancy. Haha. I saw this pot of tuilip (you can actually plant tulip in Singapore.. AMAZED!!!), sold at $12.90 per pot for about 3 tulips. You have to grow it of course. Haha. But the idea wasn't too bad too. You can buy it from IKEA Queenstown. Check it out when there's still time.
Sweet things are to be explored. Haha.
love goes around | 2:40 PM
Missed my blog entries?? Haha.. Hasen't been blogging for the past few days. Hee. Was busy with reunion and room tidying.
On Saturday, woke up and got myself wash up before heading to meet Eason so as to pass him the necklace for his concert before going to the 小猪's music event at D.X.O. Was running quite late for the event thought coz have to wait for Eason to finish his tuition (nothing blaming you ya..). Luckily, I wasn't too late coz the queue was quite long and it was UNDER THE SUN. Haha.
Manage to got in after a while of queue and without waiting for long, it event started. I can tell you, 小猪 was handsome one loh. Haha. Other than a bit big size (front the dressing that day), he was charming. Haha. Kinda attracted to him la. Took videos of the whole things, when I have chance, I'll upload it here for you all to see (won't be very clear coz I used my mobile to record, haha).
After that, went ahead and had my lunch at KFC before shopping around Marina Square. Bought a couple of things there too (A bangle and a long silver necklace that I have been eyeing for).
After that, Karen have togo for her reunion, and as I was still early, I headed down to Orchard (Far East) for a shopping session yet again. Bought 2 belts and a beaded necklace there. After I've done all my shopping, it was just nice for me to head down to Grassroot Country Club for my renuion dinner. So glad that my relatives like my new hairstyle. Hee. Had a couple of red wines during dinner too. MY FAVOURITE..
Sunday was my cleaning day. Sigh. Didn't knoe that my room was so cluttered with "rubbish", which took me a whole day to clean up my room. But after that, you see your room tidy tidy, nice nice, makes you feel so good. I still have some minor part of my room not done yet, will do it when I have time. Hee.
Haha, Valentine's Day coming wor, how you all celebrating. Haha. Didn't know that really got people date me out on V Day leh. Hee. No one date me out on V Day one, but hey this year got onesilly guy date me out leh. Haha. Anyway, it's on Thursday la, coz he can only book out on Thursday. Hmm, might meet him, might not.. Just feel kinda wierd. Haha. No experience la.
Anyway, what will I be doing during V Day?? Since Karen already dated me, I'll go KTV with her la.. Haha. Enjoy our singles out. Wahaha.
(if nothing goes wrong)
love goes around | 2:18 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Unrealistic "WOW" Imaginations 2Before I start with part two of my "WOW" Imagination, I need to add on to my previous entry regarding the flowers thingy. Well, it's just some "imagination" thingy, so nothing serious about it. Haha. Like I always tell people who want to buy flowers for me on Valentine's Day, "don't need la, so expensive. If really want to buy buy 1 stalk I already very happy le". But if people already bought, then just accept it, coz it's already PAID, and it's a heart that counts.
(Although girls always say don't need, don't buy, but deep down in their heart, they will hope that you will not treat what they say as real. Haha.)Alright, I'll start with my Part 2 story.
This imagination somewhat connects with the previous one, revolves around flowers and romantic actions.
I always have this hope to see someone at my house void deck waiting for me. The feeling of someone waiting for you at your viod deck is quite pleasant (definately not someone you don't like for sure). If that someone is the person you like, that would be best, but if you don't like the person and don't have bad impression on that person, I believe he will leave at least a few more good impression for you.
As for Valentine's Day, if the guy can make the effort to wait for you at your void deck (if he knows what time you go out, or what time you return home, that will be best), and bring with him a bouquet of flowers for you, just to suprise you, it would be so great.
Just imagine, if someone waited for you at your house void deck, and he brings along with him a big bouquet of flowers, and what's more it's a plain suprise for you, you definately be overjoyed. Even if you doesn't have feelings for this person, this will definately add points for him, and increase the impression of him to the gal. Of course, not to ask you to propose to her on the spot, but at least tell her,"just a suprise for you, hope you like it. I can't be your Valentine today, but hope that you enjoy your Valentine's Day." Wah~~ If someone do say that to me, I'll definately melt, probably tears will drop too. Hee.
