Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Yesterday wasn't a smooth day for me. First of all, I woke up late in the morning resulting me being late for work for about 10 minutes. Reached office, start to work before I felt hungry and after that I went for my lunch.
Went to the "Gourmet Foodcourt" for the Duck Rice that I had always wanted to have. Queued for a while before I got my food and headed to the 2 level to eat. Had a filling meal I should say. Shortly after I finished, I leave the place and to my horror, it's having s very big downpour. I was thinking, "Die! Die! Die! How am i going to return back to office??" Before doing anything, I stood in the shelter to wait in hope that the rain will subside and become smaller. Sadly, it didn't became lighter, in fact it started to pour even heavier. I was panic, what should I do?? Flag for a cab or run to the next shelter.
After considering and walking to and fro the shelter, the rain gets lighter a bit and I start my sprint. Without looking and all I just run all I can to the next shelter after the traffic. Half drenched, I walked to the next barrier, the road after Far East Square. Ran across the road again and by the time I reach the shelter of my office shophouses, I was just like a shower took, hair quite wet, pants half wet and top almost wet.
Reached office, dry myself a bit and continue my work. After that, went to meet my facial consultant from HerbalLife at Bugis - Tan Que Lan Street. Tasted the nutritious shake (and it taste great) whcih can help you from having high blood pressure, diabeties, obesity, complexion, everything. It's a drink that helps every part of your body. Life testimonials were there to tell how they slim down, how they look better, and how they feel better. Just two cups a day (replacing breakfast and dinner) or one cup in the morning to replace breakfast can make you look slim and feel better. Quite good huh? 1 month for about $67.80. It's something like milk powder put in drinks lik fruit juice blends.
ANYONE INTERESTED CAN CONTACT ME. I can bring you to the place for a test drink as well as understand the product better.
After everything, I headed home where Jacky offered to come fetch me home. Thanks. So happy got people drive me home again. Hee. Borrowed him a VCD that he requested from me. Had my dinner, watch TV and online before I sleep. My aim, eat Gelera, coz it's Tuesday, half price for Waffles. Muhaha.
Same old routine today, work lunch and work again. Kok Hong asked me to have lunch together with him, but too bad I agreed to go lunch with my colleague earlier on (a few minutes ago before he smsed me). Sorry Kok Hong, next time ba. After work will be meeting the girls (Jerlyn & Cecilia) for some catch up session and of course dinner.
Tomorrow, work again and movie!!! Haha. Long time didn't watch movie already. Should be watching "The Battle of Wits". It's his favourite artiste show. Haha. Shall see where we meeting to watch the show tomorrow.
Think I'll start doing my data extration, slack a lot already.
love goes around | 12:56 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Yesterday was a long day. Wake upearly in the morning and prepare myself for exam in school at 10am. Guess what, I was late!! The first time I'm late for exam for about half an hour. Saw the time wrongly. Luckily I was still able to enter the examination room, if not I'll cry. I finished my paper at around 12noon and submitted the paper. After that, headed to the student service centre, which has a long queue, to submit my assignment paper.
After doing so, I went to take bus to Orchard Plaza to located the ticket printing shop, where I realise the branch there was closed down. Therefore, I headed down to the head office at Chinatown Point, which closes at 2pm. Took a bus down to Chinatoen Point and get the things done. After telling the person hoe I want the ticket to look like, I paid $105 for the deposit and leave the place. Tickets will be able ready for collection in one week's time.
Straight after, I took bus to Orchard MRT Station for the MRT to NYP. Reached bandroom slightly before 3pm and give out the scores and all that jazz. Practice finished at 6pm and we (me, Karen and Xiu)leave bandroom around 6.30pm.
Decided to settle our dinner at Bishan's Pastamania, and that irritating Aston keep pester us to accompany him to eat KFC. No choice but to accompany him for KFC in the end. I bought a screen protector for my phone, and it fits well. Now I no longer need to be afraid that my phone screen get scratches on it anymore. Cool~
Due to our temptation, we (me and Karen) decided to go sing KTV at Yishun Safra and asked Jac if she wants to go along or not coz she has the $20 complimentary birthday voucher which can be used on Sat. Sang all the way from 9.30pm till 1.30pm. Wonderful. We sang a lot of old school days type of songs and I suddenly realise the reason why our parents like old songs rather than new songs. I concluded it with one thing, older generation songs (e.g. songs years ago) are much nicer than songs we heard nowadays. They have meaning and the rythme are so nice.
Today, stay home whole day basically. Dad asked me to go learn driving again, at our carpark. This time round, I'm more familiar with the car, and I can park quite well. Then dad asked me to learn how to park from in front, which I can't get into the lots. Now I realise thar parking in from the fron't isn't that easy after all. Soon after, I drove down to the lower level with more cars and practice parking with cars. Suprisingly, I could get car into the parking lot. So happy. Now I know how to park already. Hurray!!!
