Sunday, December 24, 2006
It's been so long since I last updated my blog, apologise to those who visit my blog oftenly for updates, I have been busy and tied up with a lot of things recently. Therefore, I wasn't able to squeeze time out to blog.
Here I am now, blogging again since I have a bit of time to. Well, it's quite obvious that I can't remember every single day's incident, but I'll summarize the few big incidents that happen throughout the two weeks.
First of all is my birthday celebration at D.X.O. on Friday night. Before meeting with the guys at DXO, I went for my grandfather's birthday dinner, which is on the same night. I should say that I'm fortunate to have celebrate my birthday with my grandfather, coz it's something quite rare (having my birthday on the day where he is celebrating his birthday). Next year, I believe I will have my birthday clashing with my grandfather's again, as mine falls on a Saturday, but I guess I'll miss that coz I won't be in Singapore at that time (will be overseas studying).
Alright, back to track about DXO. I enjoyed my night at DXO, definately. Although not many people went (only my band friends went), but am so happy and shocked with all the suprises that they have planned for me. The day goes to you all too (Karen, Jac, Xiu, Ryan, Tommy, Moo, Sherine, Adeline, Waileng and Angelina). Thanks a lot.
I have a wierd feeling when I reached DXO, thinking that I will get sabotage, which I didn't. First, it was a plain suprise when they got this guy that I said he was quite friendly and all to give me the first present, which is a bouquet of roche, a "good luck" pig and a star balloon. After that, was another suprise.
Jac and friends as me to go outside take pictures with the skyscrape, and I believed them so I went. Push me over to the podium where I was standing on alone, where they sang the birthday song to me. I was like so 'paiseh' at that point of time. But of coz I'm happy too. First time got so many people celebrate my birthday with me (other than my 21st celebration) and with so many suprises. Thanks a lot.
After resting a while and eating some snacks, Ryan they all asked me out again to drink the "fountain". Didn't know how to drink at first, but after drinking it, I find that it taste quite nice. I thought that the alcohol level for hot wine will be high that I'll drop dead after drinking, but I was wrong. I didn't drop dead, rather it have no reaction on me. Haha.
Went for a dance at the dance floor with some of them for about an hour before going back up to our table at level 2. After eating and all, we leave as the club is closing. It closes earlier than usual maybe due to a fight outside it. Headed back to Jac's house to rest before I going for my morning lesson at MDIS. Barely sleep for I sleep only about 2 hours or less.
After lesson, went straight to band practice at NYP. Leave the practice early as I am meeting Ho for dinner and movie, which he claim that he wanted to help celebrate my birthday. Went to have dinner with him at "Xin Wang Hong Kong Restaurant" after getting the movie tickets. After dinner, we went for our KTV session at Cuppage PartyWorld until around 1.30am (sang at the hall there). After that, loiter around for a while and sat down and had a rest before we headed into the cinema for the movie at 3.55am - After That Our Exile.
Dozed off a few times while watching the movie, am too tired. After the movie, we took a bus back to Yishun before heading home from Yishun. Thanks Ho, it was a pleasant night.
Slept for a few hours before I headed to band practice again. Was late coz I could wake up. After band practice, I headed to lunch with the guys (karen, xiu, tommy, ryan, fong cheng, waileng, andy koh, pei yi, zhongxi and bryan). After that, took my present from Jac and began our opera session with waileng, ryan and karen. It was another fun evening.
The following week was followed by lessons and work. Was still tired from the lack of sleep from the previous few days, but still pull myself through the days.
Friday was another practice, which sounded quite nice with the small strength that we have. Got another scolding from the "gorilla" from NYP again. Came in shout and shout non-stop. He always is the one doing this. Sigh. Hate him. I even hate him when he say that the bandroom is like a place for pigs. He shouldn't have say that. As a teacher, how can he say this. Just like saying that we are pigs. I know that the bandroom wasn't in good state, but he shouldn't have say a place where pigs leave, rather he should phrase it like this "this place is messy, you all should have some something to it", at least it better to the ears.
Saturday's practice was intensive where we played all the piece in our repertiore and went through in detail. After that Ryan, Xiu and me headed to Sherine's birthday celebration. Had some fun there with all the "mo mo
and singing before leaving there at around 11pm. Had supper with Ho again before heading home.
Today is Christmas Eve and I'm home all day. Unlike me. I won't be home for all the eves of Christmas and New Year from my polytechnic life onwards, and now I'm home. My dad was shocked that I'm home too. Haha. K la, I'll continue with my work already. Till the next time I blog, take good care.
love goes around | 4:25 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
NYP Alumni Winds & Nanyang Symphony Winds
Musica Etnica!

Need tickets, do contact me (Trisa aka SaSa) at 96701338. Alternatively, you may email me your ticket enquires at
Each ticket is $10. So come support our first concert, and we assure you that you will not regret but enjoy it.
Hope to see you there at Victoria Concert Hall on the 7th Jan 2007 (Sunday) at 5pm.
love goes around | 10:37 PM
Haven't been updating this blog for some days already. I have been rather busy for the past few days with band, work and school.