As for me, I've been hoping for this day to come, but I know no one will do this for me la. Haha. So I'll just continue to dream about it. Haha.
Another tips for you, if there is one day that you quarrel with your partner, and your partner just left you and continue walking all the way, let your partner go. But of course, you must follow behind your partner, make sure nothing happens to him/her. When your partner is reaching home, chase up and have a nice talk with him/her. It works you know. Haha.
Another tips for couples who have quarrel. If you happen to know the time your partner returns, wait for him/her at his/her house viod deck (if you know he/she is at home, make a call and ask him/her to come down for a while), when your partner returns, he/she will definately aviod you, but hey, he/she will also be touched by your sincerity, and at least be not so angry with you. Try it. It works, really.
"WOW" Imagination will continue tomorrow. Continue reading...
love goes around | 12:01 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Had a lon long day today. Morning went to office and start working on my stuff all the way until afternoon when the internet connection went crazy. After lunch, I returned and work on my stuff again, hardly stopped a moment. Till I realise it's about 4pm, then did I felt that my eyes is straining and hardly could open.
Can't get into the blogger website in the office, think my office internet really something wrong. Sigh. Hopeless wireless. After work, I went to meet Alvin (my ex-colleague) to help him in getting his Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend - a pot of many cataus. Innovative huh?? Indeed. We chose 5 different cataus and bought a pot, where he will come to my house on Monday to put them together, and Wednesday bring it to office for him so that he could suprise his girlfriend with it. So sweet!! 8 years relationship, yet they are still so sweet. Sigh, how I wish i will be like them.
Alright, after that went to Dohby Ghaut to get some things and also a pair of heels ($10). Haha. My new year shoes, so happy!!
Tomorrow will be meeting Eason first to pass him the necklace for his concert before I go ahead and meet Karen for Xiao Zhu's Album Promotion at DXO at 2pm. Hopefully have tickets. Anyway, thanks Karen for the invitation. Have rather missed that place coz quite some time since we went there already. Many memories were created there wor. Haha.
Sunday will have to clean up my room and if time permits, I'll do some biscuits, which my mum keep asking me to do for her for CNY. Haha.
Monday will be going for an interview in the morning at InnoTech at Ubi as a Marketing Executive. Hope everything went well, but I still look forward to EQ Music's call. Haha. My passion and dream is there. Wahaha.
love goes around | 11:50 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I'm in office alone again. Recently, I'm always left in the office alone as my colleagues have to go out to meet clients quite often. My friend took leave until maybe tomorrow or Monday then return, so quite bored actually.
Well, I promise to blog about my wild imagination today but hmm.. should I blog now? Haha.. K la, I'll blog on one of the many stories that I have imagined, or rather should say dream on. Haha.
It's all related to Valentine's for your information. Maybe I am a person who cannot be alone, so when I am alone, I tend to imagine, and many thought will run through my mind.
Unrealistic "WOW" Imaginations 1Everytime when I pass by a flower shop, I will uncontrollabily think of the feeling I had when people gave me flowers. Well, as I'm playing in concert bands, receiving flowers isn't a rare thing that happen as it's some sort of a support when people buy you flower.
I admit I don't usually receives flower, until my Poly times.
When I was still schooling in NYP, and everytime it meets with Valentine's Day, I will start to look forward to people bring flowers to the class for me. Well, i know it's just plan imagination but this imaginations will really make you feel like to sweet. Haha.
Therefore, everytime when Valentine's Day arrived, I'll tend to keep a look out at the door of the classroom, or the glass panel along the labs, if people I know will be around (esp. when I have a boyfriend). Although my imagination/dreams always were shattered, but it's really very sweet leh.
Imagine, if one day on Valentine's Day/ Anniversary, your boyfriend hug a big bouquet of flowers (if it's a flower you like, you will feel even better) and knock on the door of your classroom and tell your lecturer "Sorry to interupt awhile, can I have a minute with so-and-so", and then brings you out. Pass you the bouquet of flowers and tell you "I Love You, hope you like the suprise". Wah~ how great right. Yea, I agree it will be embarrassing for the gal to even enter the classroom later on, but deep down inside her, she weill definately felt so touched.