Bored! Bored! Bored! Stayed at home whole day doing nothing but watching Lee Hom's VCD I got from Xiu. Argh... I want to get rich and I want to have my own car. I want to go out and have fun. Lonely girl staying home alone. =( I need a boyfriend. Wahaha. I'm crazy, totally.
love goes around | 9:01 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
Same routine for today as previous days, wake up, work, lunch (alone), work again, pack up, home, TV and do my stuff. Everyday life is like that, no much changes, like so dead.
Wanted to have the delicious duck rice near Golden Show Carpark, but seeing the long queue, I changed my mind and walked to Golden Shoe Food Centre to have my lunch instead.
Few months ago, I had the Lasi Lemak from the same stall that I had my lasi lemak today, but I have a very strong feeling that the stall keeper changed. After tasting the food, I conclude that the stall keeper changed, and I miss the lasi lemak I had months ago, when I first had lunch with my 小弟. So sad. =(
After that, I board the lift and went to the ground floor where I headed in to the 7-eleven for some drinks. Something caught my eyes when I walked pass the road and therefore I ran back to the 7-eleven stall to get a carrier and headed back to the store that catches my attention.
The store is "Times Bookstore". Walked pass the glass panel and I saw my all time favourite author Richard Templar" book, at 20% discount. Oh my god, 20% discount. I can't hold back myself any long, and bought one of the book that I wanted to buy long before. Finally, got myself "Rules of Work" at only $21.80 (orginal price $27.85).
The book that caught my eye isn't the book I buy, it was the new book my Richard Templar, "Rules of Wealth". It's in yellow, and yellow is my favourite colour, and the book is about educating people about wealth management. I nearly bought that book too, but due to budget, I stopped myself from buying it. It's now at 20% discount too (original price of the book is $28) at Times Bookstore and it's tempting me. =( How I wish someone is going to buy that book for me.
I was so happy after getting the book that I wanted. Walked happily with the book on my hand back to my office to continue with another round of work. Busy day today I shall say coz I have lots of information to key in and I have tonnes more to go (and it's only for medical category man). I've don't up till about 1500 name, and I believe I'll hite 3000 names for medical category. That's crazy.
Got the information from my dad that my grandpa is celebrating is birthday on the 15 Dec (on my birthday), meaning I can't go out at night to happy on that day. So sad. Guess, I really might have the intention to skip lesson in the morning in that case. I just want to enjoy. But it's also nice to celebrate birthday with my grandpa coz he's one of the person I love most, although now I seldom goes to his house due to band practice. i should be quite happy to celebrate my 22nd birthday in the restaurant, rather than complaining huh. Haha. But I feel like going DXO on my birthday, since it's ladies night, entrance fee waived and free flow of house pour. Wow~ Shall see how it goes.
Just got a shocking message from HM that J drop the keys into the key drop, and I was so SHOCKed and PISSed when I saw the message. I replied HM in anger that if they don't want us to practice also don't need to be like that what. Opppz. I know I shouldn't have type that way coz it's not her fault too. I'm sorry. My apologies. I felt guilty. Really guilty.
Nonetheless, I try to find solutions to get the keys and lucky me, got Han to help me get the keys. Thanks a lot Han. Bad thing is I have to meet him outside SA office at 9.30am sharp and my exam starts at 10am. Not enough time. So, I called for SOS. Called Karen Flute to asked her help me get the keys from Han instead. How kind she is to agree to help me, early in the morning. Thanks gal. =)
Will be having my exam for my Research Writing in Academic Community module, and guess what, I didn't revise anything for it. Haha. Cool~ Nah, coz I know the format of the exam and as well as everything from the 15 criterias that Dr. Hessler gave is in the academic paper, I'll have no fear in that exam. Later, go read through and refresh agin how I should answer the questions tomorrow and I'll be done for the exam revision. Hee. That's fast!!
After tomorrow, I'll be at least a bit relief as I don;t have to worry about my exam, my assignment for the next two weeks and concentrate on my band stuff. Sigh.
Ticket design are finalised and I have to bring them for printing. Argh. Money again. Tomorrow will have to go as for quotation before I head down for practice. If price is favourable, I'll do it on the spot I guess. After that, I'll have to asked for quotations for bulk bookings for the musical "Phantom of the Opera". Hopefully I'm able to get some discounts for it. Hee.
Sunday will be going for a free makeover session at Clarke Quay at 12pm. Hope the outcome is good. Shall see the result for myself. Hee.
Alright, get going. Blog again soon.
love goes around | 10:55 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Mixed feeling now, yet again?? I know I shouldn't have this type of feeling now coz I should be enjoying myself now from getting out of misery, by why??
What I want for myself now? I really have no idea. I have no idea whether if I am the one who doesn't dare go for what I want anymore, or I have no guts to face people who treat me well. Good thing is I have my good friends but all are so busy, and I am busy too, we seldom have much time out to talk about things.
Sigh, enough of all those demoralising thoughts. Back to track.
I got my printer ink yesterday after work. Meet up with Jacky at CWP, which made me a bit pissed when he told me he went home without even informing me (which in fact, it's just a joke but I don't get the joke). I walked very fast, leaving him behind. Oppz. Sorry, didn't mean it but the people really walked too slow already, and also a bit of angry. Whatever it is, we when home together. Thanks for meeting me, and waiting for me as usual ya.
