Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Wohoo, got my class 3 Driving license today. So happy that I finally pass my driving. No more incurring money into learning driving anymore. Haha.
Had my test this morning at 11.45am at Comfort Driving Centre (Kampong Ubi). I got this tester, named Yeo Chin Tian (Robert Yeo). I didn't know that he was one of the most difficult tester in the driving center until after I am on my way home when I was sitting in my instructor's car going back to Woodlands. I still thought he was a good tester and my instructor told me that most instructor very scared of this Robert Yeo, coz he very strict.
Well, lucky for me, today i didn't panic. I did everything smoothly, in the circuit and on the main road. No major mistakes. Got 16 demerit points and hence I pass. Wahaha.
After that, met up with Simon (a friend who stay near my house) to go for a KTV session, since I am having this singing kick. Went to Party World at Woodlands and sing from 2.30pm until 6.30pm.
After that, he went for tuition and I headed to NYP for band practice. Today, band practice was totally bored. Practiced the few pieces, I Will Survive, Hero and 洪湖 for so many times and the songs are super not nice. Sigh. I hope the concert on 1o November will be successful. Anyone need tickets can get from me, it's free. Haha. It starts at 7.30pm.
After that, took MRT back home then Simon came fetch me home. He super good lah, always wanted to fetch me home but always turned down by me, so sorry, 不好意思 ask you come all the way out and drive me just back home. Haha.
But he taught me how to do parking today. First time I drive after I got my official license. I don't know how to do parking with pole, that is the worst thing. I'm so afraid to hit other cars. Sigh. No guts man. I want to learn parking, and I need to be good in my parking, if not how to drive?? Haha. Will have to trouble people to teach me parking already. I'll be glad that people offer to teach me. Hee.
Alright, such a long entry today. I'll go watch 娱乐百分百 first, before I turn in. Blog again in possible tomorrow ba. Goodnight.
love goes around | 11:55 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006
It's a bad bad day for me today!! Had cramps last night before sleep, and it persist till this morning, and now, I still feel he pain on my stomach. I ate 4 panadols in the past 18 hours. Guess I've drank too much cold water for the past few weeks.
Had my last driving lesson today before I go for war ground tomorrow at Kampong Ubi @ 11.45am. Kind of nervous, but I can't coz I die die must pass this time round. My instructor told me he doesn't want to see me anymore, at most he pick up my call and I tell him, "hey Mr Yap, I introduce my friend to learn driving from you." Driving lessons are money sucker, cost so much to learn driving. Sigh. So, I mustn't fail this time. Please, god let me pass.
Now, I'm alone in office. Forget to bring my mobile today therefore cannot contact anyone, neither can anyone contact me. Haha. Luckily I'm not those who cannot live without a phone with me. Haha.
Take my leave now, gotta go home and rest. Wish me luck ya!!
love goes around | 5:57 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Having mood swing again?? I don't think so. I've went through a very deep thinking process and run into deep thoughts about my current situation. I'm trying to get myself busy, and stop myself from thinking about anything that will make me unhappy, but then whenever I stop my busy life, my mood just swing.
This morning, i was thinking should I ask for a seperation with Moo for a while to simmer everything and let each other have ample time to think through what we actually want and what we actually go for? Are our goals the same? Are we the one for each other? I really wanted to tell him this but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'm feeling very tight up inside me, I really need some release. I want to release myself and yet I didn't want to hurt Moo, and didn't want to lose him either. I know people reading this will think that I'm stupid, I'm silly, and contradicting, but I can't help it. I really have no idea what I should do.
Seperation doesn't mean I don't love him. But I'm just too tired to hold on to this relationship that have no progression. I hate hurting people, and I hate this situation. I always wanted a sweet sweet love, a simple love, which we could love each other simply and don't bother how others look at us, but why can't mine be what I expect? I never have a wonderful love (excluding honeymoon period) and I always put my 100% for the one I love, but why???? Why am I always been treated this way?? Can't I get better treatment from the one I love??
I'm starting to give up hope on relationship, give up hope in the 4 letter word 'LOVE'. What is love? I can never be able to define it, until I am able to find the real real one for me. When will I find one then? I have no idea. I'm closing up my door, I'm not allowing anymore people to enter my garden which I have protected for years. I love him, but I have no choice. Someone please enlighten me and help me.
love goes around | 7:34 PM
It's been quite some time since I last blog.
Started my new "Data Extrating" job at Global Mag and it was quite a relaxing job I should say, other than the target that I have to meet and the copy and pasting of all the data from web to excel, but at least it's 'Own Time Own Target'. I'll be working until End of November, or maybe working there all the way since it's a part time job which doesn't really bothers about my working hours. Oh well, my working hours are rather short (10am - 5pm, 1 hr lunch break, $6 per hour pay).
Other than that I will have to start on my assignment soon before I leave it to the last minute to finish it, which isn't very good as the assignment is also my exam. Sigh.
Went to watch the 6th Global Chinese Music Award at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Heard a couple of nice nice songs and I really look up on Fish Leong, Gary and Eason. My Jay Chou got 3 awards, although he didn't turn up and Lee Hom got 2. So sad. If he was there, I'll be able to see him perform, in Singapore Live again. Sad Sad.
love goes around | 1:11 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
周杰伦 - POP JAM完全娱乐菊花台标清版 [21/09/06] 周杰伦
love goes around | 12:10 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
SELAMAT HARI RAYA PUASA to all my Malay Friends!!!