If I ever experience this, I don't know if I will cry or not, so touched loh. I know Singapore won't have such romantic guys la, but at least imagining it, will make you feel great. However, don't put too much hope on that guys la, if you do put so hope you will be very disappointed.
Now, I'm missing the Valentine's Day during my NYP days. Although I will not see guys doing what I mentioned above, but guys in my class are always sweet enough to buy flowers for every female in class. They will not fail to do so every year, for 3 years. I should say that the guys in my class are rather nice guys as they understand lady quite well. Whenever a gal receives flowers, you'll definately see the smile on her face, no matter she likes or not. Which gal don't like flowers? Haha. Impression of you will definately increase if you, even it's only a stalk of rose taht you bought for her.
So guys, action sound more than words. So act now when there still time for the lady you favour in. All the best.
Stay tune in the next Wild Imagination.
love goes around | 3:35 PM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Blogging using my house desktop. Yes, my desktop revived. Great thanks to my neighbour as well as "Eng Qi's dad". Without their help, I believe the com will not have revive so soon.
It's so so different to look into a desktop now, probably because I've been too used to my lappy, which everything are strinked by half, and now boom, everything just enlarged in front of me. Wohoo.. Not too use too it though. Hee. But feels so great using the desktop now la, coz I don't have to set up the laptop everytime I want to use it anymore.
Valentine's Day is round the corner. Next week same day, I believe I'll see a lot of couples along the street holding bouquets of flowers from their love ones and many will be enjoy time with their love ones having candlelight dinner. Couples always so sweet. I believe I'll miss the moment this year, coz I don't have a partner with me anymore.
Anyway, i shouldn't complain, at least I did spend it with my love ones before. I believe I'll miss the wonderful Valentine's Day I had previously. Valentine's always brings me a lot of memories. My first Valentine's Day was when I was with my 2nd boyfriend, and we both have polytechnic excusion to NYP. We met at a place as coincidentally and thus pass each other the V'day gift. Kinda romantic, I find it too. Haha. But after that, we ended our rls but still remains as very good friend, good buddy till now, coz he understand me the most (inside out, outside in).
After that will be my 3rd boyfriend, who always like to buy flowers for me. Hee. He treated me very well I should say. Always scared I not enough to eat, always buy things for me, always send me home, waited for me to school, waited for me home. As we live quite near each other, we often meet to go home and all. Even went to Australia with him. Had quite a memoriable relationship with him should say until his expectation gets too high each time for me to him and until his jealousy level went up did we ended our rls.
4th boyfriend was one which I put a lot of feelings in. Not saying I didn't put any for the above two. Each boyfriend I had, I put in more and more feelings, and in turn getting hurt deeper and deeper. sigh. 4th boyfriend proposed to me on Valentine's Day, asking me to be his girlfriend. Well, I have feelings for him for quite some time and well I know he like me for some time too also, but had lost quite some confidence in relationship then, till his sincerity touched me and his sweet sweet messages and his characters bring me confidence again to accept yet another relationship. Had many great time with him though we always protray ourselves just like normal friends, don't hold hands, don't hug, don't kiss. Most memoriable thing was we went to Europe together. Did some sweet things together too la, not to mention them but at least we did. Other than the 100% freedom that he gave me, which was too much for me, and his 100% non-jealous attitude and his "bo chap" attitude made me felt a bit tired of keep being me the one initiating and all, I asked for an end to the wonderful, hoping he could be my husband, relationship.
Next one I should say much anyway, so now I'm left with no one to spend my Valentine's Day with. Actually felt quite uneasy and uncomfortable thinking about Valentine's Day spending it all alone. Probably because I have already spend too many valentine's day with my other half, and now without my other half, just felt incomplete.
I may be contradicting saying I wish to have someone to spend V Day with me but didn't want a boyfriend for myself now, didn't want a relationship now. Sigh. Actually, I'm kind of addicted to relationship. Should I use the word "addicted"? No idea, I realise when I don't have someone whom I can reply on, tell my sorrows, care for and show my love for, I'll feel real empty. Sigh. Maybe it's due to my long term relationship before, which results me in relying too much on the other party. Sigh. Should be independent yet again. I can still live my life well without anyone. Yeah!