Work today was quite busy, with not only work but also affected by band's ticket design, which is needed to be rushed out. I have to do all those in a short time frame and at the same time beware that my upper position people might see. Stress~~
Today, Jacky seems quite unhappy wor, as in sms, chatting and all, seems like something is bothering him. I also duno what is bothering him, coz he never tell me, or just say he is fine. My apologies that I can't got for your request becuase there is really a lot of things for me to do at work, and I cannot always take leave, even though I'm at an OTOT (own time, own target) kinda environment. Really sorry.
Now kinda not feeling very well. Felt so breathless. It's been quite some time I have this feeling of no enough breath and it's coming back again. Sigh. Think having some gastric pain also. Argh. I had all my meals today, 3 meals all had but why like that?? Affected by mood?? Sigh...
Think better turn in. Hopefully nothing bad happen later on when I'm in bed.
love goes around | 11:56 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Wow~ I didn't know that I am also a frequent blogger. In just a few months, I hit the 100 mark posting. Incredible. Suddenly, it's like a norm to keep a diary, an online on though.
Well, work again today. Nothing that special. Still the same, I sleep early yesterday night, at around 11 plus
(that's consider early for me) and woke up early again this morning at 6 plus. My biological clock asked me to get up, take a gance at the clock, GOD it's only 6am.
I really can't sleep much nowadays, no idea why. I'll be so tired when I woke up but just can't get back to sleep. Something wrong with my boilogical cycle.
Will have to go get ink cartridge later for my printer, if not I won't be able to print out my report for exam usage as well as to submit. Money out again, sigh.
Went for a hair cut yesterday evening. Planned to cut my hair short, but because my hair is those that will curl easily, therefore I forego the idea. Cut it shorter still, and of coz the main part, my fringe. Haha. Now, I look like a nerd. Will go do something to my hair around December, before my birthday. Haha. Will really go cut my hair to shoulder length then.
[[Some leads that are missed out from yesterday's entry when I was in SIM where Ho reminded me. Thanks for reminding huh. He smsed me when he reach his lecture hall asking me how am I doing at the study area and he'll bring food for me. And ya, he brought food for me to eat. So nice of him to bring food from his lecture hall (which he claim is on the 4th level). Although it free food, but it tasted quite nice. So fortunate, SIM student gets to have free food and drinks during lectures. It's also nice of him that he smsed me to asked me eat the food soon so that there won't be flies hunting the food. It's so nice of him. Thanks, Ho.]]
love goes around | 11:26 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
At work now, do my blog entry before I head for my lunch.
Sunday - 19/11/2006Went for KTV session with Ho again. That's why I said, I have this habit of going for singing session every week, it's not good for my pocket but I can't control myself, it's a crave. We sang in the hall area. Quite alright, at least I'm getting use to singing in hall, it's not that scary after all.
For the first one and a half hour, there wasn't anyone singing in the hall, so we had the whole hall to ourselves. Just continued singing. After that, people start coming in. Two guys can in, chit chat very long before tehy dedicate their songs. But the guy who sang has good vocal. Have some flavour of Jacky Cheung. The other group is two girls, and the girl who sang have a very manly voice, more manly than me. I thought my voice quite man already, but she wins over me. Cool~ But then, she sing out of tune. Sigh. We sing until 7 plus before rushing home, as how wants to catch the TV series.
Went home and cook noodles for myself to eat before I start typing the answer to my Grammar and Concision Exercise.
Monday - 20/11/2006Woke up very early today. Met up with Ho again to go SIM. Puzzled to see SIM here right? Yes, I really went to SIM. I quite like that campus, so many study benches and obviously bigger than my school (MDIS). My purpose was to finish up my 5-7 pages assignment. I reach SIM at 9am, coz Ho have lesson from 9am - 12pm. So accompanied him go school, then he went for his lesson and I do my own work.
After his lesson, he can by and he started mugging on his books and lecture notes. Hardworking guy. Met up with my FR8 ex-colleague, my 庆宏小弟 to discuss with him about videographer, photographer and recording man for my 7 Jan's concert. Discuss awhile and found out the quotations, and have to discuss it with Eric.
After that, went to the Atrium to meet Salleh to get the Caribbean Hideaways as he is going overseas and won't be back until 27 Nov. Will have to give it out on Sat, which means I have to bring the score to exam with me. Sigh.
After that, we left SIM at 5pm then went to West Mall for some food (coz we never eat the whole day). After eating, went back to Woodlands coz Ho have tuition at 6.30pm.
The whole day wasn't too bad, just that I was quite tiring.
Moo smsed me today again. I know he felt depressed again. It's making me feeling very sick and tired about it. I have no idea why he became so demoralise out of a sudden. I don't know if it's the cause of our spliting or what, but I'm totally irritated by him telling he is feeling depressed and everything. Come on, he is an adult and still doesn't know how to think. Always need me to counsel him and plan things for him, scold him then he will start his brain working. How long can I counsel him? How long can I look after him like my brother? Sigh. I so scared that he will do foolish things to himself, and I'll be the main victim. Shit man. Why am I tangled into all these nonsense?? I just want a peaceful life, a guy whom knows how to cherish me, love me and dote me. That's all. Not too demanding right?