Just started my new module on Politics, Economic and the America Community. The lecturer was the one that me and my friends had always wanted, Dr. Lloyd K. Musselman. He is quite a funny lecturer, therefore the dry module doesn't seems so dry after all. Understand quite a lot about American history, like the slavery, the blacks and the map of America. Hee, interesting. Now I know that USA itself have 4 different time zones and around there whole globe, there are 23 different time zones. Haha. Knowledge. Hehe.
On Tuesday, went to meet up with my secondary school friends (Huiling and Zhen Zhen) at Vivocity. Got a present from Huiling as well as Zhen Zhen. Thanks gals. What's more, they treat me to dinner at the Hong Kong Restaurant. Food there wasn't too bad, but i have better ones before. Haha. After dinner, we walk around the mall and headed back home, while I went to meet someone else to get my things back, where I left it with him earlier on.
Went to school again this morning. Was still very tired even after I sleep quite early at around 12am last night. I was dozing off pretty much in the middle of the class. I can't take it. Sigh. After lesson, went to work and I have totally no mood to work, coz of my tireness. Sigh. Too many things to do at one particular time, it's like 24 hours really barely enough for myself to use. Time to have some time and wealth management.
Tomorrow will be having morning lesson again, hope I won't doze off in the middle of the class again. Gota get my hands off the keyboard to do my homework. Friday will be a happening day, shall see. Haha.
love goes around | 9:42 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006
It's the last day of my temporary job today. Had a long lunch this afternoon at Ember located in Chinatown. Food there was delicious, but quite expensive also. I think can go up to about 40 bucks per head. Luckily Kannan treat. Hee. It's a fine dining place, can bring your girlfriends there, I believe she will love it, but must have money. Hee.
Will be working as part-time from next week onwards. My colleagues just broke a news to me that the database that I'm setting up must be done by month end. Sigh. Where got time?? Stressed!!!
Will be going for present shopping later with friends (Ryan, Jac, Karen - Xiu last minute can't make it). Will be shopping for Ah Tom's birthday present. Might also be shopping for my own shoes and top if time permits. Might need to go off early also. Sigh. Don't know la.
Sigh, my backache is back again. No idea what causes it. Think should be the bad sleep posture last night. It's tearing my body apart. Haha. But guess will be fine tomorrow. Will have an audition tomorrow for some photo shooting freelance thingy for some bridal protfolio. If i got the job, haha, maybe you'll see my face around. Haha.
Tomorrow will be Ah Tom's birthday celebration. Finally Ah Tom's turn to be 21 already, which mean I'm turning 22 soon. Argh. Getting old already. But nevermind la, still young at heart. Haha.
Will be partying at Dbl O after Ah Tom's birthday celebration. Hee. Another night out clubbing. Should be staying over at Jac's place after clubbing tomorrow, then go school straight. Haven't ask her yet. Haha. Will ask later.
Well, gotta go soon. Take care all. =)
love goes around | 4:31 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
It's been quite some time since I last update my blog.
Well, routine was still the same every week, so I think I'll not repeat my old borthing life agin.
Went to KTV with Karen (my daughter) at Woodlands PartyWorld yesterday. I was late coz my area started to pour when I left my office. As I didn't want to be too late, I ran in the rain to the nearest shelter, causing myself to be almost all drenched. Sigh. What's more?? I ran out of tissue to dry myself up. Sigh. So, went to board the MRT wet.
Reach Woodlands at around 6.30pm and went to get my laptop bag at Popular. After that, we go get some food before stepping into PartyWorld. Sang a lot of songs and all sorts of songs. Haha. Hhmmm, my voice wasn't that bad yesterday. Haha.
Today saw quite a lot of people when I was walking to MRT Station while going home. First, I saw the guy whole acted in the advertisement of TVMobile recently. Saw him at Far East Square. Few steps away, I saw my cousin who work so near to me, yet I don't know. Haha. He grew horizontal a lot.
While crossing the road at Capital Square, guess who I saw?? I saw James Lye. Woo~~ He is so charming. But one thing, he isn't tall, but he is definately charming, got the look of those businessman. Woo...
Hope that dad's health will be back to normal again coz he had upset stomach just now. Take care dad.
Blog again next time ba.
love goes around | 9:45 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
In the end, I went for Ryan's Birthday Party. Reached that place around 9.45pm and socialize awhile before I proceed with watching the TV series on Channel U. Used a very little girl vioce to pleased Ryan to ask the person to switch the TV from ESPN to Channel U. Hee. So happy!! I can even watch the show in a pub, not too bad. Haha.
Stayed their till around 12am before I made my move. Promised my mum to return home around 11pm but sigh, I broke my promise again. Sorry mum. Party is bound to be draggy and all. Shared cab with Jac and Karen back. As usual, drop time off first before I headed back home. See, I always so gentle-women. Haha.
Reached home at around 12.30am and started doing my birthday gathering invitation and some band stuff before I turn in. After finishing everything, it was already 4am in the morning. I realise channel 8 have quite nice show of olden days from TCS during wee hours on Friday. I like all the shows.