Was home all day today, being very 'guai' coz I have no money to go out do shopping and entertainment. Sob Sob Sob...
Wake up in the morning and I really really feel like going to the KTV to sing songs. My god, when will I get money to sing song's in the KTV room again??? **{Pondering}**
Wake up exceptionally early today [thanks to my brother and Zheng Long, talking so loudly early in the morning]. After that went for my shower before I sit in front of the computer and lay my fingers there until now.
Tomorrow will be my first day of work at Global Magazines, kind of excited as well as feeling sianz. No choice lah, must work for the money. Friday I'll be going to my sec sch friend's company to take a look at the other job, which she claim is sell water one. No harm taking a look anyway. If I can do that, I'll have extra income. She told me the job can add income to our pocket money as one month can earn up to $1000 - $2000. Don't know how true, shall see it with my eyes and believe it. Haha.
I shall enjoy all I can now and suffer tomorrow. Sigh. Bored. Life's boring!!!
love goes around | 6:01 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Really it's the lowest moment of my life now man!! I hate my life, and I really do hate.
I'm home early also not right, I'm home late also not right. What they want?? I know I need to bring in all the clothes when it rain but I really didn't know that there are clothes outside. It's already wet, what you want me to do? Reached home and the first thing get is scolding. I should choose to stay at the library to do my referencing or McDonald to surf net. Why should I be back home early and get scolding from YOU.
I really respected them, but why they always like to scold me, find faults in me?? I hate myself, and I really do.
Damn, feel like crying. I have been putting up a very strong front and I didn't cry even if I have been to the lowest of my life. But why everyone is making me feeling even more bad.
Still, I would like to thank Simon for lending me money. I'll return you the money as soon as possible.
And I really hate driving lesson. Really!!!!!!!!!!!
love goes around | 5:23 PM
张艺谟 - 满城尽带黄金甲 - 主题曲周杰伦 - 菊花台 MV周杰伦 - 红模仿 MV
love goes around | 12:42 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
在"youtube" 找到这些录影,经典喔。我在“娱乐百分百”的单元里喜欢的其中之一。超好笑的。
单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”《忘情森巴舞》(19/09/06) Part 1/6 Energy vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”(19/09/06) Part 2/6 Energy vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”《青春不流白》(19/09/06) Part 3/6 Energy vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”
(19/09/06) Part 4/6 Energy vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”(19/09/06) Part 5/6 Energy vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”《冷水澡》(18/10/06) Part 1/6 F.I.R. vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”
(18/10/06) Part 2/6 F.I.R. vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”《波斯猫》 (18/10/06) Part 3/6 F.I.R. vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊” (18/10/06) Part 4/6 F.I.R. vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”(18/10/06) Part 5/6 F.I.R. vs. 单飞比较红 “百分百大对刊”《自由》
love goes around | 1:25 PM
Just reach home from my clubbing night out!! Well well well, I'm still awake alright?? I still can type each single alphabet frm the keyboard correctly k. Haha.
Went to Zouk just now. Wasn't that fun actually. When we step in, there was people in the club house, it's like we are the first few to enter. Haha. So embarrasing. Then we found a table near the dance floor and sat there and drink till around 12.30am before we all migrate todance floor to dance. Haha.
Well, should I consider myself dancing on the dance floor for the first time?? I'm not a dancer, but just shake my body around. Left that place at 1am and caught a cab home.
Next outing will be eith 3/4th Nov - DXO. Haha. Anyone wana be my chuffuer then?? Wahaha. he one that follows that will be 11 Nov - Jacqueline's birthday. Planned to stay out till late, anyone allow me to camp at their house?? Wahaha. Chuffuer too. Haha.
Alright, gotta wake up early in the morning tomorrow. So gotta bath and sleep very soon (but bro using the toilet... ROARS). Tomorrow see if I going for singing or not. Need sponsors wor. Haha. before that will go Library to get my book!!
For now, goodnight!!!
love goes around | 2:04 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Rot at home as planned yesterday night and now I really don't have the mood to leave home. Just feel like staying home. Wake up this morning and my mood today wasn't very good. No idea why too. It's like something is pressing my heart or something. Just don't feel good, my heart is so heavy.
Don't have any feeling to meet Moo today. I should be very eager to meet him, but yet I doesn't have mood to meet him. Have I lost interest in him?? I have really no idea. Nevertheless, I still when on with what is planned, going "Zouk" with them. Meeting them at 8pm at Orchard MRT Station. Will leave that place at around 11pm I guess. How I wish I have a car so I can drive... but cannot also, coz cannot drink and drive. Sigh. Chuffuer anyone??
Nothing much to blog already. tomorrow think will go library after my morning reitals at my grandpa house. Gotta wake up at 7am tomorrow and go my grandpa house at 8pm. God~~ Super early loh. But nevermind, wake up early means I can do more things. KTV in the morning tomorrow anyone?? But I'm broke!! Argh~~~ *ROARS*
In love with this song “我以为” by Sam Lee. I find it so nice, so sad.