Tuesday - 21/11/2006I totally have no feelings for Moo now. My heart really died. He is really behaving like a kid to me, a never grown up kid. I can't find where is my heart now.
Even if I and looking towards someone now, I still won't get into a relationship. It's too fast to get into another relationship now. What will people think. I know this person that I am towards do care and concern about me a lot and I thank him, but then I really have no idea is it coz he can't get me that's why he is so concern about me. I know he isn't coz he is always so nice to me, always protecting me so much. I really like him. But, now is still not the right time. So confused.
Alright, think enough of all my complains and grumbling. I'll go for my lunch now. Hungry.
love goes around | 12:44 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Went DXO yesterday night with Jac, Karen, Angelina and Keenan. As usual, it's ladies night, so it's entrance fee waived and free house pours all night long. Haha. Took a lot of glasses of drinks from the bar counter, but am still awake towards the end. I'm quite alcohol trained. Haha.
Watch some nice show from the glass panel from level two. Shall not elaborate too much, but it's definately observing how people dance and stuff from a top view coz you can really see very clearly. Haha.
First time I left a club so late. We only leave the place at around 3.30am and I reached home around 4am. Gosh~ It's not me, really not me. I don;t reach home so late, latest I reach home normally is 2 plus or 3am. Never will I eat into 4am. Shit, am I getting more and more wild?
Well, no one control me what, so I can play all I can. Quite enjoyable thought.
Wake up early today as I need to go to the band room o arrange the chairs. I know I will not expect the main band people to arrange chairs for us. We did it very fast, thanks to the help of the NTU guy (don't know his name) who came early today unexpectedly, as well as Moo.
After band, we (me, Jac, Xiu and Siak) went to have our dinner at Bugis. We had “鸳鸯麻辣火锅” and it really taste quite nice. Yummy~~ Will definately go back there and eat again. They charge $16.80 per person (excluding drinks). Had quite a lot of food today, to fill up my empty stomach for the whole day. So satisfied and full. Haha. I still feel the hotness from the aftermath from the steamboat. Haha, bit it's cool.

Picture of the Yuan Yang Steamboat
On our way home, we saw a free show on board the train. There is this couple, seems very young at age, kissing all the way in their seats, all the way from we board the train until Jac alight and I alight. They kiss non-stop and everyone is like looking over them at their edge of the eyes. The main this is not only kissing, the way they sit and hug together, makes you feel like 'hey, I think it's better to do it at home or somewhere not so open". No idea why some couple just like to show off on train and stuff that they are like so loving by using those intimate movements. I felt so disgusted seeing them like that.
Think it's time for me to turn in. Tomorrow maybe will wake up earlier to complete my grammar and concision exercise. Maybe KTV tomorrow, no idea yet.
love goes around | 11:55 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I'm super duper tired now, but am super duper happy now, coz in a few minutes time, I can call it a day and go home. Haha. Counting the time now. Tick tock tick tock.
Yesterday was the first 15th that I actually spent single after 2 years, for those who read my blog often, you may know what I mean. But well, nothing much has changed. We still text each other and it's just like nothing has really change. I'm quite happy with what I am now, don't have to worry anything about being neglect and I can go out with anyone, do anything with anyone I like as and when I wish. Haha. Cool huh. Seems like I am having another good friend, anothre buddy. Haha. After Jun Hong being my first buddy, guess I can name Moo as my music partner. Haha.
Tonight will have to finish my grammar and concision excercise so that I can concentrate on my report writing during the weekend. Hee. I think I'll have a high possibility of faking leave on Monday. Haha. Feel like having a day off and have fun, that will be after my report is finish. Haha.
Tomorrow will be going to DXO again. Entrance fee waived and free housepours for ladies. Haha. Before that maybe go shopping at MS first, it's been a long time since I last shop, due to money shortage. Although now also short of money, but haha, will be getting my 2nd checque tomorrow. Yippee...
While having dinner with my brother yesterday evening, he mention that there is this R21 show that he wanted to watch but he can't as he is underage -- "The Texas Chainsaw". I didn't it's out already. I might want to go watch too. I gave him a suggestion that he go try and see if he can watch or not, if the stop him at the entrance, he call me and I will standbyto go take up his seats. Haha. Seeing his smile, I know he wanted me to find someone to go with me, and he suggested Ho. OMG~~ Didn't know he actually read my blog, luckily didn't say anything bad about him. Haha.
Alright. Time to go home now. Haha.
love goes around | 5:04 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Had a long day today. Work whole day in front of my laptop and went for my lunch only at 2pm due to the rain. Sigh. Had my lunch with the ST Reporter Mr. Kannan. He brought me to an Indian stall, hoping that the Nasi Baryani, but it's sold out. So we had white rice, fried chicken, some lady fingers and mutton balls. Tasted quite nice, but cost quite a lot. Thanks Mr. Kannan for the treat.