Having said so much, I haven't even blog about my wild imagination about Valentine's. Maybe I should blog about it tomorrow. Stay tune if you want to know how wild my imagination can goes for that special couples day.
love goes around | 9:25 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Working in office now. Slack awhile to blog, hee. Office have no one other than my friend (the one whom I introduce to work in my company). The advertising people went out to meet client whole day, and we were left in the office all alone whole day. Shiok right? Quite shiok actually la. Haha. At least can talk and all, just like I'm the boss like that. Muhahaha. Oppx.
This morning didn't want to wake up, am so tired. It's like I can't sleep well every night since Sunday, no idea what happen. My body just felt wierd, kinda feel that I'm falling ill, but then am not. Sigh, old already, getting weaker and weaker.
Am in the midst of looking for full-time jobs, as well as good paid temporary jobs. Found quite some online, but have yet to send my resume out yet. Sigh, don't know whether I'm prepared for the jobs or not. Kind of don't feel like working, but want to work. Very contradicting right? Sigh, must be firm of what I want, yes.
Ho, remember to take care of yourself k. Take medicine and drink more water. Don't fall sick again.
Nothing much to blog today, just felt quite bored. Haha.
love goes around | 4:38 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
I got the opportunity to go watch the "Project Superstar Season 2 Finals" at the Indoor Stadium yesterday. I was a definately marvellous and excellent performance by the superstar contestants, as well as the male and female winners, who are competing with each other.
I was sitted at the VIP seats, yes the VIP seats. Haha. One regret is I didn't go to the VIP Lounge before the show started, if I went, I might have known some of the ex-superstar people. Sigh.
Their voice that night, is great. I especially like Daren's "寂寞的季节" and Diya's "Dream A Little Dream of Me". And also not forgetting, their duet song "天天夜夜". And what's more, I also like the "菊花台" by Weilian, it's nice. Sadly, my Gary only sang one song "3-7-20-1". Where is my "两只恋人", sigh.
But I was glad that Daren was the overall winner, and he got the 2 year contract from Waner Music. Honestly, that night's performance I personally thinks that Diya did better than Daren, but well it's all about the amount of fame they have to make people call for them, so ya.
After that, me and friend went to Marina Square's "兴旺" cafe to have our supper. Talk and all until around 1 plus before walking over to the ATM for money to take cab home. As we are along the same route, we took the same cab home. Let my friend alight first before I headed for my house.
Today, I went for my movie with Jac. Initially agreed to watch together was Karen, Meiting, Jacqueline and me, but in the end only me and Jac watching. Nevertheless, we still watch together. I was an awesome show. I would give it a 4/5 rate as I don't like the way it ended. Anyway, I shan't talk too much about the show, as I want all of you to take the opportunity to watch it. It's definately a worth watching show. The name of the show is called "Happy Birthday".
After watching the show, it mades me rreally think of me and my buddy. Sigh. It's just like me and him, other than the intimacy part. I really don't know what I will do if he one day leave before. Sigh. Sometimes, having a guy friend which is too close too you also not too good. You don't know if he like you or not, and worst of all, is you don't know if you yourself like him or not, or just like what the movie say, friends are forever and couples will end up seperated.
Well, I have too many comments for the show and what's more, I'll definately watch it again, and not only watch it again bt by it's VCD, so that whenever I'm sad, I can bring out the VCD to cry out loud. Haha. So anyone who haven't watch, and want to watch and no one to ask to watch with, can ask me to watch with you. Haha. Terms and Conditions applied. Muhahaha.
K la, I'll end my entry here. Till the time I blog, take care.
love goes around | 11:53 PM
This blog is for the special someone. I don't know whether you will know it's you or not but well, it;s the first time I blog for you here.
Anyway, thanks for loving me so much and trying to care for me much. I know you are trying so so so hard to win back my heart but I'm really sorry that I am really not prepared for another relationship so soon. I really don't need a boyfriend right at this moment.
You may say I don't trust love anymore or don't have confidence in the word "love" anymore but I really need time to settle myself down and really think of what I really want before I go for it. I really have no idea what I want now, and no idea what is the best for me now.
I know it's hurting and very bad to keep rejecting you and all but I really can't bluff myself, can't bluff you, with my feelings. I really have no feelings for you, I really don't want to hurt you further.