06'07.29爱世代渔人码头演唱会~我以为Think I'll go iron my clothes and groom myself a bit before I leave home. Blog again tomorrow then.
love goes around | 6:14 PM
Quiz 1:1. Single or taken?-
Taken.2. Are you happy with your life now?-
Not really. Feel so miserable. =(3. When you meet the right person,will you fall in love with him immediately?-
Don't think so, I'm quite retarded with my own feelings, that cause me to miss my great chance.4. Have you ever had your heart broken?-
What you think??5. Do you believe that under some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?-
I don't know. I personally think cheating in any sense is not acceptable, but what if the person did it coz he/she have no choice. As long as I don't know, I'll accept.6. Would you take someone back if he cheats on you?-
If I know that he cheats me, I'll not forgive him. So the best thing is, If you CHEAT, DON'T let me KNOW.7. If someone likes you now,what's the best way to let you know his feelings?-
I have no idea at all. Treat me nicely and touch my heart. That's the most important thing.8. Do you enjoy getting into a relationship?-
I enjoy courtship, which I never really experience one. I enjoy getting into relationship but I don't like relationship going downhill.9. Do you believe in love at first sight?-
Erm.. I don't think so. Love at first sight = crush. Haha. Love develops over time.10. Do you like romantic surprises?-
Of course. Anyone who gives me ROMANTIC SUPRISE will definately give me a great shock and bring a smile to my face!!! That is ROMANTIC SUPRISE only.11. Do you believe you can change someone?-
Of course I believe coz I did change someone before. But I'm now questioning on my skills on that.12. If you could get married somewhere,where would it be?-
Anywhere romantic. I love romantic places. Places where you will drive down the tears of people who attended the ROM.13. Do you have feelings for someone right now?-
I think I still have.14. Are you missing someone right now?-
I have no feelings in me at this point of time. Just don't feel good now.Quiz 2:qns : What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
Testing on some clothing that I planned to wear out later.qns : What are your fave sports?
That will goes to Volleyball. I don't mind Cycling if it is considered a sport.qns : Do you cry most of the time you have problems?
I think so. My tears fall very easily.qns : Did you have a fight with someone today?
Nope. I don't fight, neither do i quarrel.qns : What are your fave subjects?
Physics, Pysical Education, Musicqns : Who cheers u up most in your life?
Someone I endure as in "Buddy".qns : Do u like to chat?
Yes, of course. I love to.qns : last chat?
Online - A split seconds ago. Phone - Yesterday night while waiting for bus.qns : Do you like to laugh?
I'm a person who laughs a lot. But realise that my laugh nowadays like not so much already. Sad!qns : Last testi from? What's the testi about?
Cecilia, about our testimonial war with Li Teng.qns : Last text message from? What about?
Moo. About the meeting time, which I think I'm the last one to be informed. ='(qns : Last food?
Chicken Cutlet Noodleqns : Do you have an exam?
Of course. Mine not project based.qns : Do you think people who like to study is a lot are nerds?
Erm, depends. But mostly are. Haha. But there are exceptionals too.qns : What's your opinion about long distance relationship?
I think it's risky and very difficult to maintain. I look up to those who can maintian it very well.qns : About love at the first sight?
Erm I don't agree with love at first sight. Love at first sight = crush. Haha. Love develops over time.qns : Did you ever love sumone but he/she didnt like you?
Yes!! Experience that during my sec sch period when I fall for my senior in Volleyball but he rejected me.qns : Have you ever hurt sumone who u love so much?
Yes, I did. Sorry.qns : Do you like your school?
I don't really like my school now. But I can't do anything also.qns : Do you have a new bestfriend?
Don't think so. I think I only have one best friend, and that's my buddy. He know's who he is.qns : Do you have sumthing you must do right now?
Iron my clothes, get change and leave home.Quiz 3:NAME 13 OF YOUR FRIENDS THAT YOU CAN THINK OF RIGHT NOW.
1. Jun Hong
2. Moo
3. Karen Lim
4. Simon
5. Jacqueline
6. Xiuhui
7. Alvin
8. Uncle Peter
9. Elvin
10. Eric
11. Kok Hong
12. Eileen Zheng
13. Qing Hong
How did you meet no.10?-
TCC @ CityLink while I met him for a discussion about Alumni Band stuff.What would you do if you had never met no.1?-
My life will be very very dull now.What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?-
If they really love each other, I'll send them my greatest wishes, but under one condition, me and 2 is no longer in a relationship.Have you seen no.4 cried?-
No wor.. I don't want to see. I'll cry too.Do you think no.10 is cute?-
A guy with great knowledge, organized, hardworking and can communicate very well.How did you get to know no.8?-
When I had my attachment at Teleperformance.Would you ever go on a date with no.12?-
Of course, we always had out dates.What's no.7 fave colour?-
I have no idea. Never asked before.What would you do if no.6 expressed his/her love for you?-
I'll say "You Crazy Arh???"Fact about no.9.-
Smoker, but I can see he is a sweet boyfriend. Always very indecisive on things but definately a great friend to have.Who is no.4 going out with?-
How will I know. It's his freedom what?? Wahaha.Who is no.5 to you?-
Friend.Would you ever live with no.13?-
Kidding, NEVER.Is no.2 single?-
No.What do you think about no.3?-
A fun-loving person who thinks a lot at times. Hesitatant. What's the best thing about no.8?-
Understanding and a person I could talk to. Somemore he is a 100% gentleman.What do you like about no.11?-
He always goes with what I like. He never force me. Very concern about me.Fave memory with no.6?-
So many!!! All memories are my favourite.
love goes around | 5:22 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
I'm back home!! For those who didn't know, I went back to help my ex ex shop supervisor look after her shop for 2 days as she will be away to Thailand.