Got my time-table for my next module, meaning I'll be getting my results soon for the previous module. Nervous!! Hope I don't flunck that module, if not I'll jump off the building coz I can't afford to fail any module.
My new time-table was quite good, will be having morning classes from 9am to 12.30pm everyday from 11 Dec onwards all the way until 28 Dec. That means I'll have my afternoon free. Had a deal with my current company that I'll continue working part-time with them when I'm schooling. Will be working Mon, Wed and Fri during my school period from 2 to 6pm. Trying to shoo off working everyday again, I bluffed them that I have full day classes on Tues and Thurs, so that I won't have to work on that two days. Haha. Will have some income during my school days too. Not too bad actually. Hee.
Went for KTV yesterday and was quite enjoyable I should say. Ordered a new drink which tasted quite nicely. Next time round, I'll order that drink "Peach Red Tea" rather than Strawberry Milk, realise that I'll have stomache after drink Strawberry Milk.
**Hope you like the e-card, you know who you are.**
love goes around | 11:02 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Did anyone miss my blog entry after me not blogging for one day? My apologies, wasn't feeling very well yesterday as I'm feeling very restless the whole day, with my body aching all over and head spinning just like a globe. It's just not my day yesterday.
Went for work yesterday and then home. Didn't have much insteresting happenings yesterday. Moo smsed me telling me he was depressed and stuff on Sunday night as well as yesterday afternoon. I was like so guilty coz he is making me feel like I'm the cause of it. I believe he knows, and I told him I still do care for him. It's just other than our status from attached changed to single, nothing much has changed. I will still talk to him, lend him my shoulder to lean on when he need and of course lend him my listening ears. I can't lose this music partner of mine. I don't want to see him like that, therefore I counsel him for quite awhile before he promise not to think of those bad and pessimistic things. I want the old him, the old Moo that I know, not the Moo now, who is always think he is good for nothing.
Made Jacqueline a bouquet of flowers. I don't think it's very beautiful as compared to the sunflowers I made, but hey, it's the heart that counts right? Hee. Here are some pictures of the flowers.
I made these all by myself wor.. Cool??After that, I watched TV awhile and turned in.
Same routine again today, work in the morning at 10am. Went to Spizza for lunch as we helping Rang to celebrate her Marriage as she is leaving for India to get marry soon. But the food there wasn't that nice, I still like Pastamania's Spicy Chicken Fusilli and DXO Special Pizza. Hee.
Think I had made Ho really quite pissed off. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to make you feel irritated and stuff, but I seeing you like care for me so much, I can't take it. I'm afraid I'll fall for you. That's why I kept saying things that might seems quite hurtful to you and stuff. I'm utterly sorry. I just want to have friends who can share thoughts with me now. I'm not suitable to be in another relationship yet, not now.
I don't deny that being love is a very good feeling, and it's alays better than loving someone that doesn't really love you, just like Ho. I know he cares a lot for me, but I really don't dare move on into another relationship again. I afraid that I'll break people's heart again, hurt them again, or even people hurt me again.
Of course, I wish I could just have a simple relationship, with both parties loving each other, but now I really don't am I ready for another relationship again or not. I don't have confidence, and no one is giving me this confidence. I don't have the trust to relationship anymore. Till someone give me the confidence and trust, will I start building up my feelings further.
Later, I'll be going for KTV. Yes, finally it's KTV time. I realise, after getting a bit closer to Ho, I have the habit of going KTV. It seems like I have to go KTV and sing every week, if not it's like and addictor not able to get their drugs like that. Ho, must accompany me sing k? Hee.
This Friday will be going DXO again. I promise I'll not get drunk this time round. Haha. Alright, gota get going with my work. Bye.
love goes around | 2:24 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday had my performance with the NYP Symphony Orchestra for Sinfonia 2006. It wasn't a brilliant one I should say as the playing went from bad to worst towards the end.
Got flowers from Moo. It's so nice of Moo that he bought me tuilips (my favourite flower). I know he knows I like it and tries to please me with that. Although it's just 3 stalks, but it's so beautiful and sweet of him. Thanks Moo. I love them. I was quite suprised that he bought me flowers coz we just split up. Didn't know that he still will buy me flowers. The feeling to receiving flowers is so nice. I always like receiving flowers, I love flowers. Haha.

Tuilips from Moo. Nice rite?
The hall was packed with people that night, mainly due to free tickets and free entrance. It show the fact of Singaporeans, anything free, they will rush and see, if need money, they will run far far away. Here is a picture of the packed hall.

Some pictures I took while waiting for the start of the concert and at the end of the concert at the back stage.

After performance, I went to Serangoon Gardens for supper with Karen Ang, Jac, Hedi, Zihui and Shawn. We had Cafe Cartel, and the service there was really bad. Orders were made wrongly, food were slow, water refill was like not frequent enough and that makes Shawn quite pissed. Therefore, he asked if we still pay service charge. Shawn talked to the manager there and lodge sheet of feedback, and guess what... We really didn't pay service charge. I was quite shocked of what Shawn did, as I won't do that no matter what, it's just not my way of doing it. After that, Zihui drive us all home.