Woke up at 11am this morning and printed for the forms that I made last night for the ticket collection. I really hope our tickets sales ain't too bad. Doesn't want to perform to an empty hall though. My aim, sell the tickets to at least 20 people. Haha. With my sociality, I believe this aim shouldn't be difficult to hit. Haha.
Today, band wasn't that bad. I can feel the improvement of all of the musicians in the band. Good! Just hope that there are more people coming for practice rather than some section having one players only. We have not much time left for practice already.
After practice, we (me, Ryan, Ah Tom & Moo) initially planned to have dinner at Sumo House at AMK. Walked all the way from NYP to AMK and they decided to change to the "麻辣火锅" at Bugis coz I started to ask Ryan when we going to eat. So touched. They all accompanied me to eat the "麻辣火锅" just after I said. So 'on' leh. Thanks guys.
While eating, had much laughter with some lame names given to different food. Like the fish, we gave it a name called "eee" coz it sounded like "鱼" in chinese. Haha. Thanks to Ah Tom. Then the potato noodles, we gave it a name called "nae", coz we are searching high and low for the noodles and keep saying 'nae nae nae" and in the end the name is named "nae". Wahaha. Crazy la. But it's shiok loh. I'm so satisfied with the food, so full after that, can't even walk properly. Haha. And someone still owe me a top huh. Haha. In case you are wondering, he didn't hold the bowl properly while distributing out, and it dropped into the spicy soup and it splashed onto my top, my yellow top. Sigh. Sadz. But still happy that they accompany me for the buffet. Thanks.
Alright, think I need to go sleep already. Still have to wake up early for band practice in the morning. Might be going for KTV after band. Haha. So excited. It's my weekly routine for KTV already. Haha.
love goes around | 11:57 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
28 November 2006 - Tuesday
Meet up with the gals (Cecilia and Jerlyn) for some shopping and chatting, plus dinner. While waiting for Jerlyn (who was late), I bought a crop top for myself from This Fashion. I think it's quite nice.
Went for dinner at Ichiban Japanese Restaurant (Jerlyn's treat coz she's late). Great, I save a meal. Hee. Thanks Jer. Went to reid out jeans from Giodano too, prepare for my birthday discount purchases. Haha.
Headed back to CityLink after much picture taking at the Koi Garden (picture I'll upload next time) where Cecilia bought herself a pair of heels to replace her "going to spoil" shoe at U.R.S.
29 November 2006 - WednesdayWork as usual during the day and went to catch a movie "The Battle of Wits" with Jacky at GV Yishun.
The show was quite nice I should. I expect it to be a slow movie as it seems like a very long explaination and all before the war begins. But it now. It started out having a war at the beginning of the movie, then move into the in-depth of the detail about planning. The character from the Mozi named Ge Li is really a very intelligent guy. He knows how to think of ways to defend the enemies and I like his way of explaining everything.
Mozi's philipsophy is all about Universal Love. Love each other, no matter you are enemy or not. There is not point fight with each other. What if you win a battle with all your men dying for you, you are still sacrificing the innocents. All men are innocent, so why send them to fight just because you want to win a battle and bring victory to the other province??
After that, went arounf Yishun's CD shop to look for Joey's Jump up 9492 album but it's all sold out. Sad. After that went to Timezone to play arcade for a while (which I have not been to for quite some time since don't know when). Played a game of basketball and a game of Time Crisis.
Soon after we scout the foodcourt, we headed home.
30 November 2006 - ThursdayWork during the day again as usual. During lunch, I walked to Chinatown Point from my workplace (it's very near my workplace) to collect the ready printed tickets for the alumni band concert. It's beautiful.
After that, got Delifrance bread back for lunch - Chicken Mayonise Sandwich. After work, went to Marina Square to meet Karen for some shopping and dinner since she's going 2 ROT at home already. Poor thing leh.
After having BK for dinner, we walked around and window shop. Saw many nice accessories as well as nice soft toy. I like the 4 Fortune Pigs sold at Mini Toons so much. They are so cute. Not forgetting the pig sold at BearyHip too. They are all just so adorable.
After that went back. Waited for Jacky again coz I say I'll accompany him for dinner, or rather supper. Missed my TV series, but still manage to catch the last 15mins. Hee. After that, I bundle the tickets into booklets of 10 per book. Everything was done only by 2am. Sigh. Poor me.
Having slight running nose today some more. Sadz. =(
1st December 2006 - Friday
It's pay day again. wahaha. So happy. What's more?? Work again in the morning as usual. Today is Ryan Gor Gor's Birthday.. Oppz... Haha... We are born in the same year la. Hee. He only older than me a few days. Haha. Happy Birthday Ryan... Hope you'll find your princess soon.. Muhaha..
Down with flu still. Still considering whether to go his party or not. Anyway, told him I might not go lah. Thanks for understanding brother. If I didn't go, please forgive me k?? Still, hope you enjoy the night. =D
I shall stop here and continue with my work le.
love goes around | 2:17 PM