Wake up exceptionally early this morning as I'm having a job interview (for those who didn't read the previous blog, I went to a publishing firm for interview). I'm very lucky to have that job for myself, starting next Wednesday. Hee. First time I get a job so fast and so smoothly. It's located a bit far away, at Tanjong Pagar (Amoy Street) -- Gd Food!!! Wahaha. But really need money urgently, so must work. My duty is to extract data from the web to put it onto excel (target = 8000 names). Gosh~ I wonder if I am able to hit that number or not. Pray Hard.
Went to work early today and look after the shop for the whole day, from 11am to 10pm. Today's still alright. Quite a lot of customers. When there isn't custoemr, I read the magazine. While reading the magazine (TEENS), I came across this article that really relates to my situation. Therefore I continue reading and to my amazed, it 100% fits my situation. It's about coping with relationships even if you are apart with your partners. Due to copyright matters, I cannot type out the article here, if interested please get a copy of TEENS November 2006 issue (Yes!! It's Jay Chou Cover) and turn to page 104 & 105 for the article. It's a good knowledge to know.
Tomorrow will be a boring day coz nothing to do. No band practice due to Deepavali. [LOST] If go with plan, will be going clubbing with Moo and friends. Actually, I really don't feel like clubbing (I'm a pubber, not a clubber) bur coz Moo asked, so I go [never rejected Moo before, and once I say I'll go I'll go, but realise that it's not the case for him. Sigh].
My reserved book from "Reporsitory Used Book Collection has arrived at Woodlands Regional Library, and I can go ahead with my book research very soon, maybe Monday after my driving lesson. Haha.
I really feel like going KTV, singing. But I'm already so broke!! HOW TO SING???? Sob Sob Sob...
Anyway, here is a video clip that could brighten up the dull day of yours. Funny video clip.
NTU Student Suvey
Enjoy!!! =)
love goes around | 11:46 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Last day of my "Research Writing in Academic Community" module. It's kind of sad coz the teacher was so fun. She is a real opptimistic kind of a teacher, never get angry with us, even if our class is so noise. Here a back view of Dr. Brooke Hessler. She is such a helpful teacher, always bring a smile with her. And also the picture of the "good luck" cum "farewell" gift she made for each of us in class (we have 30 in our class).
Went to collect my certificate as well today, if not have no idea when I'll collect it. Yippee.. I got my Advance Diploma Cert for Arts in Mass Communications. So happy. Hee. Thought the transcript is not so nice due to the 2 "C"s I got, but overall, I'm still happy!! Hee. A few shorts of the certificate, which is so nice.
The Folder for the Transcript & Certificate. Beautifully done. I Like!!!
My Certificate - Advanced Diploma of Arts in Mass Comunications
My Transcript - which contains A, B, and Cs. Sigh. I HATE Cs.
Overall inner look of the folder. Beautiful!!
After school, went to my ex ex company (hybridZONE) to help my ex ex superbisor look after the shop as she is flying off to Hong Kong again for some coporate thingy. Will be looking after the shop for today and tomorrow (full day). Will have to go open shop and rot there for the whole 10 hours. Argh!!
Will have to transfer money to Eric for the bookings of VCH Concert Hall. NYP and NTU Alumni Band split half, each paying 1.6K. Man!! hanks to Eric, he have written a cheque to pay for it in advance, and I have to pay him 1.6K latest by Monday. Gosh~~ Now, two person has already said they are unable to fork out the $160 each, and I have to think of ways to cover up the $380 for them. Somemore, I myself also don't have money, that's the worst part. Argh!!! Someone help!!!
Need to look for sugar daddies DESPERATELY.
In Desperate Look For SUGAR DADDIES!!! SUGAR BROTHERS oso can!! Maybe SUGAR BOYFRIEND considered too!!!
Interested, please TAG on my TAGBOARD!!!
Muhahaha.... Think I'm going crazy, sooner or later. Haha.
K lah, I've gota go, tomorrow still have to wake up early to go for an interview at a Magazine company (hope that accept me, I'm really BROKE). Wish me luck...
MK0203 people + Eileen, check out this Forum created by Elvin: http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Buddyship_Forum/index.php
Cool Forum though!! It's place on "My Links" too.
Take care till the next time I blog.
love goes around | 11:05 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Today din go school, or rather don't feel like going to the school.
Did some research yesterday and decided to change my research question. Found quite a lot of materials for that topic compared to my previous one. Happen to find a book title, therfore when to the online library catalogue to search for it, and I FOUND IT! Haha. But it's categorized under the Repository Used Book Collection Reference Section, therefore I have to place a reservation and can only collect the book to read next week (I hope).
After that, I went to McDonald at Civic Center so that I could go online. Use my laptop there until arould 5 plus then left for Lot 1 to get my sistic tickets, before I forget. Collected the ticket that I've reserved for the 6th Global Music Award on the 28th Oct. Walked around there, and saw nothing great, and left that place for home.