Saturday, went to Jac's birthday celebration at SIM Management House at Namly Ave. The place was nice. Embience was great too. Only thing was that the place wasn't easy to find. I was there early as I promise to help her with the decorations. Tied the balloons for her (the balloons were so difficult to tie) till my hand nearly went swollen. It's pain alright. After that, waited for people to come for like 2 hrs before the first group of people arrive. Had some fun catching up with the people too, and talking with her relatives. Played with all the balloons, and they are so nice. Imagine about 100 balloons in your hand, it's like so romantic. I love balloons too. Especially a lot of balloons in your hand, makes you feel so in love. Haha. I'm crazy.
After that, we (Jac, Kennan, Geraldine, Meiting[jac's auntie] and me) went to Dbl O for some clubbing session. I didn't want to dance as I don't like to dance, so I sat all the way at the sofa area from the time I reach till the time I left. Drank a lot I should say. Before I was at Dbl O, I drink 3 to 4 glasses of red wine at Jac's birthday party, then drank countless glasses of Vodka Lime/Ribena at Dbl O, ended up vomited about 3 to 4 times I think, and cried like don't know how many times. My tears just went rolling down without control. Luckily, got Kennan to drive us home.
Today, a bit hang over. Woke up and had a bad headache. Argh, don't like the feeling. Wasted the whole of today at home doing nothing. Gosh~~ Dad brought me to our multi-storey carpark to learn parking as well as drive up/down slope. His car, super big, got quite nervous driving his car (the comfort blue taxi). Dad teached me how to do vertical parking. Now, I think I know how to park already, although still not very confident but I still can put into the lots. Hee. Quite happy. Hehe. But I still prefer smaller car.
Tomorrow, work again. Argh. I hate it.
love goes around | 9:47 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A brand new start of my brand new life. I did something to hurt someone which I always didn't want to. Yesterday marks an end to my 1 years 9 months to be relationship with Moo. I didn;t know how to bring this topic up initially as I really didn't want to hurt him, as the same time see him sad.
After telling him that, he understand everything. He know it's not fair to make me hold on to the relationship when he isn't putting in enough to maintain the relationship. He even felt guilty for all the things done.
To me, nothing is to be guilty and sorry about. There are always right and wrong. What is done is done, just learn from it. We promise each other that we are still friends. I can hear from the other end of the phone that he is so worried that we will not be friends after we split. Well, I'm not this kind of person. He promise to be strong and I really hope he does. I don't want home to be sad. I really sorry Moo, I really think it's the best to split up now, as I see no future in holding on to a relationship like this. I'll keep what I promise, and you should also, ok?
Working now and I'm dozing off any minute from now. There are a few volunteers helping to count the donation tickets for "MILK" funds. They are super "LOUD". Getting irritated by them.
Later will be going for a full run through rehearsal for the concert tomorrow. Hope it will be a successful one, although I don't really have faith in it. But no doubt, all the best to NYP Symphony Orchestra.
Will be home late. Mum getting worried that I everyday return home late as she claimed that there are more foreign workers living around our area and it's not safe for a gal like me to go home all alone, taking the lift and walking back home. Well, I didn't want to reach home so late, but I can't help it due to my band rehearsal. If not for thr rehearsal, I'll have reached home before 9pm. I'll return home early from next week onwards, alright?? Mum, don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll take care of myself.
This morning, had an exciting experience on the MRT Train. There was fighting in the train. Imagine, fighting in the train. First time I saw this incident happening in train. It involved one man (Chinese, a bit insane, at his mid 40s) and another man (Malay, at his mid 40s too). The Malay just sat on his seat doing nothing when suddenly this chinese man stood up and walk towards the malay man and mummered something (which I don't understand a single word). After about 5-10 minutes, the chinese man started the fight when the passenger press the emergency red button above the train door. I was sleeping and was woken up by the sudden noise caused by that man. Didn't see much but that was the first tim I see the red button been pressed and everything was udnrer controlled.
I can say that the MRT Staffs are very efficient and they know how to handle the situation very well. I am amazed. At the subsequent station, there are still staffs at the door to stand by and see if there are any more problem in the cabin or not.
It's definately a rare and once in a lifetime experience. Haha. Alright, gotta go back to my work now. If not cannot finish.
love goes around | 2:50 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
It's blog time again. Today, I'll use perfect English to blog as someone commented that my blog entry have a lot of grammar mistakes
(which I find still alright).I woke up this morning, having a weird feeling, a feeling that I'm getting sick soon. At this point of time, my head is spinning, no idea what has caused my head to feel so heavy. I'm so cold now. Could it be the weather outside that is making me having this feel? Beats me, I have no idea. I'm starting to have slight sore throat too.
Oh well, I'm silly to say I missed that someone so much yesterday, I shall delete that entry after I finish with this. I will not miss that someone anymore, that's what someone requested. Someone, am I right?? Sorry, shouldn't have split my mind to miss someone else, my apologies.