I may not be the best choice for you. And you may one day find someone you will regard as better than me a million times, which will not hurt you and made you live in misery and all. I'm really not worth your wait, I'm no decent lady. I'm flirt, very flirt. Really. So, keep away from me. Don't plant any love seeds in me, coz I don't want you to regret.
I once love you a lot, and I admit, it's really really a lot. But now, the feeling just disappear, totally. I have no idea why but it ust went off. Now my heart no longer feels, it's as dead as the corpse, as cold as the ice, numb with no more feelings.
Don't force me to make a decision now coz I really can't make a decision. Really.
Do take good care of yourself, alright. We can't be couples now, but I'll always regard you as my friend, someone dear to me, someone who truly love me (just that I don't have the luck to have your love, not fortunate enough for people to love me so much).
Once again, thanks for loving me so deep, I am really quite touched by the way you love me, but I really can't accept you. The more you love me the more I can't accept you. How am I going to accept someone who love me so much when I don't even have feelings for you?
love goes around | 11:21 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Had my exam today and it was still quite alright. I know my essay question would be done well, so I tried my best to do better for the IDs and the MCQ questions. Entered the room, my mind went blank regarding the President of Ameria, too many President to remember with too many events going on. Sigh.
Thanks to Dr. Musselman for his give away questions. He gave several questions away in the MCQ part. Imaging one of the option is "Dr. Musselman's Nose". Haha, and without thinking that is the answer to choose. Haha. Theer were some loop holes in the questions and answer too, which I realise as I read through. Haha.
This time round, I didn't leave the the room earlier. I used the all the 3 hours to write all Icould for the paper. Hopefully I can pass with at least B grade. Haha.
Initially thinking of going shopping after exam, but knowing myself without much money left for the week, I went home.
Wanted to sing song at home, but my KTV system got problem, my mic volume is so soft that I can't hear my voice. Sadz~ Therefore, I just sing without the mic, and my mum keep saying my mouth today very itchy. Haha.
Furnished up my resume to make it more professional, and at the same time do a cover letter and a C.V. for my future usage when I am applying for job. Since I am looking for job now, it will be of good use. Haha.
Tomorrow will be going to the Indoor Stadium, for the Project SuperStar Season 2 Finals. So excited, I can see my beloved Gary and hear him sing nice nice songs that are so sweet again. The last time I heard him sing was the Global Music Award where he sang Superwoman, this time round, I hope he will sing "两只恋人" and "数到五答应我". Two of my favourite song man. Haha.
Morning having an appointment with Ho to go KTV with him before I actually go for the superstar thingy.
Monday will be our Movie session with the girls. Haha. Finally, I can watch my "Happy Birthday" movie. But what about mu "Once in a Summer"?? Karen watched already, so we can't watch marathon, sadz. Never, maybe I ask MT to go watch Once in a Summer with me in the morning then after that watch "Happy Birthday" with the others, then can cry throughout. Haha. Girls, confirm the time soon wor. Haha.
love goes around | 11:53 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Right now, I'm home! Haha. Didn't go for work today, as well as tomorrow. Hmm, shouldn't say didn't go to work, is I told my in-charge that I won't be going for work today and tomorrow as I will need some time to do some of my exam revision, which is this Saturday. Haha.
Just got the news from my mum that dad got a relieve driver to his taxi already, and that relieve driver will start driving next Tuesday. I'm quite glad that dad got his relieve driver, at least dad won't be so stressed in search for a relieve driver to help him drive the night shift.
Finally saw my dad and my mum talking to each other. At least I'm more relieved now, knowing that they are just at the top of their degrees for the previous few days.
Now, it's time for me to look for a full-time job, with good pay. Sigh. It's so difficult to find a suitable job for fresh graduate or people without relevant experience. Hoping to get a job in marketing and PR company or department, but most of the company are looking for cadidates who at least have 2-3 years experience. Sigh.
If anyone of you have job offers, in publishing company, PR/ Marketing positions, media company or music company, can always drop me a message in the tagboard and I'll get back to you. Hee. Not looking for telemarketing jobs and jobs that need to meet sales quota. Haha. If your company need so executives or assistant e.g. PR/ Marketing/ Advertising/ Communications Assistant/ Executive/ Officer, can look for me wor. Hee.
Alrighty, I'll head over to my books now. Wish me luck for my exams.
love goes around | 6:26 PM