Tomorrow will be the last day of my lesson for the module before my tutorial start. After class tomorrow, I'll have to head straight to Tampines (yes.. Tampines again) to help take over the shop from my ex ex supervisor as she is going overseas for some merchandise viewing. I'll have to take over the the shop for two days, tomorrow evening and Friday full day from 11.30am to 10pm.
Got a few calls from some companies today after sending in my resume for jobs during my vacation. Will be going for an interview on Friday morning before opening the shop. Hope I'll get the job coz it a magazine company -- Global Magazines Pte Ltd. Haha. Future prospects. Muhaha. Oppz.
Saturday will be going to "Zouk", or maybe "Dbl O". No idea where too. Moo asked me to go. Then I only know that he actually sms the other gals, Jac, Xiu, etc for the clubbing session today from Jac. He didn't tell me he is asking them. Sigh. So Sat will be going out till late night again, but I have to reach home earlier coz Sunday got important event at home, and I have to be home. Sigh. Who can be my chuffuer for the night?? Haha. Thinking too much.
Alright, I'll get back to my work now. Blog again when time permits. Meanwhile, take care everyone.
love goes around | 10:38 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
“在你心中陈子盛占据着最重要的位置,你对陈子盛的感觉用《简单爱》这首歌来形容再好不过了。你相信这是上天安排的缘分,因为你深深的爱着陈子盛 。 对于林俊宏 ,也许是宿命吧,虽然你也喜欢林俊宏 ,但是你们注定不可能在一起,就象《菊花台》中唱的一样。
郑诗涵是最关心你的人,而林楚娟是最了解你的人,你们两个在一起会彼此有知己的感觉。 李绣惠是你的幸运星,也许会给你带来好运气的哦~!~!~!
love goes around | 11:34 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
My mood now wasn't any better than yesterday. Maybe a bit better, but I still feel real bad and tight up inside me.
Woke up extremely early this morning, no idea why. I can't sleep well this few night. I think I'm having some sleeping disorder. I will flip here and there on my bed at night and wake up early in the morning at around 7.30a.m. ad hardly can get back into sound sleep. What happen to me??
I did such a stupid thing yesterday night. I went around smsing people some stupid messages which I shouldn't have did it. Well, the question just came to my mind and I just send out the question to the person I feel I want to send it out to.
Sorry if I made you misunderstood my sms, sorry if I had made you worried. I'm rather fine now, although I might be deceiving myself. But, well I'm trying to be fine ok!!
Went for my driving lesson this morning and everything went through smoothly. I realise Ihad become mroe daring in driving. I tend to speed. Shit. Control. Before you get license, never speed. Remember. Haha. Book several lessons with my instructor. My first circuit lesson will start next Monday. Pray hard. I hate crane course. Argh!!!
Received the revised sponsorship letter from Eric and wow, it was so nicely done. Still console me say mine was good, his was even better. Now that the letter is done, we are a step nearer to finding sponsors for our concert. We can send out the letter anytime already. Yeah!!
Latest news!! NTU Symphonic Band Alumni got their official website up already. It look darn professional I can tell you!! It makes me think that our's are like so kiddish. Hmm, but well, we have our difference in our own way. They are matured band, and we are Gen Y band, haha.. Check out their website
http://www.ntusbalumni.org.sg/Finshed my reseached for my academic paper and it's time for me to take a rest, was some Tv and sleep.
love goes around | 12:22 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I was in a sleeping mood yesterday, and it was for the whole day. Probably due to the drink the night before. Woke up at around 12nn and rush to bath and headed out for bandroom coz after I leave the things in the bandroom, I have to run and look for my keys. Yes, my keys. They were lost the nigt before outside the KTV pub.
Luckily, I found them! Couldn't see the sight of my key pouch, then went to ask the uncle at the shop in front of the place we sat there on Friday night. He then dig from his barang barang box and ask if it was the one. I saw the pouch, and a smile on my face immediately show. Uncle ask me to check if anything is lost, which I told him the most important thing was the keys. After thanking him several times, I went over to the opposite of the road to flag a cab to school as I know if I took a bus, I'll be very late.
Reached school earlier than I expected, and rush all my way to the bandroom. To open the bandroom door in suprise, I got a shock that there were so many people in the bandroom. Gosh~ I never see the alumni band practice bandroom so full before. I know from then on, laoshi is quite happy (can just see from his face expression). Although I'm very happy to see so many people for alumni practice, but also gave me a fear that after this practice, the coming practice will not be the same again, meaning no people attend for practice again, then what's the point?
I love seeing a big band, the feeling is really different. I also love seeing laoshi happy, it'll make you enjoy practice too.
After that went for dinner at AMK. We had a VIP table sia. Haha. Guan Han and David took cab and they found a table which is quite out of the place at S11, which is so prominent that at one glance, you'll definately see US. I had Spicy Seafood Ramen and Lime Plum Juice. After meals, we sat there chit-chat awhile and split ways, with some going home and some going for some arcade games.
Played a game of DDR and a game of Pop & Music before heading home. Went home exceptionally early which seldom happen on a Saturday. After my shower, I on the com and do some emails and stuff before I knock out.