Went to watch movie yesterday -- "The Prestige". It was a show which really need a lot of thinking along when you watch it. You have to link the story fast enough to the previous so that you will understand what they are currently saying. Nice ending, at least the main lead died knowing the truth. There isn't magic in this world, only fools will believe in magic. It's just the way people do certain things, making someone believe that it is magic.
Had dinner at a hawker near Causeway Point before heading home. Slept after watching TV Variety Show "Say I Do". Always like that show 'cos the man proposing is always so romantic. I nearly cried watching the show yesterday. He is so sweet.
Long day again today, after work have to go to NYP for rehearsal, which I have skipped for 2 days. Even if I'm not feeling well, I still have to go. Sigh. Continue working now. Hopefully, this time round, someone won't say that I have grammar mistakes anymore.
love goes around | 11:20 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Am so hungry again, but have yet went for my lunch. Didn't want to go lunch with my colleagues, didn't really like eating out with them coz they always go to places which sell food that are so expensive. Like that, no matter how much I earn, will never be enough to cover my expenses.
I didn't went to band practice yesterday. Well, it's the first time that I actually skip practice during the week of rehearsals. I have no idea why I will do so but I just don't have the heart to go back for practice. Suddenly have a feeling of not going back to NYP for practice, just don't like the feeling.
Went for KTV session at around 8.45pm yesterday at Yishun Safra. Ho can fetch me and Hong up before driving over to pick up Karen. Told Hong that we should have turn left after the traffic light and he insisted going straight, causing Ho to drive all the way far into Yishun. Therefore, in the end we got to U-Turn back and pick up Karen again. Sorry Ho for wasting your precious petrol. =(
After picking up Karen, we headed to Yishun Safra for our KTV session. My mind was totally blank when I was in the room, no idea what song to sing, and my voice sounded so disgusting. Sigh.
Enjoyed listening to Ho singing, REALLY! Especially Eason's song. After singing so many times with him, really make me fall in love with his singing. SHIT!! Ho, hope that the KTV session didn't bore you too much.
After KTV, he was generous to send all of us home. Thanks Ho. Of course, I'm the last coz Ho and me stay just a road away from each other. Haha.
After bathing, I went online and chatted with Ho till 3.30am. Super long never chat online till so late already. Hmmm... I always enjoy chatting online, no idea why. I promise you that I'll sleep early and drink more more water k?? Don't nag at me anymore.
(Remember to apply something onto your ulcer, if not will take some time to heal. You know who you are lah. )I having stupid ideas again. Sigh. Don't know what I should do.. Am I really giving up on the relationship I'm currently having?? I'm really enjoying life now. I admit that I am a person who cannot stay long without a relationship, after that stupid relationship with WX. And I think through, really feel that I have move in to a relationship too soon after I broke up with WX, that why I'm now suffering. I wanted something more, and I know that I'm getting more and more demanding but we can't stay stagnant and do nothing. Sigh, what should I do?? I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want anyone to hurt me. Argh. Am going crazy. Nevertheless, thanks for that someone for the concern that you showered me during this period, you know who you are la.
love goes around | 12:10 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
I'm in office now, all alone again, yes alone!!! I didn't want to go lunch today as I started work late at 11am and I had a big bowl of noodles (Cook at home myself to save money) before I work.
It's now having a heavy downpour outside and it adds on to my slacky mood on Monday, and feel so much not like working. After working later, will have to rush to NYP for rehearsal at the Auditorium at 6.30pm.
Initially going for KTV today, but I said I wanted to go band first, at most I go for the 9pm one, so that Ho can come along too as we didn't get to go yesterday. But sadly, this morning Karen texted me saying not going for KTV already. Actually, felt so much like going for KTV lah, but am still in delimma whether to go off half way for band and go for KTV at 9pm still. Hmm...
Maybe I'll ask the gals and see if they mind going for the 9pm one and we've got to sing until 1am wor. Wah~~
Tomorrow will be movie session "The Prestige", won't be going for band rehearsal, anyway it's orchestra and band what, so not that keen as I'm not involve in orchestra. Haha.
That's all for now, will update again. Oh ya, thanks Adeline, so glad you enjoy reading my blog. Hee.
love goes around | 1:33 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
It's Sunday, and yes, I'm at home all day long. Haha. I am seldom home all day long coz I'm not a homely person, I admit. Indeed, I feel like going out now, but I have really no idea where to go. If only I have my own car, I'll really drive around Singapore, and I really will do that.
On Friday night, went to clubbing at DXO with Jac and Karen. When we where there, the club is still not open yet (coz we are early). Therefore, we sat outside to dring a tower of Vodka Ribena (2 liters) @ $19.80. After finishing the tower, we left to go in for sofa seats. As it's ladies night, house pour and entrance fee are waived.
Went in and go look for sofa seats at level 2. Cool, I like that place. There were live band there and singers too. The guy singer look quite handsome, but unable to capture his picture. Wahaha. After seating down, we ordered Taquila Shot, and after that went down to the bar counter to get free housepours. I got myself Jean Bean Coke, Karen Rum Sprite and Jac Rum Orange. I hate my drink, but manage to finish it. We ordered a pan pizza too (Speical Pizza). It's delicious I tell u, and it's only $12. Next time can really go there have dinner. It's filling and most of all, not expensive. Too bad, didn't took any picture of the pizza.