Gave Moo 2 messages on his phone, but didn't get any responds from him. From time to time throughout my sleep, when I flip on my bed, I'll check my phone and it's silent, no replies and responds from him. Think I checked my phone for at least 3-4 times. When finally I woke up at around 12.30pm, I checked again and still, no responds.
I admit I was angry and upset at the same time. gave him another sms asking "Did you receive my sms?? Why can't even reply me and give me an anknowledgement to know that you got my sms??"
Idiotic Moo gave me such an excuse that he was busy with the scores just now. I smsed him last night and he told me he was busy with scores just now. What's that? So I replied him once and for all "What just now? I sms u last night, not just now. nevermind then. That's it. Don't have to reply. Continue with your scores." He did replied and say,"don't like that lah... sorry..."
I didn't reply him. And I want to be firm with it. I didn't want to reply him, I didn't want to sms him, anymore. today was our 1yr 8mth together and he made me angry and upset. I didn't want that to affect my mood, and it did. Shit. I didn't mind him not accompanying me, I didn't mind him not saying
Happy Anniversary to me, I didn't mind him going for band, I didn't mind him for playing games and reading comics, I didn't mind him from doing scores, I didn't mind him not calling me, didn't mind him not smsing me during weekdays. I had already control myself a lot for not being angry, but why?? Why can't he just reply my sms?? Just a few clicks on the phone keypad to reply me really so difficult?
What am I?? Am I just something, someone that when he needed to tell me sorrows then he will sms me?? Am I?? I'm having the feeling of being used by him, and really I did. I just don't feel the importance of me to him. I'm like lined at the back of his list, the last priority, after his family, his games, comics, sleep, band, bunk mates, everything. Argh... I feeling so sucky now. I'll end here.
love goes around | 3:25 PM
Behind the Scene of "Tui Hou" MV
Thanks to Wai Leng, coz I saw it on her blog and decided to share it with the people who read my blog. Hee. With a short B-Boxing from Jay too.
love goes around | 2:21 PM
Saw from Vanessa's blog about this site where you can run your face recognition with that of the celebreties. Haha. Fun I would say. It's cool seeing the results. Try it on!! Haha.

love goes around | 1:29 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Went for singing yesterday night (with Elvin, Kris, Trendy, Suvin, Catherine, Kenny and Eileen), of course we drink too. Going to such places will never run away from drinking, especially with them. Haha.
Quite an enjoyable night I would say, except the last part of the gathering. Almost everyone was drunk, or should I say half of the group was badly drank.
Seeing my best friend in poly so deep in sorrow, I myself can't controlled my tears. They just rolled down automatically as I see her cried in sorrow, so bitterly. I really hate myself right at that time because I really can't do anything to stop her. I understand her feeling, but then seeing one of your close friends so sad, you will not be controlled and blame yourself for being useless because you can make her smile and stuff.
In the end, I gave up in consoling her, just let her cry all her heart out, shout all she can. I know she have been keeping all this sadness in her for so long. If my buddy pass away just like that, I know I'll not be as strong as her now. I seems to be strong, but I'm not. I really look up on her. Even if she is sad, she is deep in sorrow, she will still ask me "Am I alright?", "Am I able to go home??".
Thinking back, I had really didn't been there for her when she needed, partly because she never once want her friends to worry for her. I love her, and I mean it. I hate seeing her like that. It makes my heart bleed.
Gal, you know who you are if you read my blog. I know you are sad, I know you have tried very hard to be as strong as you should. Of course I hate seeing you sad, but if really you need someone's shoulder to cry on or lay on, come look for me. Although I'm not as strong (you know best), but I can always lend you one, and of course, we can cry together. You know I'm best at crying. So don't hesitate, text me when you need me. I'll rush down for you!! AND I MEAN IT.
love goes around | 2:45 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
Recently I had this fear to sleep, even though I'm tired. I have experienced very scary moments while I was sleep, or should I say when I was about to wake up.
It's not the first time that I had this bad experience. Is the red light of my health been lighted up?? i really hope it not and it's only my subconcious that is play trick on me.
Have been on for quite some time, just before I was about to wake up (I suppose), I had this difficulties in breathing. I felt like there is something choked up my throat, preventing oxygen from getting into my lungs. I forced myself to breath everytime, but it's really difficult. At times, I wish I could open my eyes and jump up to gasp for the air I needed but I could do so. The feeling is like someone is strangling you and you feel you will die any moment in time. Thinking back, my hair stands and still have the fear with me.
What has happen to me?? I didn't want to tell my parents about this as I didn't want them to worry about me. I didn't want to tell my friends as well as I didn't want they to worry too. I can't tell anyone, not even Moo (coz I believe he won't have any reaction to that).
I'm scared, but I can't turn to anyone. What if I die just like that?? I know I'll regret about many things that I haven't fulfilled. My dreams, my goal, and so on. I didn't want to jist go like that. That's why I had not been sleeping well this few nights, asI really fear I'll just go like this in sleep.
love goes around | 2:36 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Jay Chou - Tui Hou Full MV {HOT!!!}
love goes around | 1:04 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Didn't have alumni band practice on Saturday due to a performance that clashes with the time of ours. Therefore, I and Karen went to buy Meiting's borthday present and shop around PS before heading for her chalet at Pasir Ris.
Slept at around 4am that very night and was waken up by the noise pollution made by Meiting'd relatives, early in the morning at around 8 plus. Gosh~ I nearly jump up and shouted "SHUT UP!!" Luckily they went out for food shortly after and I get to slp for another hour or so peacefully. Yet again, I was waken up again by them coz they kept coming in and out of the room and asking "what time you all want to sleep until..." Unwillingly, the bunch of us (5 including Meiting) wake up at around 11.30am.
Later on at night, it was Meiting's big day, her Birthday Celebration. Helped her to blow balloons and decorate her chalet before everyone arrived. Stayed a little longer till about near to 11pm and we made our leave.
Reached home slightly before 12mn, and headed for my bed after a quick bath.
Monday was the first day of my school for my new module. Just before I went to school, I packed my stuff for the day and went to my laptop bag to get my folder.

To my suprise, I saw a plastic bag in it. Took out and take a look at what is inside and it was a card and a piggy handphone accessory. It was actually for me. Took a few shots for memories. Hee. I was touched right at the moment when I was reading it. Actually he knows what he is weak in and know what he isn't doing enough on. I'm really glad about it. Thanks Moo for that. I was given a suprised, and thanks for the gift too.
At night, I went for a KTV session with Simon at Civic Center. We sang at the hall, and it was my first time singing in the hall. It was a great experience although it's a bit boring. I still prefer singing in a room, at least I can sing more. Haha. Leave Party World at around 11.30pm. While singing, I saw a few of my brother's secondary school friends, Chee Beng, Liang Teck, etc... Initially thought my brother with them but after I asked, he wasn't.
When for lesson as usual today. Lesson today was rather fun, though I was showered with more concepts about research and .... BIG HEAD MAN!!! After which I went to NYP to sort out some scores and bring them out for printing. Heard their playing while practice, I really feel it's kind of like suffering to the ears. I'm not trying to be sacastic but i can really heard the band going out of tune even when they are having warm ups. OMG~ Long term staying in such environment will definately damage the ears and make someone inmmue to perfect pitch. Juniors arh, practic hard and buck up in your tuning and pitching arh. Open your eyes and see the dynamic ya.
Tomorrow will be lesson again from 2pm to 5.30pm. After which, movie time... Yeah~~ After so long never watch a movie that I wanted to watch. Tomorrow shall be watching "The Depart". Hope it is a good show. I wana watch World Trade Center too. Hmm.. Moo, please bring me to watch... Hee..
Alright, guess I'll get going with my research log writing. Blog again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Till then, take care k.
love goes around | 11:55 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006

Wow~ Got to know something that I alays have been waiting for man, it's "The Phantom of the Opera". Oh my god, it's coming to Singapore next year. I'm so so excited about it. They will be in town from next year March onwards all the way until April.
alright, alright.. Calm myself down, you may want to find more information about it at this website:
http://www.sistic.com.sg. I will definately go watch it man, so it's time to save some money for the musical. $160 per category 1 ticket.
I've been waiting for it for like years all the way from my secondary school period, thinking back it's like about 6 to 7 years of long wait. Finally, it's here and I mustn't miss it, NEVER. I know someone will definately accompany to watch it coz he promise me year back that he will accompany me to watch it if it comes to Singapore. So buddy, it's time for YOU to keep up to your promise.
Feel like catching some nice movies next week as I saw some nice movie poster around. I will definately watch "World Trade Center" and maybe "Departed". Both seems to be nice shows. Hee. WHo will accompany to watch?? Or I'll have to watch the movies ALONE again. Hmm...
Moo wanted to watch "Death Note". As usual, it was scripted as to what the comics is. Therefore, he wanted to watch. Anything related to comics, he'll never let it slip off his hand one. Sigh.
It's Mid-Autumn Festival today, and as usual I'm alone. Moo had to book in today. Sigh. Anyway, even if he didn't book in today, or he book out today, I'll still be alone. I'm always ALONE during festives. So what's the status of having a boyfriend?? I'm pondering too. Haha. Well, I'm used to it already. I've been always alone during festive seasons from don't know when, so one more festive season alone won't add any difference to the amount too.
Alright, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all people. Have a good reunion dinner with your family members for those eating home, for those having friends gathering, have a wonderful gathering with your friends. Enjoy!!!
love goes around | 5:55 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Resumed my driving lesson today. It was a smooth journey throughout. Luckily I haven't forget my driving skills after about two months that I stop driving. Hee. Eventually, I will pass my driving practical this time round. Must relax. Haha.
Chatted with my ex-colleagues yesterday night online and I really miss them a lot man. We discussed about our next outing plan. I can't wait. Make it fast ya?? Hee.. Here are some pictures we took during our first outing. Miss it man.

See how cute are they. Expressive face they have leh!! Hee.

Here are some of the wonderful stuff I got during Saturday while shopping with Karen at Marina Square. A musical note tape and a measuring tape look alike tape. Cheap wor, $2 for 3. Get them from Mini Toons.
Wahaha.. Another Jay Chou Picture taken on the MRT. Wahaha. Nah~ this picture is not place on the MRT advertising billboards, it was on the UW Magazine. Karen took it using my phone from the cover page of the UW Magazine. Wah, pro photo taking skills leh. Hee. He getting more and more charming. Wahaha.