Saturday was band practice. Today start at 2.30pm. Unfortunately, not many people turn up for practice, quite sad to see. Hope that two weeks later the band will be big again. After practice, we (me, Hong Ghee, Pei Ling and Moo) went to Sumo House at AMK for dinner. It's still as good as before. I love it. Haha. Making a leave from the restaurant, we walk our seperate ways, some go buy things, some go home, and me as usual didn't want to go home so early and also don't know where all my friends went, hence met up with Mr Ho since he wana go sing at a KTV pub. Went to his house to wiat for him finish his food before we headed to Sembawang ther for the KTV pub. Sad to say, there is not parking lots left for us. So we drive all the way to Sembawang Park and walk for one round before we headed back to Woodlands Causeway Point after deciding that we go catch a movie.
On the way back from Sembawang, Ho let me drive his car. I was rather scared initially coz I really don't like his car, but well after driving, it's nt that bad after all. Other than the clutch too high, others still ok lah, as long as don't ask me do parking can already. Haha.
We catch the movie called "The Guardian" at Cathay Causeway Point, the 12.10am show. The show was nice, and of course I cried coz the ending so touching. After that, Ho drive me home after that and I reached home around 10 till 3? Haha.
Sometimes, having a car is really so convenient. I can go home late and don't care what time. So good. Having a person who can drive to drive me around is also quite enjoyable too. Haha. How I wish I have a boyfirend who can drive and have a car to drive me around. Oppz.
Ho, thanks for driving me around for the past few weeks ya, I really had a lot of fun. Thanks.
love goes around | 5:44 PM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Squeezing some time out from work to blog. Hee.
It was a long day yesterday like I say, work from 10am in the morning and after that headed to school (NYP) for band practice coz I agree in helping them to play for Sinfonia (which I think it's a wrong choice to). The whole session of practice was BORED. Haha. I was sitting alone beside Bari Sax, with two seats between me and Bari Sax empty, like I'm so deserted.
It's like a week before concert and the members are still not prepared for the pieces, still so many parts played wrongly. It's so disheartening to see all this. I can see from laoshi's face that he is like giving up hope. Sigh. Juniors, cherish laoshi ya?
After practice, headed home after eating with Simon. We walked home from Causeway Point. Chatted a bit while walking too. Then after I'm home, bath and headed to the bed straight away coz am super tired!!!
Another day of work today before weekend break, which I have to study and do my assignment. Sigh. But play first of course. Wahaha. Later meeting Jac and Karen to go DXO for some chill out. Chauffuer, coming to pick me up?? Wahah. Oppz, I mean Simon lah, coming to fetch me home today?? Hee.
Band practice for alumnus tomorrow after my lesson in the morning. Argh, can I don't go for tutorial???
love goes around | 3:21 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Went to work as usual today. I was pretty late as I forget to bring my mobile phone out, which I can't afford to forget today as so many people will be contacting me.
Helped my brother bring his working pants for him. Troublesome leh, haha. Luckily I don't need to go all the way to MRT Station to meet him.
Had my lunch with my office colleagues at Anchor Point (Shopping Center opposite IKEA). After that, went to IKEA with the so called head for the "MILK (mainly I love kids)". We left before then as we took cab. Unfortunately, we forgot the keys to the door and we (3 of us) we lock out, waiting for them to come back.
We only manage to get in at around 3pm plus. Lunch from 1.30pm to 3pm. Gosh~ The longest lunch break I've even went for. After I reach office, I start mugging with the database for the magazines.
Left office at around 5.30pm to meet Moo, as he said he wanted to meet me for dinner. We had ramen at the "别府" ramen shop at Far East Square. After having our dinner, sat there for about an hour to chat. Didn't talk much about our problem, instead we talk about our secondary school, our poly time, about being a student, about band. Initially I was thinking should we talk things out, but I really don't know how to start a conversation talking with him about all those problems. I have no idea how he think about it but I know he have really think quite a lot about it.
After that, we headed home on our seperate ways. We boarded the train at Raffles Place, and he alighted at City Hall to transfer train home, whereas I took the same train back to my area. As usual, my friend Simon came fetch me home again. Today didn't learn parking coz I was quite tired and my brain wasn't working very well, shutting down when I reach Admiralty. Haha.
Thanks to Instructor Ong, he draw me two picture to teach me how to do parking on the road. Haha. Nice drawing somemore. Haha. I like it. Wahaha. Hopefully it's of good use. Elvin is definately a good driver, but also a very violent driver, coz he drive very fast. Haha. Thanks wor. Really!!!
Tomorrow will be another long day, gotta go for band practice in NYP after work.
Friday don't know if my friends are asking me out for some chilling session at DXO or not. I haven't do my homework, and Saturday I having my tutorial lesson from 9am to 1pm. Sigh.. Jialat.. But I don't care, I'll play hard first. Wahaha.
Ending off now. Haha. Turning in already.
love goes around | 11:24 PM