Revamp my blog. Saw some celebrities blog address from Vanessa's blog. Wah~ Their blog are nice. Therefore, I have a section under my link as "Star Links" with all the blog address of the star. Hee. I bet you all will like it. Heehee. Anyone who knows Jay's blog, please tag me k?? I wana have his blog link too so that I can go visit his blog every now and then. Can't support him physically, but well mentally oso can.
love goes around | 5:05 PM
Was so pissed with someone which I think I shouldn't name it here, if you all know it, means you all know, if not then please don't come ask me.
Let me quote this incident. I was to pass the bandroom key to someone so that the main band people can get hold of the key easily during weekdays. I have suggested dropping the keys into the key drop at the SAO Office if I was unable to pass the key to anyone.
The recent Saturday which had past, as PY left the practice early, I was not able to pass the key to him. Therefore, I went all the way to Level 4 SAO Office to deop the key into the key drop before I went off away from school.
I admit that I forget to inform her about the whereabout of the keys which made her called quite a few people to ask if they had the keys. But first, why can't se call or sms me to ask me at the first place who did I pass the key to? Why must she call so many people before calling me and smsing me asking where is the key?
Nevermind, I admit it was all my fault. And she reminded me to remember to tell her next time, I emphasize NEXT TIME where is the key so that she won't have called so many people asking if the key is with them or not.
Of course I was guilty making her do all the calling which have was her talk time and stuff. Therefore I apologised.
Today, I got to know that the main band will be having a performance on this coming Sat, which is like last minute. Even though it's last minute, can't she give me an sms or notice about the performance as Saturday alumni will be having practice at during the late afternoon. If WL didn't inform me, I believe she will have kept quiet and Saturday, I'll get all the faults for not communicating with the main band. But now, who is at fault? She knows very well that we have practice every Sat, doesn't her? She always gave me an excuse that she have a whole lot of things to do and that slipts off her mind but that can't be the excuse all the time. I should have smsed her sacastically and tell her that in future PLEASE inform me about any events that fall on Sat early so that I can inform my members about the cancel of practice or postpone od practice. But I think I'll choose not to be so sacastic. I'm a good person. I don't like to play revenge.
People reading this, you judge. Where am I wrong? I have made everything all easy for them and they made things difficult for me?? That's it. I had enough. I'll end this entry.
love goes around | 1:11 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Back from a swim. Heehee. Went for a swim with Moo this evening at Jurong. Went to the Swimming Complex near Chinese Garden. Well, someone was late lor, and he's very late. I don't deny tat I was late too, but at least I reached at 4.10pm when we was to meet at 4pm. Guess wat time that Moo came?? He only appear at ten till five. I salute you!!!
While waiting for Moo, I was sitting in KFC listening to my MP3. The piece "Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew" played through my ears and I heard this beautiful melody from the horns. Why I never hear it when we were practicing that piece?? Think I should open my ears to listen to nice melodies rather than those bad bad out of tune sounds from someone beside..... Whoopz...
Went in to the swimming complex and get change before jumping into the swimming for a few lapses.After swimming a few lapses, me and Moo float in the water to chat for about half an hour. Also don't know what so much to chat about, we just chat and chat till he complain he was hungry.
Before we went to wash up, the wave section started to drive and Moo suggested going there to talk a look. As I'm not very good in swimming, therefore I was always standing at the side of the pool, afraid of being sweep into the deep deep pool, and I'll be drown!! Wahaha.
After washing up, we decided where to settled down for our dinner when Moo suggested going to Swensens. Someone is rich already huh! That idiot told me he don't have money, and said I have card so I treat. I shooted him that I always treat him and the times he treat me like I can count using my fingers. He was like protesting, "where got??". After we queued for swensens, I ordered Breaded Chicken while Moo ordered Fish and Chips. He bluffed me that he didn't bring money, which initially he did. In the end, he say he pay for the meals. Heehee.. So happy. Got a free dinner. Wahaha. Seldom leh, that's why I'm happy.

This was my Breaded Chicken. I concluded that the breaded chicken from Swensen is SUCKS... It's not nice at all. Regretted choosing it..
Final conclusion, The only breaded chicken that is nice now is the one from Cafe Catel, till the next better one ome to my mouth, that will stay in my No. 1 food list. Wahaha.

This was Moo's choice, which I should be choosing. Fish and chips. I still think Swensens is only good at their Fish and Chips. Sigh. Sadded.
After that, we went shopping for awhile before we proceeded home. Won't be seeing Moo for another few days I guess till Sunday arrives. Sadded.
Tomorrow I'll resume my driving lessons again. Kinda nervous cos I'm like a month never drive already, no idea if I still remember how to park and drive well or not. Hopefully tomorrow will not stall in the middle of the road. Argh.
Gotta go.. Tomorrow gotta wake up early for lessons. Heehee. Shall blog again some time soon.
love goes around | 11:53 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Jay Chou (ting ma ma de hua) - MV
HOT!!! It's just out from the pot!!! Haha... Manage to find only one of this new Jay Chou Video from youtube.... Share with all of you people... But I still like the previous one... Herbalist Manual... Nicer... Anyway, he is getting more and more charming, so no matter which one it is, it's still nice!!! Wahaha...
love goes around | 1:37 AM